IFC Season 2 Round 1 begins now! (100 steem grand prize)

in contest •  6 years ago  (edited)

Hello there! Welcome to our digital spaceship castle.
Artwork credit - @jimramones

Here we are at season 2 of the Information Finding Championship!

I'm excited/thrilled to be back here with you again. :)
The first season was in my opinion a great success and an epic experience I will never forget!

I'm hoping this season will be similar and I thank you for being a part of our game and community in any manner or form you can or want to be.
Lets get on to it then shall we?

Last season our story left off with our community being invaded by Grey aliens and we fought back to the point we captured their ship and made it our own.

By popular vote we decided to use their ship to go explore the universe! I'm excited to go on this adventure with you all! I wonder where it we will go first and what we might find out there..?

Also in the previous season our winner of the contest after a long and grueling competition involving many tie breakers and diverse challenges was @youhavewings.

I wonder who will win this time and join her this season in the IFC hall of fame?

Things are a bit tough and slow right now as the value of steem and crypto in general have been struggling and also as we transition to a new way of life on our new ship as much of the community decided to stay behind in Cryptopia.

I do think we should go back to visit from time to time, though for now it's time we go out to explore into the universe!

Usually we do rounds on Saturdays though sometimes there are surprise rounds and I do plan on doing some catch up rounds this season as well, so.. If you would like to be notified of upcoming rounds and news in general about the IFC please sign up for our mailing list by sending an email to [email protected] with the subject "Add to IFC mailing list".

The prize for winning this season will be 100 steem and a crystal trophy and a picture drawn of the winner. Second place will be 25 steem and third place will be 10 steem.

Here's a YouTube video I made on the subject of the IFC.

Now.. Onto the quest!


Since our community voted and decided to go explore the vastness of space, our first quest this season is going to be about "The Universe".

You can go about this quest however you want, for it example you could do an educational blog post about the universe, a song, a drawing/painting/poem, etc just as long as it's about the universe.

I would personally like to see a short story about where our IFC community is going to explore and what we may find out there in the universe, though anything in regards to the universe will work. :)


So far I haven't had time to ask all the previous sponsors to find out if they will continue to support us this season..
However we have received 10steem already from @underground and I have confirmed that @ats-david and @krnel and @timcliff will also be supporting us again this season.

Underground, ats-david, krnel, and timcliff are all witnesses, so if you support what we are doing here at the IFC please look into them and give them a vote for witness as well. By the way to vote for ats-david you should vote for his @ats-witness account.

Here is our leaderboard continuing from last season.
I'm also going to tag everyone who scored at least a point last season to let them know our new season has started.



@kryptocek 0-53-1 Sacred Crystal
@bashadow 0-43-1 ??? Waiting to hear from him about which relic he wants
@plushzilla 0-30-0
@amariespeaks 0-23-0
@har5h 0-59-1 KryptoCheck Shield
@iexplore 0-36-0
@eaglespirit 0-35-0
@mr-bike 0-18-0
@youhavewings 0-16-0
@jan23com 0-48-1 Occult book + eye
@sandrina.life 0-14-0
@jbreheny 0-12-0
@artgirl 0-11-0
@magicalmoonlight 0-11-0
@bengy 0-10-0
@swolesome 0-09-0
@wholeself-in 0-09-0
@kenneth1 0-09-0
@warpedpoetic 0-09-0
@auminda 0-09-0
@simplymike 0-08-0
@xomegax 0-08-0 now a judge
@bitpizza 0-07-0
@losthippie 0-07-0
@boladayl 0-06-0
@noisyboy 0-05-0
@giddyupngo 0-05-0
@grizzman 0-08-0
@deliberator 0-04-0
@sophiabydesign 0-02-0
@lynncoyle1 0-01-0
@nxtblg 0-01-0
@yura81 0-01-0
@mnallica 0-01-0
@lahvista 0-01-0
@chrisroberts 0-01-0
@laurawhite 0-01-0
@beeyou 0-01-0
@gerrardihno 0-01-0

Also if you're not interested in playing in the contest yourself but would like to be a part of the community in another way we are still looking for a few more regular judges and are always looking for guest judges and sponsors.

And please feel free to resteem or share this blog post on any social media to help get the word out to more people who might want to play! <3 Thank you.



You are expected/required to read the full rules here before you play.

The challenge will finish after 7 days when the post ends and provides its payout cycle or when all entries have been submitted.

25% of the post payout goes to curation and after that what's left will now be split up 75% to the winner of the round and 25% to put towards building up the @ifc account.

For those who play via email.. This will be recorded and saved for you, and.. If you're unwilling to make your own steem account we will at some point be willing to convert it for you to whichever currency however.. Not for small amounts, you must earn at least 10 steem for us to take the time to do this for you and you must have a PayPal account to send the money to.

  1. Round 1 of season 2 starts now and the subject is "The Universe".

  2. Create a blog post on steem for the contest or send an email if you are playing via email.

  3. Title of blog post or subject of email must contain, "IFC S2R1"

  4. Leave a link to your post in the comments below unless you are playing via email in which case myself or someone else will do so. (This part is important and a lot of people forget this, please put the blog link in the right place so our judges can find it)

  5. And you also have to use the #ifc tag in your blog post as well unless you are playing via email.

  6. You must accept that if you somehow get hurt doing any of our quests you can not reasonably hold us accountable. You must take responsibility for your own choices and actions in life. This is a voluntary game where you choose to play. Only you can make such decisions for yourself.

  7. You are responsible for paying the appropriate government taxes, fees, and service charges resulting from any transactions with the IFC or Marketplace. We are not responsible for collecting, reporting, paying, or remitting to you any such taxes, fees, or service charges, except as may otherwise be required by law.

A. A blog post or email about the subject of "The Universe".

B. Language is primarily in English and if you would like to participate from elsewhere in the world it is up to you to translate your message into English so we can understand you.

C. Do your best to make sure everything is properly sourced.

D. We also encourage role playing for those who enjoy doing that. :)

Also we now have judges guidelines so you can see what the main judges generally look for in an entry, links to those will be below.


Good luck in the contest!!

Click to enter the Discord chat room.

Click to go to the rules page.

20180421_151139_0001.pngOriginal by @yeszuzia and modified by @charisma777

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Nice job on the video and the overview, season one was a lot of fun, and I hope to participate as much as I did in season 1. I did have fun with the challenges.

Thanks bashadow! I spent a lot of time on this so it's nice to get some positive feedback. :)
Also glad you had a lot of fun and I look forward to having you participate. I plan on doing a quest for a new IFC song probably in round 3, and since you made the first song I figure you might be interested in that round as well! We should have a female vocalist this time to join @edprivat so I have a feeling it's going to be pretty awesome! :D
Also.. Can you let me know which relic you would like when you get the time so I can update the leaderboard? Thanks! <3

bashadow - was this the song that you did on the video? I didn't quite catch the name but I know that you created a song that was pretty awesome

Not meaning to answer for bashadow but yes, the song he did was in the video it's the one called "Home Of The IFC" and was playing during the part with all the artwork from yeszuzia, jimramones and artgirl near the end of the video.

Wow, sounds interesting!

Favorited to maybe also send something in ;)

Posted using Partiko Android

Word. ;] Glad to hear you think so. If you want to send something in you have around 5 days left on this quest, but we should have about 19 more quests after this one for this season. Please lemme know if you have any questions, I'm happy to help. ;D

Sorry.. My life is fucking me again. I hate school. I*d prefer just dropping out than spending one more minute for this oppressing bullshit.

It's alright, no need to apologize. And yeah.. I can relate, I was fortunate enough to drop out of school in the 5th grade and at first I was upset at my parents for taking me out cause I feel like I missed out on socialization skills, though later on I became very grateful that I was able to more be myself and choose the direction I wanted to go and not be forced into a sort of rigid cookie cutter mold lifestyle.

If I ever have children I will want to give them the choice, though I would certainly hope they choose to avoid going to a traditional school and opt for some kind of home schooling or unschooling option.. I'm highly suspicious of the whole thing and tend to think the educational institutions often have ulterior motives besides just trying to educate.

Hope things improve for you! It's a bummer to hear you're so stressed out about such.

Here in germany you are not allowed to school ur kid at home.
All children have to go at least 9 years to school.

Posted using Partiko Android

I see.. That's quite unfortunate in my opinion and sounds very authoritarian. :\

Yes it's completely just state brainwash

Posted using Partiko Android

Been waiting for season two, was gutted not to participate in the first season but I'll try my best to play in the second one for sure.

Awesome. :) Glad to hear you're going to try to participate this time! Please let me know if you have any questions or anything, I'm happy to try to help!

I followed season 1 so have an idea nonetheless I'll ask if I don't understand something for sure

Posted using Partiko Android

Sounds good shaheerbari! Hope to see you around. :)

@apolymask!!!!! I absolutely love the intro video, do you mind if I link it to my ifc posts? You did an awesome job on it!!!! I am excited to see what this season brings! Good luck everyone!

Here you can find what I will be looking for when "judging".

Glad to hear you liked the video! :) And please feel free to link it! I'm also excited to see what happens this season, I have a feeling it's going to be a blast. :D

@jimramones did an awesome job on the new artwork!!! I love the ship! Thank you for the time you must've put into it @jimramones!!

He sure did do an awesome job! I was so excited when I first saw it and continue to be each time I see it. Heh. I think it's perfect for what we're doing, glad to hear you appreciated it so much as well!

Woohoo! We begin again!

Indeed! :) Glad to see you bengy! I look forward to your entries as they are always insightful and interesting to read!

Getting one underway... it always takes a few days of slowly adding in bits and pieces!

Cool bengy! I'm looking forward to it. :) I think we have 3 entries in so far, so with you we'll have at least 4 people who entered, hopefully it ends up being more than that though!

Haha! You want to be overworked?

Lol.. Not necessarily but I do want the IFC to be a success and I think the more people that play the more successful it will be. So a higher turnout is definitely preferred by me even if it's more work.

Yay! Super cool! Season 2 is here!

I absolutely loved the video and seeing a re-cap of Season 1 and the inspiration behind the IFC. Great video! And I propose you make a video post-winner of each quest ;) Or at least once a month?! Seriously, @apolymask - that was very effective at drawing enthusiasm...they could be a story in and of themselves with the players as characters in the story. Okay....you know how I can dream and ramble on. Great job though on the video.

I highly recommend the IFC quests - so much fun! Diverse. I certainly learned a lot of skills from the experience.

Congratulations again to everyone from last season and I will thoroughly enjoy watching season 2 unfold.

Oh, and btw @apolymask.....I would love one of those trophies, too! hehe I couldn't help myself - it is beautiful though ;) ;)

Glad to hear you enjoyed the video! :)
I would love to be able to make more videos, however that one took me a LONG time.
If we were getting paid a significant amount for the work we do with the IFC I could justify doing videos much more regularly, however because I'm not only not getting paid I'm draining my own funds to do this.. I can't really justify spending so much time on videos.

If I did much shorter videos, that might be an option.. Like a couple minutes each and that is something to consider. Though at this point I'd feel comfortable trying to do one video per season. I started filming that one back in September, did a second filming for it a couple months ago and it took me like over a month in editing and preparation to finish it.. So yeah there's a lot of time and work going into such, one every month would be too much unless it was like I mentioned only a short couple minute clip. But.. That is a possibility and I will think about it more. Thanks for the suggestion. And.. Thanks also for saying I did a great job on the video. :) It's nice to hear positive feedback after working so hard on something for so long.

And lol in regards to your last comment. Now that the season has started, I will be able to get it shipped out before too long. I'm still very busy, but that's one of the top things on my list and I will get to it when I can. Thanks for stopping by and sharing some of your thoughts! Much love friend!

Wow cool! I like the vid. Haha. I love how you transitioned the artwork too. Man I'm glad I did good with the bracket. Haha. Whew.

Also, it's the first time I heard the song and wow it's a cool one and catchy too. It seems like IFC is official because it has it's own theme song. 🎉🎉🎉

Have a question abt season 2. So you mean the scores will continue from where we left off or is it just so everyone can see what happened in season 1? And also, wow I didn't know contestants can join via email now. Hehe. It's like me not having Discord, lol.

Good luck to the judges of Season 2. 😄 Looks like it's gonna be fun, us being in space and all. 😁

Posted using Partiko Android

I loved how the brackets turned out @artgirl! You're a talented artist! I love how they came together in the video too! I hope to see your entries in season 2's championship!

Thank you. I will try to join as much as I can whenever I am able to. :D

Hey artgirl! Thanks for the positive feedback. :) And yeah you did a wonderful job with the bracket and the relics as well! Speaking of such I saw your message earlier but haven't had a chance to respond yet with more details, when I get a chance I'll send you the new relic info, can you give me your email again?

Glad to hear you liked the song! And lol.. Yeah.. We are kind of "official" and we plan on doing a quest I think on round 3 to make another song as well! Should be coming up soon! We have a female vocalist this time as well! I'm super excited!

To answer your question, umm... Hmmm.. I should have removed the "wins".. I think I will do that and start everyone back at 0 wins. However all the rest of the EXP and relics obtained will remain and carry on into each new season.

Also yup! I'm excited about the email option, we already have 2 players from Facebook! Hopefully more in time. :)

Thanks for the good luck and I agree! I have a feeling it's going to be super fun! Especially exploring outerspace! Cheers friend!

Hehe. Thank you.
Here's my email: artgirlforhire(at)outlook(dot)ph

And oh that's nice then. At least past winners/players still get the Exp and relics. 😊

Posted using Partiko Android

You're welcome. And yeah! I think it's good to allow players to sort of build on their time each season and continue to progress like that.
Also.. I thought we had a few relic ideas ready, but I looked and we do not.. So.. I'm going to have to try to think of something! Will send you an email in the next few days if I am able to figure something out. Thanks for offering to help!

Oh no worries. If you don't have any relics needed yet it's fine. 😊 Glad to help.

Posted using Partiko Android

Took me a while! But I came up with a few ideas. I'm not sure if you can get them done in the next couple days before the 7 day window on the relic post I made expires so I can edit that post and add these in, but that would be really cool if possible.

Looks like I paid 20 steem and 20 SBD last time for 9 images.
The value of steem is quite a bit lower now.. But.. How much would you charge for 3 more images? I don't feel like I can pay more than 20 steem and I would feel much more comfortable paying 15 steem, but.. I suppose I might be willing to do 20 if necessary and if you won't go any lower than that.

Hi there. Sorry for the late reply. It's alright. If you don't need it yet it's fine. Haven't seen the relic post though. Perhaps I can do it next time. As for the price, I will give you a quote when I have all the details. For now I think I won't be able to do them.

Posted using Partiko Android

Oh I see. Okay. No worries.

Sounds super cool! Writing my entry now, but I'm afraid it's gonna take some time. I just hope I'm able to finish it in time.

Glad to hear you think so! And it's good to see you got your entry in in time. :) Welcome to the community! I'm looking forward to reading your entry soon as well when I get a moment to properly do so.

Very cool project

Thanks for appreciating, glad you think so! :)

nadie pierde... todos soys ganadores en esta comunidad. saludos.

¡Bien dicho! Aprecio esos sentimientos y me siento muy similar. Gracias por pasar y saludar. ¡Tu obra de arte de la nave espacial es épica por cierto! Gracias por mucho por ayudar :)

This looks like tons of fun. I may have missed it though - what is the deadline for my link to my entry to be posted here? Is it when THIS post pays out? I just want to be sure I don't miss it.

--Proud member of #powerhousecreatives

Glad you think it looks like fun. :) And yeah I had quite a few people tell me during the first season that they had a lot of fun! :D

No worries you didn't miss it. You have a whole week to submit, and it just started, so.. You have plenty of time! To be more clear about the deadline, yes it is when the post payout happens. And sometimes we will even let someone submit a late entry as well if they have a good reason for being late and it's not too much later than the 7 days of the post payout timeline.

Awesome, thanks for clarifying. :-D

You're very welcome. :)

This is my entry to Round 1! Thank you for reaching out :)

Can't believe I actually completed it in time.
Here's my entry:
Strangers In The Sky - The Fermi Paradox, Space Travel, & The Future Of Mankind [Entry for "IFC S2R1" writing contest]

This was such a fun project. It's been a long time since I have written so passionately about space and universe and all that kind of stuff, lol. I didn't realize until today how much I missed it. Perhaps I should do it more often :P

Anyway, I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I loved writing it. Definitely gonna look an eye out for more contests now. Peace!

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Thanks for hosting, this is my first season. Looks like an awesome contest. https://steemit.com/ifc/@tryp/ifc-s02r01-if-the-universe-so-big-and-old-where-are-all-the-aliens

I did it!!!! Here is my entry for the Season 2, Round 1 of the #IFC Contest!

Life, the Universe, and Everything

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I'm excited to be a part of this contest.
Nice video by the way :)

Here is my entry for round one:

IFC S2E1 -The Universe

Love the video brother, great job!

Let the games begin!


Hey there @ifc here is my entry for round 1
The Universe

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Hello everyone! I am sorry for my late entry. But I finally got it done. Woo, this was a lot of fun writing but it took a bit longer than I had anticipated. My apologies again. I'll get started on the new prompt as soon as I can. I hope you all like it.
