in contest •  7 years ago  (edited)

Stage One

As a collective you board a boat and leave Heroes Island behind you... the enrolment process becomes a distant memory.

The voyage across the ocean is  surprisingly uneventful and boring, the food and drink is cheap and tastes...well, lets say it's pretty crappy

At one point a crew member swears they saw a giant squid known to patrol the waters in the distance, but fortunately on this journey your boat was spared any attack.

As you approach the mainland you see a small fishing village in the distance, there is no dock so your forced to swim ashore.

You think you've made it through Stage One without drama, but once you reach the beach you spot a water demon picking his nose with a a lump of driftwood (gives you an idea on the size of this guys nose). 

He seems very angry about getting caught in the act and is now intent on making sure you tell no-one. 

He attacks you with a power score 2 (dice roll of at least 2 or equivalent is required to win the battle).


This guy is determined to stop you from reaching the village. He doesn't want you telling people what you saw.

Special field info (check for your class): The Water Demon is immune to magical attacks and it takes a pretty big stick to kill this dude, therefore when you roll an attack, the following effect must be calculated based on your class:

Warrior: Player to add +1 to whatever dice roll you get.

Thief: Player has no change to dice roll. 

Wizard: Player  to remove -1 to whatever dice roll you get.

Basic Game Instructions:

Simply do a reply in this post with:

  1. How you want to attack the foe
  2. Finish the reply by typing @rollthedice

What will happen next:

A Bot should reply to your reply shortly and tell you your dice roll result. You need to add/remove from that number your special field effect (based on your character type - detailed above) and add/remove any passive item effect you have. After this, if you scored  a 2 or higher  you were successful - just wait for me to confirm you are ok to move to Stage two. Once everyone learns the rules/are comfortable, from Stage Two on wards I hope people can self manage and just move on without me (check your own score, track your own lives etc). If you score less then 2, you lose a life point and must try again. If you use all life points, you must buy more from the item shop...simplez! (well maybe, lets give it a try).

Advanced/Extended additional Game play options in this Stage post:

  1. You may challenge another player to an item (if you see they got one you like), see detailed instructions post here
  2. You may be challenged by Gobbo (you will see a reply from me which simply says @gobbo), you may accept challenge if you will by replying with @rollthedice, there are consequences, please see detailed instructions post
  3. If you are a Thief class you may attempt to pick the foes pocket before attacking, by replying with a simple standalone reply !pickpocket - see detailed instructions  post. Note: what ever item you get good or bad you are now stuck with for all Stages :) - unless a player challenges you and you lose it.



Special thanks to @spaceginger  for his artistic skills with the Interactive Battle Tournament Image above.  Other images were captured from the abandoware game Dragon wars. All Steem raised from this post will go to those whom win on the first roll/go :)

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Bird boy wizard, resorts to pecking @rollthedice you used a #, instead of a @ and then edited after it seems the bot didn't work (Thanks - you have discovered a bit of a bug, i.e. you can't just edit the command). Can you please try a fresh reply against this message and see if it works (sorry for inconvenience)

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 4.

Nice peck, you rolled a 4, you get -1 for being a wizard (giving you a total roll score of 3). You took down the Water Demon who only had a power score of 2.

You still have 3 life points:

and when the next Stage is available may continue. Well done!

The Powerful Wizard, Sentient Hat attempts an attack, using the sharp point of his hat as a mining bore.


Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 3.

Such celebration!

By the Skin of his teeth, the Sentient Hat does not crumple!

Haha, very close Sentient Hat :) Well done.

Thanks for correctly representing your own life points, would be great if all players catch on and do the same. Cheers

Hey man IBT#4 enrolment is running if keen? love to have you back (got enhanced purpose built bots)...+ c ya on thurs in the hot rod.

Gobbo sneaks in and steals all the dice.
He laughs like a jerk and throws a die.

The sneaky git rolls a 3.

Flash decides to attack the water demon with the thunder bolt to fry him in water.


Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 1.


Hey bro is all good :) You did it!

You rolled a 1, you get a +1 for Stage One as your character is a Warrior and the Water Demon has a weakness to Warriors- as detailed above (giving you a total roll score of 2). You took down the Water Demon who only had a power score of 2.

It was a close as match, but you made it! well done.

You still have 3 life points:

and when the next Stage is available may continue. Well done!

Oh brother, Thought he got me haha It would be a shame to lose to a very first opponent. :))

I could have made it harder, still I expect some may lose a life or 2 this Stage.

Gobbo sneaks in and steals all the dice.
He laughs like a jerk and throws a die.

The sneaky git rolls a 3.

You've made a mistake creature, Here I come.


Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 2.

Gobbo stabbed you in your heart - you lost 1 life point!

You still have 2 life points:

Trophy in - 3 again:

Mate nice spend up at the shop, you also have the Dagger from the item shop +1 to passive attacks

Seems the little guy liked killing you @gobbo

Gobbo sneaks in and steals all the dice.
He laughs like a jerk and throws a die.

The sneaky git rolls a 4.

gonna wipe that smile off yur face gobbo.


Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 2.

The mysterious thief, Goxie, tries to sneak past. Why fight? @rollthedice

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 5.

Sneaky stuff, you rolled a 5, you get no special field bonus's for being a thief (giving you a total roll score of 5). You took down the Water Demon who only had a power score of 2.

You still have 3 life points:

and when the next Stage is available may continue. Well done!

Go Hoff Go! @rollthedice

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 4.

Cool!, you rolled a 4, you get no special field bonus's for being a thief (giving you a total roll score of 4). You took down the Water Demon who only had a power score of 2.

You still have 3 life points:

and when the next Stage is available may continue. Well done!

Hey - here's a short film you may also enjoy :)

Lazy Samurai sneaks up on the Water and gives him a feel of his sword @rollthedice

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 2.

Was a close fight! you rolled a 2, you get no special field bonus's for being a thief (giving you a total roll score of 2). You took down the Water Demon who only had a power score of 2.

You still have 3 life points:

and when the next Stage is available may continue. Well done!


Look at that! Obtained item 5: Grub! +2 to players roll!


Ghumoatch whispers to himself "Blessed is the mind too small for doubt" and leaps into the fray! @rollthedice

Hey man IBT#4 enrolment is running if keen? love to have you back (got enhanced purpose built bots)...

Heya! cheers for the message, I saw last night but havnt had a chance to enrol yet, hopefully ill get around to it soon!

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 3.

Too easy for the Ghumoatch, you get +1 for being a warrior (giving you a total roll score of 4). You took down the Water Demon who only had a power score of 2.

You still have 3 life points:

and when the next Stage is available may continue. Well done!

Ghumoatch spins around looking for more foes to slaughter!

Gobbo sneaks in and steals all the dice.
He laughs like a jerk and throws a die.

The sneaky git rolls a 3.

Ghumoatch roars "die filthy git!" and charges towards the goblin with both weapons raised!

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 2.

Ouch! gobbo stabbed you in the heart and ran away!

You still have 2 life points:

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Pickpocket not working?

Iris sneaks behind the creature fully aware it may not have anything useful for her quest.

However she is willing to risk everything to see her father again.

Iris pickpockets then attacks. @rollthedice

Look at that! Obtained item 5: Grub! +2 to players roll!


Sweet work Iris!

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 3.

Nope the command works :)

Iris is shocked yet happy with her unexpected item!

Great fight! you rolled a 3, you get no special field bonus's for being a thief, but you posses Grub! +2 to all rolls (giving you a total roll score of 5). You took down the Water Demon who only had a power score of 2.

You still have 3 life points:

You have Grub in your inventory

and when the next Stage is available may continue. Well done!

Lady P strolls up to the troll, sticks her unopened parasol up into his right nostril ... and pushes the handle button.

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 2.

Haha, ouch! Nice work, you rolled a 2, you get +1 for being a warrior (giving you a total roll score of 3). You took down the Water Demon who only had a power score of 2.

You still have 3 life points:

and when the next Stage is available may continue. Well done!

Lady P sends her appreciation at this positive turn of events. She would have thanked you in person but is currently supervising the careful and thorough cleaning of her beloved parasol.

The medieval warrior with a sword cuts off the water demon. @rollthedice

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 3.

Great sword work, you rolled a 3, you get +1 for being a warrior (giving you a total roll score of 4). You took down the Water Demon who only had a power score of 2.

You still have 3 life points:

and when the next Stage is available may continue. Well done!


Fluffy bunny bites water demons toes and plunges dagger in his groin. @rollthedice

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 6.

Bunny fluff rules

Haha nice easy win for the bunny and nice steal!

You still have 3 life points:

You have the dagger in your inventory now

and when the next Stage is available may continue. Well done!

Lucky you! Obtained item 2: Dagger! +1 to players roll!


Please ignore below if any rolls appear not summoned by/against a player, just final tests :)

Poopy the wizard casts a stinky spell! @rollthedice

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 1.

Oh wow, attack power of 0... Lets try again @rollthedice

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 6.

Way better, but only two lives left...

Oh man...but there is a light at the end of the tunnel...(err that saying from a poops perspective paints an interesting image).

For self managing, taking loss like champ, counting correctly and updating your own lives you have been selected for a trophy-token. Please respond here with your bitshares account within 7 days to recieve.

My bitshares Account is mrelliwood1337

done :)

Hello there!

This post has been upvoted as a thank you for supporting @sexywhalebot.

Have a sexy and profitable day! : ]

Lol, really? This is a thing?

haha apparently, I think I just followed it once for some reason and didn't unfollow..

"some reason" he said

scratches head and ponders...

Or... could this be the preview for the final boss? A female in bikini armor who will be extremely hard to hit and defeat?

for sure :^D

Uh huh... Sure...


hehe this got so many comments is like a bit on the- side quest

As a follower of @followforupvotes this post has been randomly selected and upvoted! Enjoy your upvote and have a great day!

Oh wow... first real test of the bots and looks like they're doing alright! Phew!

So far seems really cool!.. had one PM saying they are really having allot of fun..

Great jobs mate! I'd say first real test is a success!

NinjaCat the master thief attacks the power of the Kung Fu Kick!


Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 4.

Take that BlueyMcHandy! Yeah!

Turned him into a Mchandy burger!, you rolled a 4, you get no special field bonus's for being a thief (giving you a total roll score of 4). You took down the Water Demon who only had a power score of 2.

You still have 3 life points:

and when the next Stage is available may continue. Well done!

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 5.

Cold, wet, and still slightly hung over, Green Warlord is in no mood to deal with the Water demon's shame. With a scowl on his face he lashes out with a water logged boot to the demon's abdoman, spinning with an overhead strike from his thirsty blade and...


Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 1.

...the demon's freshly parted head rolls threw the damp sand landing at Green Warlords feet.

Thanks to the special field effect, my roll of 1 was increased to 2 with the +1 for warrior class.


Sweet even with aussieninja running interfere hehe you worked it out!
add this to your detailed description of attack and self managing life display and you found yourself a trophy-token. Please reply here with your bitshare account within 7 days to recieve.

Lol love the interference. Thought it was a bot though lol.

BTS: lokii-1119

Done :)

Very nice!

Ouch. That's not good.

hypno magic wizard (1).gif

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 1.

nooo that hurts ;(

Buggar eh....bad day to be a wizard.
Water demon took you out - you lost 1 life point!

You still have 2 life points:

Go for it and have another shot. Now that people got the idea no need to wait for me if your comfortable and understand the scoring. If possible even update/display your life heart points so people know at a glance where you are at.


hypno magic wizard

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 5.

yes i got it

🎵 @rollthedice ... It's paradise! 🎵 (Yo!)
🎵 But if you fail... you lose a life! 🎵
(Rolling through enemies...)

And indeed Setzer's warrior dice shall literally roll through the water demon (i.e. the dice will rip holes through its body) as in the worst-case scenario the end result would still be a total of 2.

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 1.

Alright, getting the low rolls out of the way early =)
IBT result: 1 (system roll) + 1 (class/stage rule) = 2 (PASS)

Under the FF6 damage formulas, this would work out to:
2 x 1 (current stage/level) x 1 (system roll) x 1 x 1 x 1 x 1 (Setzer's "fixed" dice) = 2 damage inflicted.


Water demon terminated.
(That's one really weak water demon...)

Haha ouch and finished with a number 2 right in the clanger..

You have won a trophy token for your quality musical destruction act! please reply here with bitshares account within 7 days to receive.

bitshares username: doughtaker2222


Done :)

hymn seems a little Git was watching and didn't like your tune...are you gonna take that [-]
doughtaker? @gobbo

Please ignore his second bad for updating must defeat a roll 1 dough taker if your keen - roll against the gobbo with a 1. or not :)

-something for bug/quirk report: I may ask aussieninja if he can think of a way of bot checking if an edit is done and not fire gobbo a second time. What I might try to remember to do is take the @ out on an edit...this would probably work..

Gobbo sneaks in and steals all the dice.
He laughs like a jerk and throws a die.

The sneaky git rolls a 1.

That creep doesn't like the music, and he only rolled a 1? Well then, let there be more music...
🎵 [jazz music plays for a while] 🎵
Gonna kill Gobbo now...


Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 4.

IBT result: 4 (PASS) heartheartheart
Under FF6 formulas:
2 x 1 (current stage/level) x 4 (system roll) x 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 (Setzer's fixed dice) = 2048 damage.


Gobbo terminated?

Gobbo flees the scene, but drops a random item...lets see


Gobbo sneaks in and steals all the dice.
He laughs like a jerk and throws a die.

The sneaky git rolls a 6.

Slotherin wizard takes a mighty swing with his staff and delivers a heavy blow to the water demonn let's goooooo!!!


Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 3.

The water demon trembles before he falls from to the ground from the lethal swing. Slotherin wizaard climbs back up a tree to take a well deserved 20 hour nap.

haha Nice work..a well deserved nap :)

Gobbo sneaks in and steals all the dice.
He laughs like a jerk and throws a die.

The sneaky git rolls a 4.


If your a thief class the pickpock (see instructions on how to call) reply works (Top works by @cryptonik) and you may try at your own discretion. Technically you should only do this before the enemy is dead (well that was the vision), but as this wasn't clear for Stage One...go for it now if you want(risk is yours if you get a positive or negative item - Goodluck and have fun :)

-Keep an eye on the item shop, if you need a life they are in stock. Tip: other items may from time to time be available as well.


Powerful wizard Dumbledude will start punching the foe with his wand. @rollthedice

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 2.

Oh crap :/ May I just roll again in a new comment ?

Go for it! not good to be a wizard this Stage

You still have 2 life points:


Being low down and dirty, I throw beach sand in his eyes and then whip out my dagger and slice at the Achilles!


Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 1.


@doctorcrypto! Great job on the icons <3 Not all is lost: You have to type "!pickpocket" as a separate comment with only that command, and no other words to summon the bot.

There are some items yet that may get you out of a sticky situation! Good luck, you thief!

Hahaha sorry I shouldn't laugh. Crazy thing is if bot worked you might have got an item that saved you. To be safe just do a fresh reply here on it's own with the !pickpoc... command - it will work :)

You still have 2 life points:

Please try again.


Savage! Obtained item 6: Ingot! +1 to players roll!


Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 1.

Haha! plus my ingot I get a 2!
That one for each achillis tendon.
Eat beach sand water demon!

Gobbo sneaks in and steals all the dice.
He laughs like a jerk and throws a die.

The sneaky git rolls a 6.

Gobbo sneaks in and steals all the dice.
He laughs like a jerk and throws a die.

The sneaky git rolls a 4.

By the power of Grayskull. He-man gives the demon a lethal bear hug. @rollthedice

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 2.

Haha nice win with your +1 warrior bonus as well

You still have 3 life points:

and when the next Stage is available may continue. Well done!

Congrats! your he-man huggle tactics won you a trophy token. Reply here in 7 days with your bitshare account to receive :)

the one winged angel stares with his laser eyes & evaporates the monster..


Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 4.

All too easy with the powerful eye attack!

You still have 3 life points:

and when the next Stage is available may continue. Well done!

Next try for Dumbledude: he starts throwing little stones on the foe! @rollthedice

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 2.

Almost dying in Stage No.1 I have to make the last try for Dumbledude... now throwing bigger stones... @rollthedice

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 6.

You still have 1 life points:

Hang in there, you made it through - hopefully things improve for the next round :)

Gobbo sneaks in and steals all the dice.
He laughs like a jerk and throws a die.

The sneaky git rolls a 1.

Thia one is gonna have to be quick for optimus,
Staring down at the creature, optimus takes no pity on this foe grabs and flings it in the air and unleashes some flames from his exhaust, fish fry anyone?

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 4.

Fish fritters for lunch!

You still have 3 life points:

and when the next Stage is available may continue. Well done!

Congratulations @lordnigel!
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The Injoker attempts so sneak past the water demon with the Ghost Walk. A wise wizard knows when to fight his battles.

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 5.

Yippie! Long live the Injoker!

Nice job, and pic :)

STAGE ONE IS CLOSED -I will pay out winners shortly (might be couple days wait, but will come :)) well done all.