35th Daily Steemit Upvote Lottery

in contest •  7 years ago  (edited)


Win a guaranteed minimum of 2SBD by upvoting this post and leaving a comment. It's free, fun and easy! I'll even pay 4 SBD to upvote bots to make the prize more interesting. The winner is automatically selected after 24 hours. You can view all our past lotteries, winners and payments on our website. Myself and all bots are of course excluded from participation!

The rules are easy:

  1. Upvote this post
  2. If you're new, introduce yourself
  3. Complete today's assignment by @ysathewriter: How can you make the world a better place?

Previous winners and payouts:

2/9/2018@bangla3.77 SBDView
2/10/2018@brobear19952.32 SBDView
2/11/2018@twotripleow3.30 SBDView
2/12/2018@fcavetroll2.44 SBDView
2/13/2018@shadowmancer3.22 SBDView
2/14/2018@adrian11~3.09 SBDpending
2/15/2018@mhelows~3.1 SBDpending
2/16/2018@aristotle1997~2.94 SBDpending
2/17/2018@joeytechtalks~3.05 SBDpending
2/18/2018@aykaco~3.08 SBDpending

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Good luck everybody!

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to make people understand that we are all human living on only one small planet......

Respecting to the differences and equity in the justice.

Its only LOVE that will make the world a beautiful or a better place.

I like to think realistically with this, and think that I already make the world a better place with my sober-driver service that I provide. As a milloinaire, if I ever get there, I would like to help solve homelessness. I have a homeless charity that I wanted to start, but I've never been able to due to life's obstacles.

Sober-driver service? You mean people can call you to drive them home when they're drunk?

I drive them home in their car, it's not your proverbial taxi service

Don't they get really annoying when they're drunk?

Kinda but if you know how to handle them it can be fun. I've been dealing with them for 7 years now so I'm used to it. They also seem to behave a lot more when it's their car. (I was a cab driver for 5 years). I get a lot more respect too.

Ah yes, that makes a lot of sense lol. They'd hate to have to clean up their own vomit the next day. I love the idea actually. Luckily I can bike back home from the pub here :)

By killing the Infidels! 😂

Which infidels?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Be the best version of myself. They say that the greatest pollutant here on earth are the mankind. If people are lacking knowledge about the world, preservation of earth, social relationships, and technology, people cannot fully understand the importance of each. Future begins with yourself.

I'm totally agree with you!

I think the best thing a man can do to make this world better is to make himself better version of himself. Just get rid of anything that is bad in our behaviour . This is win-to win strategy.

We can make the world better by giving good education to all, educated society is much better society

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

You can write anything you want here, but i'm pretty sure the world can only be a better place if you start being a better person yourself.

Be kind to people, so they will be kind to others
Share what you have, so others will share too
Say something nice to people once in a while, so they do the same to someone else or maybe to you
Treat everyone with respect, as you know you can only get respected by respecting others
And many other examples as above, making yourself a better person is step 1 in making this world a better place to live on.

Thanks again @svosse for another great question.

I can make this world a better place by beginning with myself. By simply following the traffic rules & city ordinances, by being a good citizen. The small acts together we can have a better place to live in.

The best thing would be to eliminate corruption, hunger, wars, hatred, racism, poverty and so I think we could have a world more full of peace and happy people fighting for a better future for their families.

Ah yes, but how to eliminate them?

I believe that creating children in their homes at a young age so that in the future we will all be better people and thus have a healthier and more peaceful world, how are you doing at the @fairlotto lottery? Hahaha

Everyone just smoke weed. Its that simple lol.

Make love not war..
Love thy neighbor..

To make the world a better place I must start with myselve.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I think each one of us can make the world a better place by taking a deep breath the next time we feel angry. It's a small power we have, but it is ours. If we can manage to do this, we will be more peaceful and we will bring a bit of peace into the lives of people we know. My humble suggestion, which I will try to follow today, at least. Also, I guess I'm new, though I've been with Steemit for about a week now.

HEY! I’m new to this! Glad to finally be here. The world could be a better place if we left all these big cities l, lived in smaller communities, allowing everyone to help eachother and prosper instead of trying to out do your neighbors 🙌🏽

By choosing love better than fear

By colonising another world and start anew, with hopefully wiser people. This one is fucked beyond repairing.

three words! Universal Basic Income

Give a smile for everyone that i meet.

well i really cant make the world a better place , but i know i can help by simple acts like sharing your blessings, no matter how small the amount is.
Taking time to help those who are in need. And by being a good citizen. :)


Smile more & don’t judge people. Since having a little one, it’s amazing how many people give your their opinions, on literally everything, uninvited.

And a smile, well it’s infectious and it’s amazing how grumpy we can all look at times (especially whilst commuting in London!)

I am @Lewinmotivator carr new to,steemit ..I am making the world a better place true my blog and social media accounts where I inspire and assist people to find their truth and live up to their full potential.

By everybody working on their own selves!

I will try to make The world without hunger! Millions of people are waiting for food in the world.

Donate money to the ones in need :)


Ok. lets do it

using blokchain technology

Love thy neighbor as yourself

I can make the world a better place by starting with me. By being a better person. By keeping in mind the golden rule which is "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you".

Cheers! :)

By creating harmony at all 4 levels

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hi, My names Moonunit and I'm a Steemahiloc.

I think the best way to make the world a better place is for everyone to go Vegan. Peace starts with your plate. How can we know true peace when we are consuming death?

i can make the world a better place by doing good to others. i think this is the best way to make the world to be better than good. becuase i really believe in the law that what ever you give it will bring back to you. lets make the world a better place for you and for me and for everybody and lets do it with love.

Alleviate humanity even in little things. Everything starts by little until it all then matters.

That's unfortunately not so easy.
I wouldn't say I make the world a better place, but I at least try to do nothing negative. I try to be relatively otimistic, be polite and friendly to other people, I clear up behind me and don't litter and just generally try to do some little good things.

As 1 person i can do alot to help a little for this world to start with keep it clean, use less paper, less plastic , thank people for small deeds, forgive the ones that hurt me, respect elders love my wife and always ask God for what i need.

prospering all human beings in the world

By making and affecting a positive change in the environment around you

By not making it worse!

To make the world a better place I would first make myself better and kinder as you cannot ask something from others what you are not doing yourself.

You could start by eating less (or no) meat. Eating meat means the destruction of rainforests for the production of soy beans (just one example).

As some people had said already, making the world a good place to live in for everyone requires deep structural changes that are hard, if not impossible, to make by a single person. Two things that you can do as an individual, though:
One, try to have good personal values and stick to them when making decissions, even if it makes things harder or more expensive sometimes (assuming you have enough to eat and sleep under a roof, that is).
And two, try to get involved in local politics and get people around you interested. The system needs big changes, and unless you want to fight outside the system (which is something I can respect, but a lot harder and probably more dangerous), trying to choose candidates that are sincere and want to change things is probably the best you can do, specially as opposed to not voting or taking the "safe" option of keeping the same pro statu quo people.

If given the opposite i'll start by planting more trees to replace those being destroyed daily, help reduce the green house effect. But as I can't do it, I'll try to be the best version of myself. They say, "Change begins with you".

im aadi
to make world a better place
only option is spreading love, care, humanity, adoption of nature to mankind not to spoil too much eco balance growth in nature

I'm not sure whether or not I still count as new, since I've been regularly writing on here for a couple of weeks now, but I'll introduce myself: I'm Mallory. I've been writing since I first learned to put pen to paper to express inner thoughts. Writing has always been my outlet in the good times and the bad, but I've kept my thoughts tucked away in diaries out of public view. I'm gradually becoming more and more comfortable with sharing things that are more personal. I'm a former history PhD student who decided to take another career path, so I write history articles to keep connected to that time in my life. I try to present my research in a way that anyone can find funny and engaging, not just history nerds. I'm also posting writing in other genres, like poetry, poetic prose, and I'm going to try to challenge myself to write fiction (which has never been my strong suit).

It's funny that you asked this question, because I consider my sole purpose in life to leave this world better than I found it in whatever way I can (you know--camping rules). On some days, that might simply mean being kind to strangers and passing along positivity. You can do this in ways big and small--it could just be allowing someone to pass you in traffic, or bussing your table at a cafe even when you haven't been asked to. At other times it could be something more literal, like participating in a beach cleanup or getting involved in activism. Some people make enormous impacts by finding ways to resolve major issues that we face (like inventing new forms of renewable energy). I believe that the single most important way that you can make the world a better place is to spread positivity and be patient with other people when you are sharing information about important issues. I try to play "the empathy game" with people who disagree with me politically without automatically assuming that they must be ignorant or coming from bad intentions. Sometimes giving people the benefit of the doubt is the best way to find common ground as humans and come to an agreement about how you can make things better. Collaboration is key.

To make the world a better place.. Take top 40 off the radio

Little by little my friend... little by little

Transparency to all government officials, we commoners should have an access to their bank accounts. If I could delete poverty in their lives I would do it. I'd like to protect the environment and make the whole world land of the free. 1 leader 1 planet hehe

first we must change all every human being, because human beings are most influential to the world. if the human is not good how the world can be good.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hi good steemian!
I believe that the biggest enemy of our world is "US" people, so to make our world a better place we should start it within ourselves, lets start to change our ways, redirecting the steps we make, lets colaborate because even the small deeds we make has a greater effect to the world. Effects that will eliminate peoples self interest. We should be in GOOD FAITH. Thankyou!

Hi @all,
my name is Roland, i live in the austrian alps and i love our beautiful planet :-)
I make the world a better place by simply being a good child of mother earth.

Use the blockchain to arrange for micro-loans for third world country small (very small) businesses.

Making the world a better place takes alot of dedication, love and empathy. The best way i think i can make a world a better place is by sharing the little i have with those that dont have, that way they will know someone cares about them and this might go a long way in making them a better person. Also by ensuring justice prevails in everything.

Thank you @svosse for your support towards the success of my initiative.

But i noticed that my upvotes value fluctuates (reduces mostly) even when more votes are added, is there an explanation for that? thanks

One word: LOVE!

It is something New for me.

greetings from Berlin

I can make the world a better place by spreading love and stop judging since everyone has its own story to tell.

How can you make the world a better place?
being realistic here , i guess i will recycle more and volunteer , i dont have grandiose goals of fixing the planet but I can sure make a difference in my local neighborhood

El mundo sería mejor, si todos dieramos un aporte positivo, hay que contribuir no destruir, menos critica y mas acción!

El mundo sería mejor, si todos aportaramos positivamente, ser tolerantes, ayudar al prójimo, menos guerras mas amor, siempre dar lo mejor de sí, Paz mundial!

By working for the benefit of people.

hello @svosse I'm just new here. I'm @nivra26 :) i hope i can join your lottery .. tnx a lot

By spreading love (not sexually), not hate. By abiding the rules. And by caring our only planet: Earth. : )

I think the world would be better if there were not 3 things: diseases, terrorists and politicians.

Educating people with love and peace!

By replacing all the different currencies in the world by a common and only one : Beer

Education, education, education :) With one language, one currency.

Making the world a better place is not as easy as it sounds, but sometimes when many hands are on deck, everything slowly falls in place. To make the world a better place i would (if able) empower all would be entrepreneurs with enough to get them going. All progress begins with an idea afterall...

Hi. My name is Reon. I live in South Africa. I volunteer for an organisation called Africa Food for Thought. We help to provide food security to more than 18 000 children in schools to the west of Johannesburg. I'm new to all of this.

I think that if each of us would give their lives to something worthwhile instead of selfish pursuits, the world would be better.

By introducing people to Steemit and #smartcash, I believe it will make the world a better place.

I'm not sure if the above will enter the lottery? the last two or 3 draws, didnt seem to register

The world can be made a better place by everybody performing individual actions, anything from not littering on the streets, greeting random people and saying have a great day, and all the way to performing different kind of donations.

Every good action counts, no matter how small it may seem, by everybody pitching in, this world can become a better place to be.

I plan to conduct a metap in my village and attract people to Steemit. So I will help the poor, I hope so.

I think the world would be better if from childhood we instilled our values, principles and manners and make it a chain. But nowadays you have to create awareness in the adults to begin with this. "and if we smile always everything would be different".

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

We can make this world a better place by educating our teenagers to shape more their attitudes and characteristics towards themselves as well as to other people because they are our hope. Let us educate each other to have respect and to have wisdom to make our world full of colors. Anyways, I have been a member of this site last January @rezel. Thanks for giving this kind of opportunity @ysathewriter especially to the newbies like me and I believe you are already making this community a better place for everyone. You did great!

hello my name is doribel maestre!
I am sure that we must restore our values ​​and give ourselves a lot of love with each other, it will not be a perfect world but it will be better