Jesus Mohammed Marx Trump Putin et al : Controlled Opposition ensuring you NEVER escape Cult control

in controlled-opposition •  7 years ago 

Controlled Opposition ensuring you NEVER escape Cult control
EVERY supposed ‘reformer’ and ‘utopian dreamer’ that has been promoted as our savior from slavery and misery, has turned out to be worse than those this supposed ‘reformer’ was claiming to offer us salvation FROM.
What do I mean? Well the ‘Gospel’ is literally supposed to be ‘GOOD news’. The hero of the narratives appears to be condemning the powered elites, the Cult of Judah Pharisee’s, and offering us a better alternative.
As ALWAYS, that supposed ENEMY of the Cult of Judah, and the ‘established’ powered elites, turns out to be a ‘Jew’.
Jesus, whether as a real person, and/or fictitious character in a story, says all the right things. All the things the oppressed and tyrannized people have wanted to hear. All the things they felt, but probably could never have articulated so well, nor would they have dared to. For the price of asserting your ‘freedom of speech’ was a horrible death. Just as it was later in Cult of Judah occupied Russian and Eastern Europe. The ‘Jew’.S.S.R.
Now why on earth would the Romans end up adopting this new Cult? They had enough of their own god-men. Most of whom shared all the same qualities. In fact the ‘Jesus’ archetype goes back at least as far as Sumer and Egypt. Everyone around the world would have recognized this character as one of their own, ancient, established ‘god-men’. I’ve detailed this in ‘Religion’.
‘Jews’ wrote the Bible stories, quite possibly a single family of Roman ‘Jews’, or at a stretch the ‘narrators’ and ‘evangelists’ of these ‘New’ Testaments whose names are associated with them. But all suspiciously ‘Jewish’.
It is only suspicious in hindsight, after ‘grokking’ the history that followed. We’ll consider that history in chronological order.
The supposed ‘savior’ of the people became ‘the same old shit, just different language’. For the new Cult PROMISED reform, but instead delivered ‘The Inquisition’ and ‘The Dark Ages’, and endless ‘religious’ wars and military conquests.
Jesus and Paul and that lot, as people or fictitious characters in a story, played the role of ‘Controlled opposition’ to the hilt. They say all the right things. Really impressive. Exactly what they need to say. What the people want to hear. Data mined ‘public opinion’ fed back to the people, so they’d be excited, and follow the apparently ‘NEW’ people. Today Cambridge institute mine all your data from every electronic post, email, ‘like’, or comment you make. To find out what you WANT your leaders to say. Then they sell that information to the pre-selected candidates of the Cult of Judah, who say it. And WE all listen. Because we are finally hearing what we WANT to hear. But it is all hollow. Meaningless. Just like the ‘Gospels’. They produced the Catholic Church. A dystopia. NOT the utopia promised. They were just empty promises. The people thought they were getting an authentic ‘alternative’ and ‘opponent’ of the ‘Jew’ World Order. The Cult of Judah. The Pharisees. All they got was the same old shit, with new costumes. A few superficial, meaningless reforms.
The ‘New’ Testament and the Church that grew out of it, make sense only when in hindsight, when seen through the microscope of concepts such as ‘controlled opposition’.
Then there was Islam. A trader who could not read or write, suddenly begins repeating stories from the Torah. And claiming they were ‘revealed’ to him by an Angel. At first, in conjunction with these blatant Cult of Judah tales, he offers the promise of REFORMS. Like the character Jesus, he appeals to the oppressed. The victims of society. The poor. The orphans. The slaves. The persecuted. The victimized. The humble. Promising greater ‘justice’ for them. And at first he is willing to ‘accommodate’ a few existing gods, to ensure his Cult is adopted. But the moment he has the power, he reneges on his negotiated settlement, breaks his contract, and enforces his monopoly by violence, and threats of violence.
Rather than bring peace on earth, he immediately launches on continual military attacks on his own people, and then on his neighbors. HE forces his supposedly ‘NEW’ Cult on people around the world, by military conquest. A Cult that is blatantly, like the ‘Christian’ Cult, based on the Cult of Judah’s story book. Which happens to be a ‘play’ book. The outlining of a political strategy for world domination. Full of role models for future genocides and ‘occupation’ of foreign powers. Role models for ‘ripping up pregnant women’ and ‘dashing their little one’s heads against the stones’.
Charlemagne and his ‘Christian’ lot certainly behaved no better. Slaughtering entire peoples who would not ‘submit’ to their tyranny, and accept the new Cult. The Old Cult in new clothing.
Then we got the supposed savior FROM these earlier supposed saviors, in the form of ‘Marxism’. Again ‘Jews’ were the new Cult originators and organizers. They held all the positions of power in the nations they got their ‘liberation theology’ called ‘Marxism’ adopted. Marxism promised, like Jesus and Mohammed, REFORM, and LIBERATION. And what did it deliver?
Whereas Islam gave us continual wars of conquest, and Sharia law, and Christianity gave us continually civil wars, and ‘100 years wars’, and ‘The Inquisition’ and ‘The Dark Ages’, Marxism gave us ‘Chairman Mao’s ‘reforms’, including the massacres of over a hundred MILLION people in China alone. It gave us the ‘Russian’ Revolution, and the Gulags, and the deaths of up to 100 MILLION Europeans, and 50 years of ‘1984’ across Russian and Eastern Europe. All presided over by ‘Jews’.
‘Jewish’ Christian saviors. ‘Jewish’ lead Arab saviors. ‘Jewish’ lead ‘Marxist’ saviors. All these ‘Jews’ who promised REFORMS and liberation from the current ‘oppressors’ of the people, all became much WORSE oppressors of the people.
They were all Cult of Judah operations. All ‘Controlled opposition’. The cult found out what the people wanted to hear from their leaders. The new leaders were fed their lines. The people ‘took the bait’. And ended up in a worse nightmare than the one they had been fighting to escape.
Controlled opposition is all about telling people what they want to hear. Being completely disingenuous. If they want peace, you promise peace, then immediately they elect you, or get you into power by force of arms, they declare some ‘just’ or ‘necessary’ war, on the flimsiest pretext. Even ‘false flags’ they carry out themselves, and blame on the victim of their desired war.
I am almost 50, and never ‘grokked’ any of this until recently. And just a few days ago, during a fevered, painful attempt at sleep, this insight came to me.
Jesus as the ‘first’ controlled opposition. Or Paul if you like. Or the supposed Gospel writers. Or the Roman Jewish family that may have written ALL the books of the New Testament themselves.
The people want real heroes. They are offered fake ones. To ensure that no REAL heroes stand a chance. Like maybe some genuine Russian reformer. Or some GENUINE prophet of peace and justice. (Like me). Or some GENUINE American Patriot and defender of the U.S Constitution. Or some GENUINE German or French leader seeking the good of the GERMAN or FRENCH people.
By launching your own (controlled and limited) opposition, one that appears to oppose the Cult of Judah, or whatever local tyrant is in power at the time, or whatever oppressive system of economic and social power is oppressing the people, to ‘take up all the space’ and ‘attract and absorb all the attention’ available. Leaving NO room for AUTHENTIC reformers and ‘men (and women) of the people’.
You ensure ALL the attention is focused on your OWN (controlled) opposition groups and leaders. You PRETEND to attack them in your own monopolized, full spectrum, mass media. But you are really drawing attention to them. You are carefully wording and presenting everything in a way that will direct any of the public who are discontented with YOUR system, to other FRONT organisations and people YOU control. So the people, thinking they’ve found a real ‘alternative’, stumble blindly into another of your traps.
Since Marxism the new ‘religions’ are ‘Man-made global warming’ and ‘New-Earth’ / ‘New-Age’ ideologies and groups. And their ‘front’ people.
Today people ‘trust’ Alex Jones, Paul Joseph Watson, Sibel Edmonds, Julian Assange, Le Penn, Edward Snowden, Stefan Molyneux, and all the other supposed ‘opponents’ of ‘Big Brother’ and the ‘New World Order. Because these people tell the people what they want to hear. Just enough ‘whistle-blowing’ to APPEAR to be genuine enemies of the New World Order. But NONE of these folk will EVER call it the ‘Jew’ World Order. THAT would be revealing TOO much. But they reveal and expose just enough to get our attention, and trust, and rapport. So they can ‘mirror and lead’ us in the directions that will never do any damage to the Cult of Judah’s current power, and future plans.
Then there is David Icke. I’m entertaining the idea that he may be controlled also. You see he won me over by being so much like me it is like watching myself talking, and hearing my own words. Typical ‘controlled opposition’ behavior.
Now we must remember that ‘in the beginning’ Alex Jones and Paul Joseph Watson, like Icke recently, were really big on exposing the ‘Jews’ in power, and the Cult of Judah occupation.
But then once they had gained enough of a following and ‘reputation’ and ‘street credibility’ and supporters, they did a 180, and began ridiculing all such notions of ‘Jewish’ power, and talking only in vague terms of a ‘New World Order’ and ‘Bankers’ and ‘Golden Grove’ and the various social gatherings of the elites, such as ‘The Bilderberg Group’ or ‘George Soros’. And NEVER EVER did they utter the word ‘Jew’ in association with ANY of the evil going on in the world. They even loudly ridiculed and defamed anyone who called into their shows with GENUINE authentic exposes as ‘Nazi’s and ‘Racists’ and ‘Crackpots’ who were doing the REAL enemies of the ‘New’ World Order harm, by distracting people from the REAL story, with their ‘anti-Semitic garbage’.
You have to go back and look at their ORIGINAL web presentations, where they were still ‘baiting’, and compare to them to after, when they had ‘switched’. When they were ‘mirroring’ their target audiences, before ‘leading’ them astray, with their Cult of Judah scripted deceptions, and part-truths, mis-directions, and mis-information.
A few years ago David Icke made a big deal of the ‘Jewish’ nature of the problems this world faced. He clearly identified them as the ringleaders of the current situation. Was he just ‘baiting’ the line? ‘Mirroring’ his target audience. To capture their trust and attention. So that he could then mis-direct it towards ‘shape-shifting aliens’? Quite possible. Even quite likely. I’d have to see his latest presentations to see if it is the Cult itself that has deliberately conspired to give me that impression, to defame Icke. Or whether Icke really HAS done the old ‘bait and switch’. The old ‘mirror and lead’. The old methods of manipulating people into doing something they otherwise never would have.
Trump and Putin are BOTH on the wrong side of the 3000 war between the Cult of Judah and humanity. They are BOTH controlled opposition. I explain all my compelling reasons for forming these conclusions.
It is a sad situation, knowing that almost anyone with any resources to get YOUR attention, and inform YOU, is working for the Cult of Judah. YOUR enemy. Whether you define YOURSELF as ‘Jewish’, or the ‘Jews’ define YOU as ‘Goy’, we are ALL soon going to learn the cost of letting the Cult of Judah trick us, over and over, for 3000 years, with their ‘controlled opposition’. Their ‘bait and switch’. Their ‘mirror and lead’.
I wonder if the end is near, and there won’t need to be any more fakery. If the Cult is about to assume public control. Or if they will ALWAYS, like the Wizard of Oz, control things from ‘behind their controlled opposition’ occupation government leaders and ‘promisers of reforms’, even ‘utopias’.
Was Hitler just another controlled opposition? Or genuinely seeking to free his people from the Cult of Judah occupation? Either way, they did support his rise to power, and they did ultimately benefit from it, just as they intended to. They got Germany utterly destroyed. I think Hitler was unwittingly used, but that he was genuinely attempting to lead his people to freedom. Only he had ZERO real chance of success. If he had NOT invaded east, within a few months the ‘Jew’.S.S.R would have invaded Germany, and the rest of Europe. It wasn’t going to end well for anyone, no matter what anyone tried to do.
Like in the Torah story of Esther, the ‘story behind’ the ‘Feast of Purim’, the Cult of Judah ‘bought’ and ‘occupied’ Britain via Churchill, and America via Wilson and Roosevelt, and then co-opted the greatest empire, and power, on earth at that time, to do its bidding. As it continues to do today.
YOUR nation has been occupied by the Cult of Judah. Will you resist the occupation? Or just wait until they start rounding people up for the forced labor camps? And killing anyone who will not serve the Cult of Judah? OR until the NEXT chapter in the ongoing war between the Cult of Judah and Humanity? Will YOU firebomb women and children, if ordered to? Will YOU ‘sign up’ for the next war crime? Will YOU continue financing such war crimes? Such crimes against humanity? Such ‘actions’ that will ultimately lead to YOUR enslavement and/or destruction?

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