Small is the New Medium: The New Food Price Equation

in corn •  4 years ago 

This video was originally published 12/08/2019

Six weeks ago, USDA dropped the ball by giving the most fictitious figures ever imagined concerning corn productions in the US.

They stated in their report that corn production in the United States was going to increase 2%. They are, of course, aware of the largest floods ever experienced on record this year, leaving the U.S with a record of most unplanted acres since 1938.

This USDA’s report crashed the futures markets.

So all eyes are focused on the agency now, especially their reports regarding wheat spreads and the corn futures; the real extent of yield that will be coming out of the fields, considering areas that were not planted; and the scrappy emergence due to the horrible growing conditions that have stunted grain production across the United States.

Surely, they cannot ignore news stories conveying miserable crop production around the country, brought about by anomalous weather conditions and record floods.

Small farms that have been pulverized by hail, Taber corn crop is just one example.

It would have been amazing if these could still be sold after ice was brushed off the ears. Can you imagine the hundreds and hundreds of acres of corn crushed by this type of hail? It actually broke through the ear down to the kernels. The hail had to be huge to inflict that damage.

It dislodged corn kernels even with the protective leaf covering. I guess some of the produce could be recycled by cutting kernels off for soup, etc., instead of being thrown away.

I am focusing in this area because Alberta experienced an incredible amount of early snow in 2018, and that shortened their growing season as well. Now, do you think that will happen again?

If early snows continue year after year, the areas circled in red will continue to go offline as the Grand Solar Minimum intensifies. So if you are looking at areas where crops might be lost, you should start in Alberta and observe the trend, then work the math from there by province.

In the meantime, how many times have we heard that the glaciers are melting and there will be no more glaciers left? Glaciers are different than snowpack which is deep snow that remains until it gets warm enough for it to melt. The point I am making is, there should be no snowpack in the warmest year ever. The corporate media has been very diligent in informing us to expect scorching heat this year, so I think my deduction is reasonable.

How is it that snowpack still remains in New Hampshire? Although, this is an interesting fact, Tuckerman Ravine has the latest snow, generally, in the Northeast US, and this melts every year. But when they went back to the records to check if there were instances that snow remained until the first or second week of August even if it had been hot during the summer, they found out that snow did not melt from winter from August 1922 to 1958. This is one of the reasons why I said we are experiencing a weather cycle, not effects from CO2 warming the Earth.

Because why would snow suddenly come back to the same area and survive longer after the melt season began? We were told, “Snow would be a thing of the past.” Just like we are told, “It's the hottest year ever.” So what is the driver that is not melting the snow? This should be a no-brainer; snows should have melted if it was so hot.

You might argue with me about this image because it does not look like there is that much snow. But as you can see, it has to be thick enough to make snowboarding possible, in the middle of August. What caused all of the extra snow?

Before we lose sight of what we were told, may I remind again. It has been said over and over again that this summer is the hottest. Even the Weather Channel has put out a temperature map showing that August temperatures are going to be above normal, yet there is snowpack from last year. In any case, 70+°F temperatures should be melting snow.

This is proof that something else is amplifying wind anomalies. As a matter of fact, this is another in the same spot. And one good question to ask is: Is there a possibility that the Northeast U.S will be affected by the intensification of the Grand Solar Minimum?

Most important of all is food, if you don’t eat you die. If it gets colder you can put another coat on to stay warmer. You can also heat your home if the grid stays up.

If the Sun continues through its 400-year cycle of decreased activity, we will have shorter growing seasons. These agricultural contractions are therefore not caused by CO2 emissions.

Then over to the UK, “Small is the new medium: Costa shrinks cup sizes ...” The old cup sizes are shown on top in the image below, while the new cup sizes are at the bottom. So now, instead of, “Buy 4 get 1 free.” It’s, “Buy 4 and get 3.” A quarter of your buying power has now been lessened by inflation and shrinkflation.

Costa shrank the cup quantity by four liquid ounces and at the same time, increased the prices by 10 pence. This is what I meant by food price rises in shrinkflation. I am sure you can go without having coffee, but when it comes to having a piece of meat and this same equation takes place percentage- and/or price-wise, how would it affect what you can spend in the rest of the economy?

What if this extends to eggs, milk, flour, and everything you eat? Everybody eats, unlike coffee.

If this equation is applied to our basic foods when prices double, how would the economy of the planet be affected? How will that affect the greater spending economy of the planet? How will the society shift if everybody starts spending so much money on food? Walk yourself through that mind experiment.

Thanks for reading, I hope you got something out of the article. If you like more content like this, I produce the tri-weekly Mini Ice Age Conversations podcast of a 30-minute in-depth analysis on the GSM you can take on the go through out your day.

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*** Today’s Story Links ***

'It's gut-wrenching': Summer storm pulverizes Taber corn crops
2018 Early snows on crops in Alberta Canada Alberta farmers race to bring in $3B of unharvested crops; situation 'dire'
Snowpack Remains in New Hampshire's Tuckerman Ravine Into August
Watermelon Snow Spotted in Yosemite National Park
'Ring of Fire' Weather Pattern Brings Heat Wave, Thunderstorms
August Temperatures Forecast to Be Warmer than Average in the Northeast and Cooler in Plains, Midwest
Costa shrinks cup sizes at the same time as putting up its prices

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