Bunnypuncher's daily giveaway 5/30/2018 - 15 SBD total in prizes

in contest •  6 years ago  (edited)

It's your upvotes that make this contest happen.

Daily giveaway 5/30/2018.

First Place: @blackpuma1x2
Second Place: @mohsin018
Third Place: @jerry2
Fourth Place: @apple96
Fifth Place: @salsabilaa
Sixth Place: @allyson19
Seventh Place: @anamul33
Eighth Place: @paulacmayog

Screenshot 2018-05-30 16.37.15_preview.png

Thank you everyone that has been upvoting and participating in my other contests. This one had such good feed back I'm going to increase the prizes to 15 SBD for today's contest. There will now be:

First Place: 5 SBD

Second Place: 3 SBD

Third Place: 2 SBD

Fourth Place: 1 SBD

Fifth Place: 1 SBD

Sixth Place: 1 SBD

Seventh Place: 1 SBD

Eighth Place: 1 SBD

The daily give-a-way winner will be selected at random from people that comment on this post. And I'll announce the winner the following day on the next day's contest post. I'll pull the list of entries from the comments approximately 24 hours after the post depending on my schedule. So unless you see the following day's post go ahead and add a comment. I'll will include entries right up to the last minute before I post the result and next contest.


I will do my very best to have a contest each day. However, I could without notice take a day or two off. On days that I'm off there may not be a contest so please try and be understanding if there is a couple of days without a contest.


To keep this simple and workable there will only be one rule. I don't want to disqualify new people or people that forget to resteem, upvote, and follow. I'm very appreciative of the upvotes and followers that participate in my contests. Please follow me so you can see the results of the contests.

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Suggested Daily Topic

Talk shows on TV are useless and boring.

Are they useless and boing ? Or are they informative and timely?

In case you don't know who I am here is my intro post from way back:

BunnyPuncher Don’t worry your bunnies are “fairly” safe!

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Very few quality talk shows are broadcast since last few years. I liked Opera Winfrey's shows. Popular talk show hosted by Oprah Winfrey where many of its topics penetrate into American pop-cultural consciousness. Recently I could not find any other talk show which could gather the masses.

You got a 50.00% upvote from @payforplay! Please consider delegating steem power to @payforplay. We are currently sharing 100% of our profits with our delegators. That's correct, 100%! It doesn't get better than that. It is essentially running your own bid bot without doing any of the work. Steem power can be delegated here: https://steembottracker.com/delegation.html

I think that sometimes talk shows are boring, superficial and trite, but at other times they are entertaining, informative and enlightening. It entirely depends on the topic, the guest, the host, and my mood. Although I found ‘13 Reasons Why’ an essential watch, the almost 1-hr run-time of its episodes were too lengthy to handle. There were instances of repetitiveness at various places and they could have been avoided.

You got a 50.00% upvote from @payforplay! Please consider delegating steem power to @payforplay. We are currently sharing 100% of our profits with our delegators. That's correct, 100%! It doesn't get better than that. It is essentially running your own bid bot without doing any of the work. Steem power can be delegated here: https://steembottracker.com/delegation.html

it depends who's talking.....the gossips can be intriguing, but i question the value of too much extreme negativity extracted from society....they make us look like we're surrounded by broken families and a heartless society....there is so much good going on, but this is often just not celebrated as it's not controversial or spectacular...

....personally i like the comedians and those who do satire are the best.....they at least bring laughter, joy, and a smile to the world

upvoted...thanks for sharing the love back with other Steemians @bunnypuncher

The late night talk shows can be funny, daytime talk shows are mostly mindless drivel.

Talk shows are usually held on TV to address existing issues that affect peoples lives. Most of them <i have watched are informative for example those that address issues to do with healthy living and lifestyle, politics in the nation and so on.
I think they are informative but am not so sure about them being timely.

It depends on the talk show. Celebrity gossip is extremely boring. I used to watch news talk shows regularly, and still do sometimes. You can learn from well-informed journalists. Likewise, a talk show with well-informed and/or humourous people can very engaging.

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To me, it seems that all talk shows are either mindless nonsense or focussed on sensationalising the perverse or the ugly underbelly of society. These show just seem to run out of topics and then need to shock people to keep them coming back.

It may be obvious, but I am not a fan.

The talk show is very boring because they like to gossip about others while the gossip about him is widespread
Ha ha ha

Pesbukers show that aired on tv tv indonesia is very boring

Hehehe you know if people hate the talk show is boring, that's the fact
Very true your topic mr. @bunnypuncher

If there are people who like the talk show was just the mothers who like ngegosipin others, for me such an event is very ,, very ,, boring

Indeed, events that are so tends to be boring do not have any benefits at all, very bad if it can not be aired again forever

I do not know what to comment about the talk show, but for me it's a bad show not worth to the show

Great people talk about ideas, middle people talk about experience, weak people talk about others

I think different people enjoy different types of TV shows.
So talk shows are as any other show, which only depend on the person watching it.
Each person will ONLY watch what they find interesting to them.
We can't judge for everyone.
Have a great day. 2018-05-28 07.33.30.jpg

I find it useless cause it is scripted. Ye it is really boring when you know that they are telling lies and you know the truth.

The only talk show I ever liked, was the Man Show with Jimmy Kimmel!!!!

Yes! It is true that some talk shows on TV are boring and useless. Yet, not all talk shows are useless and boring. There was a talk show I listened to last week, it was on relationship matters. Believe you me, I benefited a lot from it. I had a problem with my ex that caused the break up. It took me weeks to realise what really transpired. But after the talk show last week, I was able to gain clarity on the whole issue and today, such mistakes can't happen. This is a benefit of talk show to show its relevance. But at the same time, not all are these educative. As some can even make me fall asleep.
This is a great topic to deliberate on.

thanks for the giveaways keeping this steemit platform interesting

One can not succeed often because of lack of courage to try

You are not supposed to be like something" or wasted, the Hurt. Though you believe he is true love

Hypoxia is the decrease in oxygen that enters the tissue to the bottom of the physiologic level although adequate blood perfusion (blood flow through the pulmonary circulation).

There is more precious than money and gold that is time

when talk show will be about sports i am interested otherwise it is all just shit

@bunnypuncher .. Thanks for this wonderful opportunity.
I think that sometimes talk shows are boring, superficial and trite, but at other times they are entertaining, informative and enlightening.
It entirely depends on;

  1. The topic
  2. The guest
  3. The host
  4. My mood.

Trust can not be bought, but trust can be preserved.

I love talk shows but not those that talk only about politics. I hate those. I watch talk shows that talk about everyday things in life like The Talk and the Today shows. I just love them!

I dont watch tv
I Prefer to be on STEEMIT
cheers dear @bunnypuncher
Congrats to winners

As the number of talk shows on TV have increased I've seen a varying degree of them all become the same thing. No varying opinions or no discussion of ideas. They have are the same thing shooting the same message. It's like if they punch the same message into people we will all start to think the same. It would be nice if more shows were like what's in the internet. Where they can be different ideas from one another and we can discuss them in a meaningful way. I know it doesn't always happen but it would be much better if it happened.

Posted using Partiko Android

talk shows are scripted ,that takes away all the fun out .The person's inner beauty comes out only in spontaneity ,that is usually lacking in talk shows .But at odd times talk shows can be interesting and informative only if guest is intellectually sound and host can handle the team in a good way.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I think that sometimes talk shows are boring, superficial and trite, but at other times they are entertaining, informative and enlightening. It entirely depends on the topic.....

especially when there are conversations or debates about football or for example the 2018 World Cup, everything becomes informative, knowing who will play, who does not, and all that makes programs on television of conversation are productive and timely.

the growth of height at this age and the already adulthood that was previously impossible, it might be possible.

One of the most important things in life is not lies in victory, but in the pursuit of it

TV shows are not only boring but false and directed by the Government and I think this is the whole world but in Egypt more.... So I'm following an important rule in this thing that the TV brag says is good. I suppose it's a bad thing, which says it's bad. I suppose it's good and so.... The government goes to hell.

since everything is about what you are interested in what are the most striking topics that an information program can have if it really is something that catches your attention, of course it is useful but it is something for example that are happening some political issue may not help and bother us more because I think that all politics in the world is dirty.

Love the parents in earnest, because the love of parents never presents tears of sadness

Success often comes to those who dare to act successfully rarely come to the coward who dare not accept the consequences

i'm a lover of fashion talk shows, beauty talk shows, pageantry talk shows, rating of movies, songs talks shows and entertainment shows generally. So i wouldn't say talk shows in the categories i mentioned above, are boring and useless while the next person might see things the other way round.

Hujan yang deras membuat suasana begitu hening. Terbawa suasana hingga melamun, mengingat masa-masa paling indah dalam hidup, masa putih-abu

The heavy rain made the atmosphere so quiet. Carrying the atmosphere up to daydreaming, remembering the most beautiful moments of life, the gray-white period

all progress will not exist without error, error is part of progress as long as it is recognized and improved

With you exploiting various methods in increasing the existing height,

In the face of uncertain change Do not Wait passively, that change will improve us things to be optimistic active and full of initiative"

I feel talk shows are really a waste of time specially those which discuss politics. I think it gives a lot of stress to people. My father is really affected by these talk shows. He watches them all the time and takes a lot of stress. I think there are already too much tensions in life, why increase them by watching these talk shows. Television is for entertainment. Watch movies, music, sports on TV. Please avoid these useless talk shows.

People can shop for unlimited space and time as long as an Internet connection is available.

Di dunia teknologi dan informasi yang makin berkembang saat ini, mobilisasi masyarakat dalam memenuhi kebutuhan juga kian beragam. Contoh paling mudah adalah merebaknya pasar online

Although it has been difficult to grow high by the age of 24 years, it can be done loh....

Hypoxia is the decrease in oxygen that enters the tissue to below the physiologic level although adequate blood perfusion (blood flow through the pulmonary circulation) tissue occurs due to reduced oxygen pressure in the surrounding air.

This also causes more and more people to choose work online, either selling goods or services. Besides....

Hipoksia adalah penurunan oksigen yang masuk ke jaringan sampai di bawah tingkat fisiologik meskipun perfusi (aliran darah melalui sirkulasi pulmonal) jaringan oleh darah memadai yang terjadi akibat berkurangnya tekanan oksigen di udara sekitar.

When we feel great we have just lost half our rank because of careless to keep learning

Sometimes we are given a deep sense of loneliness, so we can better appreciate the beauty of togetherness

your contest was long time before, but today i try to join your contest that the rule is being. This is a good deal tu support the newbie like me. Ini try to consistent to join the all of contest that you are would post. Keep do the best event to the other @bunnypuncher

Dream up to the sky If you fall you will be among thousands of stars

There is more precious than money and gold that is time

One of the greatest inventions made by humans is one of their shocks. It was found that he was able to do something that was initially feared could not be done

That's where I found a new family. Living with people of newly-known West Java. Under the guidance of two TNI and an ustadz, it seemed to live there so regularly and disciplinedly.

Including a child living in flood prone areas though. The Beginning of the Dream I, a child of a family who does not have. My father is a construction worker and mother,,

If you love someone and do not want to take risks far from him make him a friend

dari pernafasan adalah untuk mempertahankan konsentrasi (jumlah) oksigen, karbondioksida dan ion hidrogen dalam cairan tubuh. Kelebihan karbondioksida atau ion hidrogen

In this world there is no difficult problem for people who have a will

Through difficulties is the human learning, passing comfort is the man of Terlena

I believe in the strength of hard work, whether it is using a head or a hand. This world owes no money to anyone, but he owes it to everyone who gives the opportunity to live

Dreams, targets, wills and goals are all wasted without action

We can't judge for everyone.

Surat permohonan diperuntukkan bagi Anda yang memiliki permintaan tertentu kepada lembaga ataupun perorangan. Permohonan tersebut dapat berupa barang, jasa maupun kesediaan meminjamkan suatu tempat. Contoh surat permohonan banyak kita temui sehari-hari untuk melaksanakan suat kegiatan. Tak hanya pada kegiatan saja. Di lembaga-lembaga tertentu surat permohonan ini juga sering digunakan untuk meminta bantuan berupa barang dan

Share with others like rainbows, moon and stars that share their beauty with us

What happened in the past are minor problems compared to what is inside us

Hypoxia is the decrease in oxygen that enters the tissue to below the physiologic level although adequate blood perfusion (blood flow through the pulmonary circulation) tissue occurs due to reduced oxygen pressure in the surrounding air.

A strong determination and earnest effort can realize dreams, including dreams that can be said to be impossible if we make it happen. Every human being in this world must have a dream.

Well... Yes they are boring hahahaha, but they are not for everyone. There are ppl that like talk shows, i don't like them at all but it is a matter of taste.

Continue to struggle to move learn and work, then true success and victory will we get

Friends always support each other despite having to split temporarily for success

The most beautiful time, when you are successful with your best friend

The boss just gives the tough assignment to the best employees, God only gives the test to the best man

Some people have thousands of reasons why they are not able to do what they want to do. One thing they need is one reason why they are able to

The best proof that something can be done is when others have done it

Termasuk seorang bocah yang hidup di daerah rawan banjir sekalipun. Awal Mula Mimpi Aku, seorang bocah dari keluarga yang tidak punya. Ayahku seorang buruh bangunan dan ibu

Hello @bunnypuncher, referring to your question of the day in what is my personal opinion, most of the television programs are useless and boring, it is difficult to find television programs that give concise and relevant information, there are few programs of conversation or debates that can give information of help or simply to have fun, of course this is in my personal opinion, we are all different and not all of us have the same tastes when watching television. But what if it is true that television is very large and extensive, no bigger than the Internet but think, there will always be a television channel with a topic of conversation or with an article seeking our attention and keep us distracted from what is the social life and the outside world;) haha ​​regards!

Hola @bunnypuncher, referente a tu pregunta del día en lo que es mi opinión personal, la mayoría de los programas de televisión son inútiles y aburridos, es difícil encontrar hoy en día programas de televisión que den información concisa y relevante, son pocos los programas de conversación o debates que puedan dar información de ayuda o simplemente divertirnos, claro esta que es a mi opinión personal, todos somos distintos y no todos tenemos los mismos gustos a la hora de ver televisión. Pero lo que si es cierto que la televisión es muy grande y extensa, no mas grande que la Internet pero piensa, siempre habrá un canal televisivo con algún tema de conversación o con algún articulo buscando llamar nuestra atención y mantenernos distraídos de lo que es la vida social y el mundo exterior ;) jaja saludos!

What you think about yourself is far more important than what others think about you

The smart man is a great man great but the brave man is the winner

With mediocre talent and great endurance all things can be achieved

Sometimes the best way to capitalize on opportunities is to say no to new opportunities and focus on developing what's already in hand

Learn to use the word impossible very carefully

Winners have a habit of creating positive expectations before they happen

Hypoxia is the decrease in oxygen that enters the tissue to the bottom of the physiologic level although adequate blood perfusion (blood flow through the pulmonary circulation).

The thought is the same as the parachute they are only useful when open

A person can succeed in almost anything If he has unlimited enthusiasm

Patience, unyielding attitude and hard work are an unbeatable combination of success

Someone's life has been guessed, but the fate of lazy people is easy to guess

Human life is limited, then know the value of life we ​​deserve. Immediately Make a choice plan and make the

Who you are today is the result of your thoughts yesterday, who you tomorrow depends on what you think today

Sebuah tekad yang kuat dan usaha yang sungguh-sungguh dapat mewujudkan mimpi-mimpi, termasuk mimpi-mimpi yang bisa dikatakan mustahil jika kita yang mewujudkannya. Setiap manusia di dunia ini pasti punya mimpi.

Imagination limits only in the mind itself

Money does not harm a person's greed is the one who destroys man

Continuous droplets will eventually make a hole in the rock

One of the greatest inventions made by humans is one of their shocks. It was found that he was able to do something that was initially feared could not be done