sheltering solo

in coronavirus •  5 years ago  (edited)

Hello Ground Control.

My routine reminds me of a scene from Lost except I’m not as messy as Desmond who goes to bed with unfinished food kicking around on plates and dirty dishes in the sink. Yuck. I like to keep my “ship” shipshape.

I once lived in an apartment in Boston where once the lights turned off, the city wildlife would come out to play! Creepy crawly sounds would party it up in the kitchen. The modern updated look of the apartment I had just moved into was a facade. A sparkling FACADE! I moved out immediately.

Even if I don’t have to worry about pests where I live now, away from the city, I like to tidy up. I don’t even want invisible germs to colonize. Desmond is smart to have a routine though. Routines help give a sense of stability and the ability to enjoy the moment. It’s why schedules and itineraries exist. Can you imagine landing at camp as a kid and not having a schedule? Things would tank fast. Be like Desmond, make a routine. This sheltering will feel less painful.

It’s been almost two weeks since I’ve tucked myself away from society. I was prepared before most people and was able to meet the sheltering with calm.

Wake up, make bed, plug in my health watch to look at my data that is tracking my temperature and sleep. Weigh myself, turn water on to boil for tea or coffee and exercise. I go to my patio garden to be outside and enjoy fresh air. I make sure to take my vitamins every day which I modulated to build my immune system and I geek over my health data that I track. My piano keeps me company and friends and family are only a click away.


Considering that I’ve only had ONE conversation with a person IRL in twelve days, I’m doing alright. Being a prepared INTJ able to avoid public life for the rest of the month stuck home alone with my piano and internet; I’m doing GREAT.

I had my moments wondering if I will die alone in my living room. I plan to AVOID going onto MAXIMIZED scared mode like I’m seeing folks do online. Some celebrities are doing terrible with the sheltering even when they have thousands of fans cheering them up on their social media and famous friends to call to help make them feel better. And they have a mansion to complain from! Unbelievable.

I’ve had a sniffle on and off. I’m not getting worse and I have data on myself that I can look at and ground me from feeling scared. I don’t plan on having a public meltdown and I’m happy when just one friend checks on me. Do I have worries and concerns? Yes. Yes. Yes. It’s why I stay home away from everyone. We minimize health risks and protect one another with sheltering. Also, I put my money away and in different places not my normal bank knowing the economy is and has been acting wonky. While most people follow pop culture and sports to relax, I’ve been following health trends, global politics, and the economy during my down time for years. I don’t have anywhere near the comforts and security that the famous influencers of society have but I intend to ride out and weather this storm.

Even when it means alone. Not being around another friend or loved one for a while.

To everyone sheltering alone like me, be strong. To those sharing their sheltering with others, be strong and stronger yet as your energy banks off one another. We are in this together and we are doing this to protect one another.

Be safe everyone and good health to you.


Who else is sheltering solo and doing ok?

Posted using Partiko iOS

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Glad you are doing well. I'm going crazy here (my work closed their doors last week), We got snow last night so went and shoveled the long walk between my apt complex and the grocery store behind us for some exercise. No one ever shovels that area.

You may not see this if you are using Steemit as your front end, but if you do and we don't get to interact anymore (I've moved to Hive), it was a pleasure reading your blog. Stay well and best of luck in all your endeavors.


I can see you just fine through steemit. I’m on Hive as well and was told that I can continue blogging as I have. I guess you can see me fine on Hive then! I posted this entry via Partiko because eSteem didn’t give me an option to make a fresh new post. Esteem defaults to an old post for editing and updating. Strangely enough, even though I posted via Partiko, the post does not show up on Partiko. Looks like my whole Steemit / Hive / Partiko world is weird but I’ll find my way around the glitches.

You’re kind to shovel the snow. That is a lot of work. You will be now very tired and rest well and hopefully not feel it badly afterwards. Hopefully you won’t feel restless. Turn off the news or only follow those that don’t depress you. The world looks crazy and people are divided but there are different camps of thought on how to process what is going on.

The world is united as we face a common foe. Despite how terrible things are, remarkable changes are happening. I hope many of us will survive this protected by sheltering and celebrate better times in the future.

You are seeing my post written on Partiko. I’m answering you on steemit. Thanks for your hello. It’s nice I’m not alone in the internet wilderness. You can find me on Discord or Facebook if the solitude is too much and you need a good talking to get yourself together. Or write. It feels good to write.

Stay well and good health to you.


Update sent to my Hive discord group. Thx @derekrichardson