15th Daily Steemit Upvote Lottery

in contest •  7 years ago  (edited)

Win a guaranteed minimum of 2SBD by upvoting this post and leaving a comment. It's free, fun and easy! I'll even pay 3 SBD to upvote bots to make the prize more interesting. We'll select the winner automatically after 24 hours. You can view all our past lotteries, winners and payments on our website. Myself and all bots are of course excluded from participation!

The rules are super easy:

  1. Upvote this post
  2. If you're new, introduce yourself
  3. Complete today's assignment: tell me the worst purchase you ever made!

Our previous winners and payments:

1/19/2018@darkus1.97 SBDView
1/20/2018@sodasoda4.99 SBDView
1/21/2018@masqurade~1.76 SBDView
1/22/2018@drdave~1.57 SBDView
1/23/2018@felicitas~3.02 SBDView
1/24/2018@ysathewriter~4.02 SBDView
1/25/2018@circleseeker~2.74 SBDpending
1/26/2018@taudom~2.26 SBDpending
1/27/2018@starscream97~2.3 SBDpending
1/28/2018@kuminga~2.15 SBDpending
1/29/2018@reputablestone~2.25 SBDpending
1/30/2018@ecuadorhomestead~2.1 SBDpending

Don't forget to follow me and good luck everybody!

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Worst purchase I have made is from an online store. I bought a kids cooking kitchen toy play set wherein from the pictures, the toys are as big as the toddler model, around 3-5 years old. But when I received the item, the toys are super small, miniature version. The picture is so deceiving. Hahaha


That's horrible!

Hi I'm new I'm Micah 6/8. I just got started for my schoolwork and to practice typing and spelling. I have 18 chickens and love watching them. I like digging holes and playing in the woods.

The worst purchase I made with my allowance is USA-made plastic dump truck toys for my brother, sister and I. I thought they are better than the ones made in China but they are the same.

I'm not sure if Made in the USA is any better anymore.

Welcome to the lottery Micah and thank you for joining. Sorry about your trucks!

I am happy and very very happy read your post

That's great ijoel, but if you wish to participate you'll have to read my post and complete today's assignment :)

Hello I am new and my name is Stan,

I bought a camper top for my truck. It has a full back door and you remove the tailgate.
It is a major hassle to open the door, you have to unlock 3 locks and undo two straps close the middle door then open it with your hand on the bottom, and it leaks when it rains. It looks good but I bought it to camp out in and since it leaks we cant use it.
Paid 3.5 k and wish I didn't buy it.

Hi Stan, thank you for joining! That's harsh, you would expect a camper top to be able to keep out a little rain...

I'm new even if I joined last year. I just now got back to Steemit after my pregnancy. I was born and raised in the Philippines, now living in southern US for almost a decade. Well, I didn't know the southern drawl can be infectious because after listening to myself on video, I definitely have the twang as they say.

Thanks for upvoting one of my posts recently (that's how come I found you!). Now I followed and definitely joining the lottery.

First worst purchase we ever made was our tornado shelter. The company didn't finish the job, the paint smell makes you get a headache and now we have a rusting steel hole in the ground. The few times we had to get in there it has condensation so bad that if you touch the wall it soaks you. 10k in a hole that we can't really use. We bought it large so that we can use it like the old storage/storm cellars and store canned food we had grown in our garden.

We maybe can fix it but it's a bummer spending that much money and ending up with what we have.




You're welcome lovenfreedom and thank you for joining :) Can't you force the company to finish their job?

We forced them to complete it but they won't return our calls so my husband had to finish the electrical part and we did as much as we could cleaning it up so the paint smell dissipate.

My worst purchase was bubble gum ice cream. It was horrible and it cost me a quarter. Definitely a major set back in my budget. lol

What made you think bubble gum ice cream could possible taste good? :)

I didn't know that it was bubble gum ice cream because it was in Spanish. lol

My smartphone lyf flame 8. Its really worst

Sucks dude, I feel bad for you.

My worst purchase ever is must be Redmi Note 2 of Xiaomi. There were lots of hype about how good this phone was, its battery life and speed. I asked a friend from China to get it for me as it was very expensive here. From the first day I got the phone, the battery was a crap, it didn't even run for 2 hours, the OS was awful with lots of Chinese inbuilt apps, although it was fast and lightweight. I used it for a month and gave it to my younger brother. From that day on, I am staying away from these Chinese branded phones.

Yeah I had a chinese phone as well and I never managed to get rid of all the apps on it that were impossible for me to use.

my worst purchase was purchasing a smartphone samsung s6 from a guy on the street, then later realise it was a fake. Still hurt till now


I've made so much bad purchases I can't even remember which one was the worst, probably some expensive clothes I never wore :(

My worst purchase was TRX at the all time high. Good thing I only put in 5% of my portfolio. bought more when it dipped hard.

Ah yeah that hurts. I did the same thing with a few other coins :(

bitcoin at 20k


The worst purchase i can remember (probably not the worst I ever made) were some vegetable plants for my balcony. Every single one o them died because of different deseases and pests. In the following year I tried it again ( I like gardening). But the result was the same...

You should try cucumbers, they are the only ones who survive in my garden every year. I guess they are very strong :)

Hellow steemian, my name is rohit and i am resident of india. I like to watch cricket .
Masqurade told me about this contest . I hope it will be great

Welcome Rohit! To participate please read the post and complete today's assignment ;)

Hi its the platypus again So i think the worse purchase i ever made was for nothing. I gave a random person 60b0bucks to get me an 8th of weed and he never came back. Lesson learned :P

Welcome back puggle! Just come to the Netherlands you can buy it in the shop here :)

I already won, thank you. Hope can do the same the next lottery. My worst purchase was a phone with a tv in a small store renting a space in a big Chinese department store. It just took a week and became malfunctional.

Yeah you have to be careful with some of the Chinese stuff. Good luck again today!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Welcome lucent! If you have any questions just ask. Why you never went to Japan? I'd love to go there one day.

The worst purchased I ever made was a $3(converted to dollar) wallet. Why? Because I only have $3.50 in my pocket! 😭😂

Lol, that's not a very useful purchase indeed :)

The worst purchase I ever made was No Man's Sky when it first released about two years ago. Not only was it a bad game, but I also paid for the game in bitcoin.

The last time I checked, I had paid well over $1000 for the game thus far. I got sick of looking, have since emptied that wallet and hope to never have to see that transaction again.

Oh shit! I just bought the game in euro and I already feel bad about it.

An expensive shirt which doesn’t fit on me anymore. :(

A very familiar problem. Did you put on some weight? :P

Bought an air-max shoe with size 42 me getting home it was not my size and it still the same size 42 was very painful

You didn't try them on in the shop?

The worst purchase I ever made was of a shirt & jacket that matched together. So I purchased it a size Large, the size I normally wear. Well since I had purchased it on a chinese web site the sizes were a little off. What I thought was a US Large ended up being a Chinese Large which in US size is basically an Extra Small give or take. So I ended up not using it at all. Best $30 I ever spent haha!

Lol, I had the exact opposite. I ordered an XL T-shirt in the US and it's big enough for two of me!

Haha the struggle is real when it come to online ordering!

The worst purchase I made was to buy some fishing lures in the bass pro shop when I do not even have a fishing rod. hehe

Lol they must've been very enticing lures :P

Hahaha. They were phosphorescent!

Can't blame ya :) I bought a fly-fishing rod and lures last year but I haven't used them yet. I don't know what's worse...

Lol haha

i bought 4 nos (one by one) second hand android mobiles from my friend circle but no one fulfill my steemit needs so i am so sad.

What steemit needs?

The worst purchase I've made was a crushed ice dessert in a restaurant in Shanghai. That thing was overpriced, tasted like crap and made me hug the toilet for the next 2 days.

Hahaha that's a great story. To be honest, much as I love Chinese food, I've never had a good desert in China. They always look great but taste awful. They keep putting weird stuff in it like beans or sesame.

Man I wish it was just beans and sesame. It was crushed ice, probably made with tap water and colored with way too many artificial colors. Well let's just say all that colorful stuff had to get out of my system somehow.

My worst purchase ever (or at least lately, than I can remember XD) has to be the replacement shaving machine I bought after my last one broke. Seriously. So frustrating to use, pulling the hairs half the time, leaving them at irregular length and overall doing a shitty job of its only job. God, I had forgotten about this (I shave every three weeks or so XD) and now that I've remembered I feel like throwing it out the window.

You should just get a razor :)

i was so close to winning on the last lottery! lol. hmmm.. the worst purchase i have ever made is when i purchased a solar lamp post online last december, it was an international delivery, and returning it is a big hassle. When it came to our house and we installed in on our lawn, it became a decoration lol. The light it produce can't even help a cat at a night. lol.

Ah, the dangers of online impulse shopping :) Good luck today! Perhaps in the future I'll pay out the top 3 ;)

So true! Online shopping can be tricky most of the times. Rewarding the top 3 would be awesome! i hope your contest gain more so you can help more people. I'll help re-steem! :)

Thanks, that's great!

The worst purchase I ever made was a $1200 MacBook Air. Right now it overheats so much that at one point it will explode. Why did I buy this.

The worst purchase I made was a spinner to my 4 year old son, without knowing that it did not pass between his fingers, he could not use it because he had a very small hand.

Awww that sucks. Did you get him something else?

haha no. I put the spinner between my fingers and my son so he can turn it. It does not seem so fun right?

most recent worst purchase for me is Destiny 2 and its DLC haha

It's not a good game? Just checking out the website and it looks pretty awesome to me!

Destiny 1 was bad when it launched 3 years ago, but during those 3 years they improved the game , it was the game to play, but with D2, its like they changed the studios or something, game is just overhyped garbage, and that's coming from a fan of Destiny, I had over 1000hrs on D1

Hmm I should probably give Destiny 1 a try then. Thanks for the info!

but be sure to have some people to play with, raids are where it's at, 6 people and go, pvp is fun also,
you'll enjoy it!

greetings! i am Mikel Im new on steemit :) and the worst purchase i made was a Nike running shoes from a department store worth 3,00o php and it only lasts a month.

Welcome Mikel! Did you get a refund?

i didnt get any because i dint ask for it haha i lost the receipt and it's a double kill for me

When i bought a travelling bag last 2015. And until today i havent been anywhere hahaha

Hahaha I know the feeling...

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

worst purshase i ever had was .... gotta say nintedo ds got bored of it in a week

Lol, what a waste!

The worst purchase for me was a jacket I bought a few years ago and soon after it was like the whole world was wearing it.
Maybe it was too cheap 😉

Haha I guess so :)
Welcome to the lottery!

Thanks :)

Sorry but i did'nt made any worst purchases yet.lol

Oh come on, you're saying you're happy with every single purchase you ever did?

Actuallyn i don't make much purchases .. I have enough things . If i need something , someone from my family purchases it ... i hardly bug anything

Ah that sounds so relaxing :)

Hi, I'm affinity12... affinity being my favorite word.
Probably my worst purchase would be my wedding ring, well actually my husband's but in the end mine also. My husband's niece was playing dress-up at my house & unbeknownst to me took my ring off my dresser. She lost it outside in the yard. A year later it was found by the lawnmower. Needless to say, it had a large dent though the diamonds were still in it. Soon after, it was lost in a house fire, never to be found again. That's my story & I'm sticken to it...LOL No really, it's the truth.

Hello @svosse When you will do your next steemit upvote lottery contest?

My worst purchase was LTC at all time high. I still have that LTC in my portfolio as a reminder to never FOMO again.
We need to learn from our mistakes and sometimes we need to be reminded, so every time I look at my portfolio, I feel a pain in my wallet and make sure to trade without emotion and do my research.