The Crypto Renaissance Design Competition [Poster Contest with Upvote Prizes!]

in contest •  7 years ago  (edited)

180615 Poster-01.png

An Open Call for Designers!

If you haven’t heard yet, Sndbox is organizing its first full-scale exhibition in New York City! We’re calling it the -

"The Crypto Renaissance"

The exhibit will be showcasing the creative and community experiences of Sndbox’s first cohort and the power of Steem’s decentralized applications. The show will be interactive, and focused on educating the New York public through professional graphics and step-by-step explanations of the Steem blockchain. The focus of the show will be on Sndbox projects and how our incubator members have utilized the Steem ecosystem to empower their work.

In the spirit of our creative mission, we want to open up the design(s) of our poster and collateral (possibly future SWAG!) with a Steem-powered design contest! For this week's contest - we're calling on the Steem-public to flex their creative muscles. The Top 3 Winners of this contest will have their poster artwork used to promote and broadcast the exhibition!

Drag, drop and download these high quality PNG files, below:

The Creative Crypto - Color.pngThe Creative Crypto - White.pngThe Creative Crypto - Black.png

Poster Contest Guidelines

Download "THE CRYPTO RENAISSANCE" text (click here for AI files) and customize it through your own aesthetic, background, and creative palette (all of which is entirely up to you!) Extra points for incorporating themes of blockchain, creativity, and the wildest things you could possibly think of.

  • Poster Size: 3'-0" (width) x 4'-0" (height)
  • Resolution: High Quality 300 Pixels/Inch (minimum)
  • Tag your post #cryptorenaissance
  • Link to our announcement post
  • Share the image and link to the post in the comments below
  • Deadline is Wednesday 10 PM EST!

Upvoting Prizes!

Winners of this contest will have their poster artwork used to promote and broadcast the exhibition! The voting prizes will be distributed as follows -

  • Winners (minimum of 3) will receive 100% upvotes
  • Honorable Mentions (minimum of 5) will receive 20%
  • All successful submissions (following each step) will receive a partial upvote


No limits and no precedent artists needed for this week’s iteration. We seriously want to see the wackiest results you can come up with.


Learn more about the @sndbox incubator:

Help us spread the word!

Follow us on Twitter > Sndbox + The Creative Crypto + Facebook

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Hi @sndbox! Here is my enty. Hope you will like it!
Can share with you .ai file if it will be needed:)
Poster new.png

Hello @sndbox! This is my entry for the competition :)

I love the work @sndbox is doing here on steemit... I might not be able to be there live, but i will join the contest...

I'm in, Thank you for these contest :) You are really helping designers like me :)
Thank you @sndbox and @creativecrypto

Finally Here is my entry to the Crypto Renaissance Design Competition!, I hope you like it! :D

Crypto Renaissance 7.png

Hello, @creativecrypto and @sndbox,
this is my presentation. Many blessings on the event.

porter 1.jpg

Now that's an awesome motion graphic video @sndbox !! Who made it? The motion tweening is great.

hello @sndbox here is the link to my post


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

My entry @sndbox i hope be chosen, the full resolution file is too big, so i let you a preview.

My post

Anyway to win/earn a short term SP delegation?

I hope I can take part!!

Hi! This looks like fun! Can I make more than one proposal?

1 proposal per person :)

Sorry, when is the deadline? it says Wednesday, but what is the date?

Great initiative dear... Thanks for conducting this contest.. I would loved to participate but I can't because of my project "Educatorsmania Free School". Thanks @sndbox and @creativecrypto

I'll get busy asap.. @sndbox

Hello, very good initiative, to convene the community of designers of steemit. For this event, thanks to @creativecrypto and @sndbox

The Creative Crypto 1.jpg

saludos amigo @sndbox gracias por permitirnos tener la oportunidad de participar. suerte para todos y éxitos en el evento.

Hello @sndbox! Here Is My Entry


Really nice photography post! My friend have created awesome Steemit t-shirt and I want to share it with our amazing community! More detailed pictures are here:
front (7).jpg

Really interested to see what the community comes up with there are already some great ideas being shared.

Yay! I am so curios and excited with the entries! Good luck to everyone! :D

Hi @sndbox here my design for "The Crypto Renaissance Design Competition"

This my link : Read Here


Thanks @sndbox

My Entry for Contests The Crypto Renaissance Design Competition .


This is an incredible contest, I wish more of such can be about marketing or media strategies. Would have been involved by now. But I resteemed it for people that are really going to join this contest. Well done @sndbox

a wonderful contest organized for a great venture. Of course I would like to take part in this race :)
my entry:

Crypto Renaissance Design Competition.png (4).gif

@snbox this is my contribution for this contest, please see full post here thank you very much :))

Hi, @sendbox! This is my poster.
And I hope you like it ;)

Artboard 1@4x.png

That’s Michelangelo!

oh~ michelangelo~ fantastic.....

Hello @creativecrypto and @sndbox! This is my entry poster design:

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone, it was very pleasant for me to participate, here I leave you a little of my participation, I hope it is to your liking!

melva poster.jpg

when is the deadline?

Wednesday 10 pm

Thanks @bundaqubeki

you're welcome

Wow, I see some really interesting entries here. ^.^
I'm working on mine, but I doubt I'd finish in time. Do you mind if I make a post either way? I'm not doing it for the prize, I was really inspired by the contest theme. ;)

Absolutely! Feel free to post and let us know where it is @katalinaooma :)

Thank you, @sndbox! ^.^ I combined my knowledge of fashion and graphic design in the entry, so it needs more work than expected. ^^'

That is amazing!!............

Another cool contest. I hope I can make something for this 😄

Here the post about my entry. Thank you @sndbox, it was fun to participate :)

Here´s my entry and my design:

I really like the contest you gave us. However, I am not a person who is able to provide logo design. I can not and it makes me sad. However, I invited @beladro, @andi.satria.hrp, @anggreklestari to enter this contest. Hopefully my friends can give the best work and satisfy the jury.