YESSS - this is week 63 of the Steemit Beersaturday Challenge

in contest •  7 years ago 

We like to see YOUR personal story about a beer.

You might met a new beer during your summer vacation or just around the corner - so just tell us.
The #BeerSaturday is calling all Steemians to join and to win some prizes.

Just create a post around #Beer and enjoy the fun with a worldwide #beer community.

The weekly challenge

with a good story and a beer

about THAT beer
and ...

Steemit BeerSaturday Challenge.jpg
(C) by pixabay and modified by @detlev for #beersaturday

Do you know any more supporter?

within the last 8 weeks we paid more to the steeminans with this challenge than we earn and the Pot is shrinking.

So, if you know any potential supporter for the challenge who might spend every week an upvote, please connect them with @detlev#4277 on Discord or comment here.

(C) by pixabay and modified by @detlev for #beersaturday - FREE TO USE!

The #BeerSaturday challenge
like to motivate YOU
to create valuable content
around the topic of beer & ...

All the SBD from this post goes to the prizes and leftovers to the pot. All SP is for my work.

This is YOUR chance to blog about beer and get paid for this to buy a beer for the next week challenge

Have a short look to the simple rules of the steemit #BeerSaturday challenge and join this weekly Challenge where you may win some of our prizes.

The Prizes

Every week we give away some SBD and some BCBC.

This week SBD PrizesValue SBD Prize5 SBD
2.nd SBD Prize4 SBD
3.rd SBD Prize3 SBD SBD Prize2 SBD SBD Prize1 SBD

beercoin 256 logo.jpg

The beercoin prizes

We have every week 4500 BCBC coins (around 45€) from @Beerchaintech.

Means we have 5 more prizes

This week BCBC PrizesValue BCBC Prize1500 BCBC
2.nd BCBC Prize1200 BCBC
3.rd BCBC Prize900 BCBC BCBC Prize600 BCBC BCBC Prize300 BCBC

To get Beercoins from us you need to have a ERC20 wallet like MyEtherWallet

The Steemit #BeerSaturday rules

Please have a look to be able to win.

1. Post with the challenge

Create quality content and not just one picture. Add some text! Have Fun

a. Picture a beer with 3+ pictures

b. Add a story about beer

c. use the Hashtag #BeerSaturday in your post

2. Win cool prizes at the challenge

As all is about quality content and boosting this main Steemit #BeerSaturday challenge post

d. Upvote this main Steemit #BeerSaturday challenge post

  -->  we count the percentage from your upvote as factor X

e. Copy the "link of your new post" into a comment to this main "Steemit #BeerSaturday challenge post" as your entry

f. Have people upvote on your entry at this post

  -->  we multiply this as well with  factor X 

g. The judges of #BeerSaturday may give a BONUS for great content, Resteems or other reasons

--->   we multiply this as well with X 

The BeerTicketLottery

The math of #BeerSaturday is a mixture of engagement and a random number.

From all that numbers everybody gets an specific amount of Steemit #BeerSaturday lottery tickets and we do the math and choose the winner by a random number - That ticket will win.

Means, a higher upvote to this main post - get's a higher chance to win the challenge.

This steemit challenge offers a fair chance - even to a tiny minnow - to win a prize. We calculate the winner by the engagement, amount of upvotes and by a random number prozess.


  • You may post on any weekday but add our hashtag #BeerSaturday
  • You might post more than one of your articles, bu only the one with most votes goes to the lottery
  • I will check the results on Saturday midnight (California Time Zone) after I wake up on my sunday

The Pot

BeerSaturday Pot.png
(C) by pixabay and by @detlev

The SBD generated by the weekly challenge posts and the weekly payout post is used for the Prizes. Any leftover goes to the pot.

Actual Pot

Value of Pot at end of
week 54 = 162,874 SBD
week 62 estimated 80 SBD

The earned SBD from the payout post from week 59 and the following weeks are not yet in the Pot. All this due Detlev travels.

Some very special beer lovers

BuzzBeerGeek-small-160.png detlev-small-160.png

As supporter and beer expert @buzzbeergeek
and @detlev (me) can't win prizes at this challenge!
We just make this thing possible every week.


Many thanks again to
for YOUR STRONG support

Please vote our Sponsors for Witness

This week we love to have vote for ats-david and for reggaemuffin with just a few clicks

More Sponsors?

You like to be named as a sponsor of this contest, please do let me know!

If you enjoy beer - and I know that most whales enjoy beer - feel free to JOIN this challenge as supporting beer-loving whale.

 " "detlev steemit klein.gif""

Detlev love steemit

More from @Detlev
Get / shop my book by steem

Enjoy & Engage Follow & Resteem

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See you all in Krakow, at BeerSaturday @ SteemFest3. SF2 was great, SF3 will be legendary :-)

Too far for me to travel unfortunately, enjoy, and have a beer or twelve for me :o)

Think we will go "All in" as usually :-)

The Saturday is already reserved for the #BeerSaturday club crawl. ;-)

Here is my entry for this week's Beersaturday. Thanks for keeping it going @detlev


A lager that wins the price for the worlds best pilsner, interesting!

Week 63 Has come so fast, but I have a perfect beer for y’all this week. It’s Mad Tom by Muskoka Brewery

Tasty looking and class name!! Mad Tom :o)

This is one of my favorites I’ve had from the brewery.

I also love the name and the look of the can!!

They have a great lineup of beers. Their branding is on point too.

I'm back from Holidays and drinking some fine Australian beers - well at least that was the plan but not much went right in this weeks beer soaked tale:

I think I would like the pale ale more, it sounds if you also liked it more than the dark beer.

Great to have you back.

I miss Australia so much that I did this post about Quorn lately.

I saw you had been to Australia - it is a great place, can't say I've ever been to Quorn though....

Hi all beer lovers!
That's my first entry to the contest.
There are not many French beers here, I propose you a discovery of the artisanal beers of our beautiful country.

Nice post, and your photos are beautiful!! (Your post is in busy, thus I cannot vote for it from steemit!!)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

This past weekend, I finally got to taste my first Home Brew Beer called Rhino Beer: Die STOUT een!!, you can read all about it by clicking on the link, I hope you like it.

Plopp - A Flensburger Beer at a German island.

Enjoy a review, a cool location, some video and some travel. All in one post with beer for the #BeerSaturday week 63


That's a really cool gif.... I hope the beer went down well, it hardly hot the sides I'd say :o)

Great looking bottle, and I love the cap!!

Have a look to the video at my post. There you see and hear the opening of a bottle

Great combination, Beer and crypto!!

Worked and looks good.

Some great looking beers!!

Hallo beer lovers :-) 😀🍺


Cold Beer and aggressive wasps are this summer unfortunately not a good combo. I must protect my beer 😀🍺! So here is my little story:

I love the pitcher!

Thank you ☺️🤩

Star lager is the beer widely consumed in Nigeria as election draws closer

Hello, what about the winners of weeks 59-60?

they are on the way for released this weekend.

After that, I like to be back to weekly winners announcement mode

Thanks for the post, detlev.

This bot runs through hundreds of posts per day selecting a small percentage of posts that have exceptional positivity.

Your post has been selected and upvoted because it has a high concentration of positive words that give feel-good vibes. Thank you for creating content that focuses on the bright side.

Your post has also been entered to be included in a daily roundup of positive posts.Please comment 'yes' or 'no' if you feel that my bot is correct in its judgement of this post. Your comments will be used to determine if this article belongs in the curated list. Over time, your feedback will be used to improve the judgement of this bot

don't drink beer if I can take part in this contest.