in cooking •  6 years ago  (edited)


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  • 400g of peas
  • 200g of ham
  • 2 beetroots
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 tablespoon of paprika
  • Salt and pepper
  • Olive oil


1.- Cook the peas. To do this, we cook plenty of water in a pot. Add a handful of salt and when the boil starts, add the peas. Let cook 10 to 15 minutes, until they are "al dente".

2.- Drain the water from the peas, reserving a glass that we will use later, so that there are some broths

3.- In a large pan, add a little oil to heat over a high heat. Then we put the garlic cloves well chopped and let cook, always on a very soft fire, a couple of minutes. That the oil be flavored with the taste of garlic

4.- Now it's time to add the onion, also well chopped. Season and let cook over a low heat, stirring frequently. We cook about 10 minutes

5.- Add the ham cut into taquitos. We mix and cook 5 more minutes

6.- Now add the spoonful of paprika. Remove from heat and mix well about 10 seconds. Cook the paprika a little, without getting burned.

7.- We put part of the broth of the cooking of the water and we also add the peas. We mix and let cook a couple of minutes more. If you want them more broth, just add a little more of the cooking broth.

8.- We serve in individual dishes. We topped with a poached egg.

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