The Novel Corona Virus (Covid 19) event that started in late 2019 has all of the hallmarks of a dark Masonic ritual called the Killing of the King. Other examples of this ritual on the world stage in the 20th century were the high profile assassinations of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and President John F. Kennedy, but in this case the King that is being killed is you and your sovereignty.
The core of Freemasonry is centered around a figure known as CHiram Abiff who was the Master grand architect and metal smith for the construction of King Solomon's temple. CHiram himself was not a monarch but was and is still considered to be a Christ figure embodying the beautifying and order bringing principle reminiscent of the Sun that other such Christ figures display, and thus is considered to be a King. According to Freemasonic legend CHiram was praying in the partially constructed temple at noon when he was accosted by three Fellow-craft masons who resented their work positions and wanted access to the secrets and status of the Master Masons. CHiram seeing them as unworthy refused to concede the knowledge, at which point the three ruffians Jubela, Jubelo, and Jubelum attacked and killed him. The Masonic Scholar Manley P Hall as aptly shown these ruffians to be the symbolic of Fear, Superstition, and Ignorance as well as The State, the Church, and Mob respectively.
The first of these murders Jubela (fear) Struck CHiram with a 24" gauge in the throat, this is symbolic of the assault on free speech and the throat Chakra we are experiencing today, by the fascist tech giants and their unholy marriage to government and its policy. The 24" In gematria equates to the number 6 which is a number symbolic of incompletion or failure and ignorance, and these 24" are the the gauge by which they presume to judge who has the right to make their thoughts known. Effectively silencing any and all dissent for the the official narrative surrounding the Corona virus. Further assaults on the throat chakra come in the form of mask mandates as a mask will muffle ones speech. The Truth is the first casualty of war.
The second murderer Jubelo (superstition) armed with a framing square, struck CHiram in the heart. This is highly symbolic of the social distancing agenda pushed by the cult of the black square or priesthood of the white lab coat, those credentialed professionals and their fanatical trust in the dogma of germ theory, and their denial of Terrain Theory. Social distancing an insidious term in of itself, mask mandates, lock downs are all an assault on the emotional health of individuals everywhere. Human beings are social beings and require physical touch, and yet the official" guidelines continue to tout the rhetoric that we should stay six feet apart from everyone else, and Six feet is perhaps the average distance the human hearts magnetic field can be felt by others. The estrangement people feel towards their friends and family has lead to a sharp rise in the rate of suicides, addiction and apathy. It is an attack on the heart chakra and Care has become the second casualty.
The 3rd murderer Jubelum (Ignorance ) who struck the final fatal blow hitting CHiram
between the eyes with a maul. This is symbolic in the present situation of the dull weight of numbers who are against the very Idea of Freedom, Who in their ignorance of Natural Law will call for their own to be forced or will simply elect to be Injected with a toxic soup of chemicals that will collect in and around the pineal gland in the brain. This will possibly result in physical death but assuredly a spiritual death, castrating creativity subduing intelligence, and dethroning the soul from its seat in the pineal gland. The third casualty is Freedom for it is indeed lost without the use of the imagination.
It's plain to see that "Corona" Is no chance title for this event as it is an occult form of mockery towards those who lack symbol literacy and cannot see how their Sovereignty is being assaulted by the 3 enemies, Many will scoff at these ideas and simply say "I dont believe in that religious nonsense," but innerstand this: you dont have to believe in someone else's religion to be effected by it, if that religion can whip itself up a following of people who act upon what the believe in the world. Furthermore the words we speak have a profound effect upon our our subconscious mind, and so many are learning to associate Corona with fear and death, when in reality It is symbolic of the 7th Chakra, and thus they loose touch with their inherent sovereignty, the Corona we all must wear.
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