What is Sex? Share your own opinion to get 5 Steem

in contest •  6 years ago  (edited)

While this is not a formal contest, I will still happily send 5 steem to the one who will come up with the answer (+ an explanation) that best resonates with me. There are no particular rules so feel free to give as many answers as you want and in every format. I will give my own opinion in the course of the next week.

What is Sex in your opinion?

Science says that men and women think about sex at least several times in one hour. Have you ever stopped to think about it? Sex is all around us, in other people's, in the media, in the way we speak and dress, but what is really sex to you?


Credit: godless

I am interested to hear your thoughts on the subject. I will send 5 steems to one of you whose answer will expand and stretch the borders of our traditional thinking, however different from my own POV or bizarre/out of the norm it may be. So feel free to express yourself freely!


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Intersting comments all.
Nothing is a home-run, yet. Some are close.
Think from the consciousness point of view.

Thank you so much @nomad-magus for the steem power delegation rendered to me for a long while. It was really of great help and of great impact to my steem journey. You are such a kind steemian and i will leave to remember that.

You are most welcome. Thank you and keep up your inspiring path. 👍🙏

ok great question. sex to me is at its core about vulnerability and connection. as a woman, it is the space in which i open and invite someone literally into me (whether hand, penis, dildo, tongue), but also into my thoughts, space, aura, brainwaves, everything... it's the soft space of meeting another in the beating, pressing, wanting... it is the freedom to accept and delight in pleasure in the present moment. to say YES! we can also have sex with ourselves and delight in this YESness with ourselves, alone... sex is that meeting place of joining all of the chakras and opening and allowing our full-body's response to that which turns us on. <3

wow, love your topic @nomad-magus! Touched my heart :) for a while now i am quite interested also on how people see sex, their experiences and thoughts. it is good to open our eyes and ears to listen to other perspectives also :) it can be life changing getting out of our box :) Great post! I read all the entries, loved them all, as they are all different colors of the Rainbow! :D

Stay tuned, I'm going to expand on that issue sometime next week.

What does sex supposed to mean? Sex is a fusion of two spirits. The total blending of male and female energy. Sex is a giver and receiver and that’s why sex was created at first. Sex is also an energy of thoughts exchange. He is feeling what she feels and she is feeling what he feels in a subconscious way. Sex is when he insert himself or when she claims him. Some say many other aspects what sex means to them. Sex is also attached to one of the elements such as pleasure. Humans and animals are different when it comes to sex. With animals the nature doesn't want them to completely surround them selfs around the sex, instead the nature wants them to explore and experience many other aspects of life too. That’s why there are only periods of time for animal to be sexually active. The only question remains “Why are humans different? Why don’t humans have only certain periods to have sex? At some point we are animals too.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Sex other than all other aspects in comments here is a great tool for weight loss. See sex weight loss calculator here

Sex is the basic nature of necessity as a living being, especially as a human. In this complex life and continuing to roll sex needs are increasingly out of control. Yes, everyone is free to do according to their choice, but surely there are consequences waiting either now or later. But the nature of being a human being as a creature of God, real sex is a relationship between men and women.

And how a sexual relationship is not just a desire that must be fulfilled and only produces a pleasure that many people say is "heaven of the world" but also produces a spiritual tranquility. Sex, the nature inherent in every human being is a basic element of humanity. Of course, this must be managed well so that it becomes the door of blessing and grace for everyone. How? Do sex through the wedding gate.

Yes...Married, the right sex is started from a binding and responsible relationship, there are quotes there "feeling submissive to God's commands". In order for a marital relationship, especially sexual relations to be maintained dynamically, we are not as happy as any of the parties who are hurt. Sex-based marriage is also functioning as a regeneration of a life, where there will produce offspring who must be guarded, educated, endowed and given love.

No doubt also that a marriage will produce a happy relationship, because as we know there are many unhappy marriages out there. But once again it is not the wrong marriage but each of the individuals themselves who cannot interpret also maintain the marriage rules. But as a human nature as well as a place of wrong and sin.

If you examine further, sexual intercourse with free sex methods, such as sex outside of marriage, same-sex relationships, multiple sex partners. It wants to be denied, however, it's just a false happiness and a lot of losses there.

Thank you @ nomad-magus. This is my view of sex and how to put sex on the right path.

Posted using Partiko Android

Sex is the intertwining of souls and vibrations. it is a pleasurable experience that leads to the creation of life. We humans have learnt to enjoy it as simple pleasure without the creation and aint nothing wrong with that:)

Sex is like daily need for male and female, when we know that what is sex then we all goes to full fill that need that's why we are going in relationships.... But when we passed that age of relationship then we all get married to full fill that need... We goes n goes to full fill that thing rather we are not fully satisfied... After satisfaction we stop that...

Posted using Partiko Android

If we define sex as coitus, then we surely do not think of it that often. Who thinks about intercourse when they talk to their boss or change the diapers on their kid?

What we might be constantly reminded of are our needs. Sex is a need as basic as hunger or thirst. Our bodies crave to reproduce, same as other animals. But we know very well that reproduction is only the trigger for that chemical reaction in the brain, and what we truly seek is intimacy.

Sex is not only a reproduction function. It holds social, spiritual and emotional weight that impacts us in different ways. Sex can be soothing - taking us to a place where we feel safe and accepted. Sex can be invigorating - filling us with inspiration and passion and confidence. And of course - it feels really good (when done right). So it's no wonder we crave this unique and intensely intimate experience more than anything else.

An interesting question I often wonder about (and read potential answers to): What do asexuals think of instead? A small percentage of humans are asexual by nature, and some due to physical changes or even chemical interference. How do they strive to satisfy that needs for acceptance, intimacy and safety?

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Sex can be invigorating - filling us with inspiration and passion and confidence. And of course - it feels really good (when done right).

@techslut am glad you brought in this aspect of feeling good when done right. Doesn't this imply that there is a wrong kind that only brings a bad feeling?, that which robs you of peace. This later feeling comes as a result of going against nature. There is a saying that goes like,

When you fight nature. It will always fight back.

A wrong form of sex is a war against nature and that is something dangerous that has led to many grave consequences suchas disease infections to many individuals who have fallen victims of the deception in this world.

Sex to me is the pleasure we derive from the opposite sex.

Sex to me is a genital and sensual pleasure human beings get from having intimate physical contact with themselves.

A lot of people usually think that there must be intercourse before it is can sex. But even foreplays too can be called sex because people get sexual pleasure from it too.

Even masturbation, no matter how it is frowned at, can be called sex because there is a sexual gratification and discharge those who masturbate get from masturbating. So I will say that sex can be between two people or one person.

i dig it! i included the masturbation aspect in my comment as well ;)

The point of sex is not simply to unite any two individuals, but to show that there can be union between two people who are fundamentally different, just as Christ and the church are fundamentally different but truly united, and just as Father, Son and Spirit are different and yet truly one. The purpose of sexual intimacy within God’s good creation is to unite those who are different in a lifelong covenantal relationship.

Sex is a lifelong commitment?

Posted using Partiko iOS


Just two? Lifelong? I might be doing something wrong here...


Sex is a consensual agreement by two matured adults to connect their minds, souls and bodies through copulation. Sex first takes place in the mind because the mind is where the decision is made while the body and soul are brought into it during the copulation. This is just my simple definition of SEX

Sex is meant as a wonderful experience between husband and wife to provide physical, emotional and spiritual bonding, for them to be intimacy, and have children, it can also become a sin if you have a lust for it

My philosopher's nature calling again... freely, ok, here goes freely...

I would not narrow it down, on the contrary. I prefer to allow my mind to accept sex as being involved in lots of aspects of communication on all kinds of levels between all persons, attracted to each other, which is based on their natural instincts but goes far further than the final goal of those. It may form our complete attitude and behavior towards a person without us thinking of it. That's why we talk about its influence (the appeal they can put in almost everything to sell it better).

Commitment may be something else - a level or a set of levels in that communication. And may be viewed as connected to sex as they both are to other concepts - responsibility, moral, will, honesty, care, love...

sex is about the divine connection, is a method to become one with the other, to reach Heaven and to feel we are One with the other person and that we are One with the whole Universe as a whole. Or at least this is for me its purpose, to have this divine sensation of oneness with all.

Just melting into another being, until the borders disappear and there is nothing else between. Nothing beyond, nothing above, nothing at all. Is about bringing us into the present moment, into the NOW, where nothing else matters and where is all good and perfect.

For me sex is about reaching PERFECTION. Divine pleasure, divine orgasms, divine, out of body experiences, something indescribable in words. Sex is about transformation, like the snakes dancing, the kundalini moving, we are exchanging our bodies and our hearts and transforming ourselves by every move.

Sex is about reaching GOD. That's why sometimes it is incredible painful the feeling after having sex. As higher as you reach Heaven, as higher is the risk you might fall back to Earth again. When you reach all this Heavenly pleasure and see the Oneness, then you see the core of your being also and see the Nothingness also. So, sex is more a game between Heaven and Hell, a way to reach Heaven, being careful not to fall in Hell afterwards, and to learn to deal with the Empty Space that your soul is showing you. Sex is about Uniting and Separating us, for equilibrating the Yin Yang energies and just to be feel this glimpse of God, in order to bring the God inside you and not get attached to the divine feeling felt.

Yes, sex is AMAZING if it is mixed with strong love feelings and it is incredible powerful to mirror our souls :)


Sex is a gift from God. Something very good that is designed for the married people to enjoy for a deeper intimacy and sustainance of their relationship. Sex is designed to serve a sole purpose of reproduction (creation of new creatures) on this planet.

There is a moral form of sex and an immoral kind of sex. A moral type of sex is that which is a natural one which is under control and done according to the core purpose of multiplication on earth.

On the other hand there is an immoral form of sex that which is out of the original designed order. Its an uncontrolled and serves no purpose of reproduction.

We all are aware we came on earth through reproduction where a male and a female mate together and had intercourse that availed a sperm which met the egg within the woman's reproductive system inorder to form a baby which is a new life born to live on this earth.

Sex can as well mean whether you are a male or female. Foristance my sex status is: a male.


Are you for real or did you just time travel into this thread from the middle ages? I am sorry if I sound upset, but there's no such thing as "immoral" sex. And this is exactly the kind of bullshit that makes me despise religion.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

When i was still a kid at around 9yrs i was exposed to two kinds of sex that is homosexuality and fornication by certain old gentleman and an elderly lady. This was sexual immorality or whatever the case it may be termed according to your perception. This kind was not a right thing that was done to me.

I later on practiced masturbation for quite a number of years. I felt guilty of it along the way because i had gotten so addicted to it and i greatly feared sharing about it with any one.

@techslut. This has nothing to do with religion. I as well despise and hate religion. Religion has corrupted many minds of people. There is only one entity and reality i uphold in my life and that is Jesus Christ who is the main reason for the transformation and change of perception of life matters.

When i was still a kid at around 9yrs i was exposed to two kinds of sex

And that is the problem. Not the "kinds" of sex, but the fact a young child was exposed to it without having it properly explained at the right age.

I later on practiced masturbation for quite a number of years. I felt guilty of it along the way because i had gotten so addicted to it and i greatly feared sharing about it with any one.

Masturbation is a healthy bodily function and nothing to be ashamed of. Ever. Everyone masturbates, but the religious also feel guilty when they do.

There is only one entity and reality i uphold in my life and that is Jesus Christ who is the main reason for the transformation and change of perception of life matters.

There is only one entity I can trust to change my perception - me. And Christianity isn't even the most popular religion so let's not. Jesus was just a Jewish boy who got publicity.

In my personal opinion. Sex is a physical or biological difference between women and men, which is often called gender (Ing: sex). While sexuality involves a wide variety of dimensions, namely the biological, social, psychological and cultural dimensions. Sexuality from the biological dimension relates to reproductive organs and genitals, including how to maintain health and function optimally for reproductive organs and sexual drive.
In addition to being a form of affection for your partner, sex can also provide benefits in various aspects of your life, including physical and emotional health. Sex can also affect our psychological, intellectual, and social life. Together with that, quality of life will become more good.Not only about lust and lust, sex turns out to provide many benefits to your health.Starting from improving sleep quality, to reducing the risk of high blood pressure, stroke, and heart disease.Here are some of the benefits of sex that we can discuss. as one sport Sexual intercourse is one form of fun exercise. Sexual intercourse makes the body burn at least 4 calories per minute and makes you use various muscles of the body. Having regular sexual intercourse can maximize this benefit. Research has found that the human heartbeat during orgasm equivalent to light exercise, like if you walk up the stairs. Even so, to achieve the average body movement requirement per week, you still need to do other sports, such as brisk walking or cycling. Hanging healthier Sexual stimulation and orgasm make the heart rate increase. sexually as long as they can still carry out their daily activities normally, such as climbing two steps without causing chest pain. Even according to research, having sex at least twice a week can reduce the risk of heart attack by 50 percent, compared to having sex less than once a month . Keeping blood pressure normal Normal Research on several couples holding hands for 10 minutes followed by hugging for 20 seconds can reduce blood pressure. Other studies also show that those who rarely engage in sexual activity or rarely experience orgasm have a higher risk of developing hypertension. . Stress stress The results of the study revealed that people who do not have sexual intercourse are most at risk of experiencing stress compared to groups who engage in sexual activity with or without penetration. Intimation or orgasm obtained without even involving penetration can help people to relax, similar to meditation. release chemicals in the brain and hormones that make you feel more comfortable. In addition, intimacy can increase self-confidence that forms a healthier and happier life. Increases immunity The strength of the immune system by how often you have sexual intercourse, has a medical relationship .The level of immunoglobulin A (IgA) in people who have sexual intercourse once or twice a week, 30 percent higher than those who do not do it more routinely. These antibodies play a role in guarding the body from disease. But people who have sex more than twice in sunday actually has a lower immune system than usual. However, in order to maintain the immune system, it is advisable to keep healthy habits, such as adequate rest, eating healthy foods, getting vaccinated, having safe sex by using condoms when connected sexual, and having only one partner. Feeling healthier People who are in love or have a good marriage life often answer 'very well' or 'extraordinary' honestly when asked, "How are you?" From marriage and personal relationships well, people feel healthier because they feel social and emotional support. In this case, the benefits of sex play a role in maintaining harmony between partner relationships, even for couples who have been married for a long time. Reducing the risk of disease
When combined with a healthy lifestyle, the benefits of sex can be used as a weapon in reducing the risk of certain diseases, including: - Reducing the risk of heartburn and angina. People who feel supported and loved by a partner are less at risk of developing angina and ulcer, according to a study. - Reduces the risk of prostate cancer. Research shows that men who ejaculate regularly are less at risk of developing prostate cancer. - Tightening the pelvic floor muscles in women so as to maximize sexual intercourse and reduce the risk of disruption of urination later. Increase sex drive Regular sexual intercourse can increase libido. In women, having sex can increase blood flow, elasticity, and lubricating fluid in the vagina. All of these things can make sexual relations more quality. Reducing pain Orgasm releases hormones that play a role in relieving pain. Vaginal stimulation alone can even stop chronic back and leg pain, menstrual cramps, and headaches. Improving sleep quality After orgasm, the body releases the prolactin hormone which contributes to a relaxed and sleepy feeling. That is the reason someone is more easily drowsy and sleep after having sexual intercourse. Enough rest is a source of overall body health, including to maintain body weight and blood pressure to remain normal. Increasing intimacy and quality of relationships Sexual intercourse can increase levels of the hormone oxytocin which helps humans to increase mutual trust and closeness with one another. This level of oxytocin will increase as the frequency of touch increases. Sexual satisfaction is also often associated with relationship stability. Healthy sexual intercourse and done regularly, in addition to being beneficial to physical health, is also beneficial for psychological health and reduces the risk of mental disorders, ranging from depression to suicidal desires
Thanks for this My teacher @nomad-magus

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I hope my answer is not too late @nomad-magus .

For me sex is a form of communication. This is the way we express our emotions and feelings towards another person. This is the unison of two souls, our inner self achieving happiness and joy.

Not too late. Thanks 👍

Sex is a mental state, it is agreed with the biology of the body and it is an impulse of natural attraction, all living beings are formulated to have sex, it is our way of reproduction, it is a desire motivated by the body's hormones, we all want sex, in recent years sex has become tabu, in some cultures, but it is still part of life, without sex there would be no life as we know it, greetings friends.

It's interesting how when you get talking to people about this topic you see that it can mean different things to everyone, from a physical primal instinct to reproduce all the way to it being a door way into higher consciousness.

I think it's a gateway into the closet in our psyche's, which can be positive or negative in context but it's all subjective and relative. Some people express their deepest darkest desires using sex. It's a moment of great vulnerability but also of intense connection depending on the circumstances surrounding the people involved.

For me it's when you're the most in tune with your partner, your clothes are gone, your projective personality is gone, it's just the two of us with none of our barriers up, and the only thing you are focused on is the other, nothing else. It's a form of meditation, its a moment of extreme intensity where our inner life, our imagination and history is expressed in the moment.

When you'r open in this way, present, vulnerable, in tune with the other, you'r dancing with the creator too, we dont create life every time we engage in this act no, but you're engaging in the process of creating life, the melding of two minds and two bodies can result in another spark of life, this act can filter through a new spark of the creator into life, into your being. if your open enough and receptive enough you can become aware of the fact that you are dancing with forces greater than your self in this process.

So essentially it can be many things depending on your effort-

It can be the basic physical gratification/reproduction act,

It can be a way to access and express your inner world

It can be a way to transcend your inner world and become one with your partner if only briefly, and dance along side the creator/creative forces too.

Lots of people seeking spiritual connection, spiritual meaning etc. The tools are right in front of you, you have a spring board.