Shubaca's giveaway: Do you think Tarot cards can predict the future?

in contest •  7 years ago 

Hi dear steemians!

thank you so much for the variety and colourfulness you bring to steemit,

winners of previous challenge:


Bon Appétit

Here are the rules for Today's challemge:

1. write down what do you think about tarot card? do you have any experience with them? can they predidct the future? or maybe there role is to give guidence?

2. follow me! resteem would be highly appreciated:)

I will choose 3 winners that will be selected randomly and give 1 sbd each.

Deadline is in 24 hours.


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I think that tarot cards can predict certain things, even the future, but only if the indicated hands do, so I have a lot of respect for them. I do not have any experience of my own but I have heard stories that make me see the reality of these.


Hello dear friend @shubaca430 I Hope you are having a nice day, to be honest when I was a child i remember that my grandmother used to go to a lady's house, a very old and humble house, so that lady read the tarot cads, according to see how things were in love , money, health and predict the future. In my head is that image of that house, "La casa del encanto" (the House of Enchantment).

Many people agree and others do not, you can see on tv people reading the cards, in my step through the university and was the last thing I hear about it, a friend was recommended by a friend and to read the tarot cards and I remember his opinion was "It's true everything she said." I also remember the opinion of a teacher a very studied man who said that the one who believed in it had reptile mentality.

In my opinion you have to accept everything, there are hidden secrets. Many will agree, others do not, some like a politician and others do not.

I hope you have a nice day. ALways very interesting question

This is the one that scares me

The Spanish letters are my favorite. I do not read them but I have friends who do it very well. At least they stick it as close as possible and we spent some time entertaining reading the future.

Las cartas españolas son mis favoritas. Yo no se leerlas pero tengo amigas que lo hacen muy bien. Por lo menos la pegan lo más cercano posible y pasamos un rato entretenidas leyendonos el futuro.


I personally do not believe in tarot cards, even though there are many people out there who admire tarot card forecasts, because for me there is no human that fortune-teller can see the future, it's just an illusion, sorry it's not my intention to vilify fortune tellers, but that my opinion ,,, thanks @shubaca430

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I had some Yu-Gi-Oh cards several years ago that predicted that I would waste my childhood, and oh boy! they were right, now joke aside I don't think it serves for any purpose, everything is subjective, if you want to do or achieve something just do it, and please don't let some cards tell you what's next on your to do list.

HI, @SHUBACA430, Thanks for the prize, what a surprise!

I would like to congratulate all the winners of the previous contest, and love to be able to meet again in today's contest.

if today's challenge is that my tarot card does not know its not even have experience about it.
my comment today for participation of your contest every day,
thanks you sis
I appreciate you :)) resteem and upvote you post

I think that tarot cards have been an instrument widely used since time immemorial to predict the future in terms of love, health, work, among other things that the person wants to know, such as the present and the past. I have never had the opportunity to read my future by tarot cards, but it would be interesting to live this experience. I really do not know if they could predict the future but somebody says that faith moves mountains and if it is a simple role to guide oneself in life maybe it can be since everything in this life is possible, it depends if the person believes in them or not, and everybody has right to do it or not .

Do I think the Tarot Card can predict the future? Yes and No.

I have been watching a number of conspiracy and alternate history videos lately. There are a few things I have learned. The cards are ancient and related to the Babylonian Talmud meaning today, Judaism though no link is acknowledged. It also means in the past, it had to do with Babylon and where ever it came from before that.

According to Thomas Sheridan a fairly successful author and Youtuber, the cards each show archetypes and a journey of life.

One way they could predict the future is if the reader pulls the right sequences of cards giving the right information and can explain it properly. This will surely not work for everyone because of the draw but also because of the person getting the readings faith in the cards and or how they react to the information and how impressionable or superstitious they are.

Depending on the way the cards are shuffled and drawn, there can also be a subconscious bias and or knowing involved in the draw of the card.

A while back, I read the introduction to a Stephen King book where he ordered the short stories in his book according to a Tarot draw. It seems to me and that he might have been intimating that he wanted to see how the cards would affect the advanced logic of the inter-relation between the stories. He would therefore be making a level of effect similar to the Tarot on top of the results given by the Tarot.

To be honest have really no idea of about them but to be exact my points are

  • As seen in the movies that there might be some people who can predict the future by those cards and they can say what lies in the future which is just a 50/50 chance.But some are out there who can really tell what lies beyond those are really hard to find.
  • While there are many out there who just takes away the money from our pocket to theirs and made it a business.

If there are any results from those people than he/she might be worth a visit and so does that persons reading ;)

Honestly I think they can give you guidence, maybe with a really specific thing even predict some events, not exactly the future; and obviously with a person that actually have the gift

I have no experience with Tarot card and I don't think it can predict the future. I actually believe in the Bible more and its prophecies because most of it happened already

Good to be back here. Great question by the way.
Here's my take on this tarot card, it is usually great way of wanting to have a glimpse of your future based on my friends experience but for someone like me who who got scammed by tarot I would not rely my future on the cards..

The bottom line their is that it could be a great guide for us but at the same time we must remember that it is us who have a great chance of controlling our faith rather than anyone else. Thank you and Godbless

Just like our intuition is one tool and language.. The tarot cards are yet another tool to "nudge" us or indicate to us hunched of truth from. no earth planes or dimensions of existence.. This is definitely a good tool to convey truths, warnings, predictions and the stories of our lives... I have experienced and got direction too when I was at the crossroad... So i learnt it also so that i can take timely decision.. Which is the foundation of fruits we get.. Tarot card readers are gifted individuals who have directed millions of people. Accuracy depends on readers and there Ae scammer too so go to right person for the right direction.

Congratulations to the winners, and as for the questions of the challenge, I personally do not believe in the tarot cards, I believe in acts and consequences and that there is no better way to predict the future than observing each act of our lives, it is to say, if we go through life acting badly and with bad aptitude we can not expect good things to happen to us, and like everything in life for there to be a balance there must exist good and evil otherwise we would not know that it is good and that is bad, I do not say with this, that the tarot is bad, but neither can we base our lives on what an individual says in some letters, and whoever considers having the gift of seeing or predicting the future should use it to Avoid so many evils in the world.

I not trust this prediction. I don't have no experience with it. But now a days also few of them are following this prediction.

didnt experience futuresight through cards yet but i dont really believe in those things
im having hard time to believe anything that the science didnt prove yet

Se que vienen de tiempos muy antiguos. Y mi punto de vista es que no creo que predicen el futuro, pero es en la forma en que pueden ser interpretadas por personas conocedoras que pueden ayudar a otras dependiendo de lo que se busca en su lectura.

Tarot cards can predict the future in a sense that they are a mirror to the subconcious. and subconcious is linked to superconcious. only so called 'crystalized future' can be read - the future is actually a conciousness' projection. Oldest tarot deck is Marsylian and i have been using it in the past. To know the futre is boring, life's suprises are more fun. It can be a helpful tool in some self-learning and some decision-making. Just remember - it's only a mirror.