Meet Givv: Empowering worldwide giving

in copyright •  6 years ago  (edited)


How often is your computer left idle? Although people are spending more and more time in front of their screens, even a small amount of idle time for each computer adds up to a massive amount of computing resources that aren’t being used. It’s hugely inefficient, so why don’t we do the same with the untapped resource of computing power?

Givv is an attempt at finally harnessing those resources instead of letting them go to waste.

If you own a personal PC at home or a small laptop just for some light internet browsing and maybe one or two small games, all this talk of harnessing computing resources may not sound all that relevant to you. After all, how much power do you really have to offer with your PC? And unless you’re a technology enthusiast, why would you want to give away that resource in the first place? In short, what incentive do you have to give through Givv?

Givv is based on a model of paying for computing power. No, not to every individual who shares his resources. That’s what miners try to do in the world of cryptocurrencies and blockchain enthusiasts. But at-home personal computers have no chance of earning on a large scale. Serious miners invest in serious computer equipment that can handle faster calculations and therefore earn them higher amounts that leave little for average people.

In fact, the amount of any given cryptocurrency you could earn with a regular PC is so small that there needs to be another incentive for individuals to share their computing resources. How about supporting something you believe in? That’s what Givv is for.

Givv essentially turns your computing power into a form of crowdfunding to benefit NGOs or disaster relief. An individual may not be able to earn very much mining for his own cryptocurrency, but a worthy cause collecting the wealth accumulated from a multitude of computers can see a life-altering influx of funds.

It’s the same principle for charities. UNICEF has $7.2 million Facebook followers. If just 1% of them were using Givv, UNICEF would benefit from $4.32 million extra in annual revenue. Even a school could encourage their students to become Givvers and raise extra money for books, renovations or better wages for their teachers.

And what does Givv do with all that computing power? It reroutes it all to where the demand is. Processes that require large amounts of computing resources, like big data, machine learning, artificial intelligence, 3D rendering and crypto mining, are quickly growing in popularity. But instead of paying for new computers to do all that work, the companies and individuals using these tools can get their resources through Givv.

Givv is essentially gathering (and paying for) the supply and redistributing it to meet demand. No more wasted computing power and no more giving up cash to support the causes and projects you believe in. No more struggling to get by on ad revenue and crowdfunding campaigns that are limited by the inertia of asking people to give away their money. And no more heavy investments in massive new computers in order to run the programs and projects of tomorrow. Now there’s Givv.

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