100% PROOF That Coronavirus Is A NON-EVENT. By Gregory Mannarino

in coronavirus •  5 years ago 


127,000 known cases of coronavirus.. On Earth there exits 7,700,000,000 people... This means that 0.001649% of the world population is infected.. Still buying the charade that its the coronavirus causing the market turmoil?

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Thanks again, Gregory. Don't touch anything.

Don't know but there is some experts calling it a hockey stick progression. That the factor is like 1 to 4 so each cycle will end up being 5 times the number of the cycle before. So 100 > 500 > 2500 > 12500 > 62500 >>
It could be pretty scary if that is the case and not enough people take precaution.

It would have to do that multiple times to go from 0.001 to make any kind of difference.

127,000 can turn into tens of millions with a few doublings, and then into hundreds of millions and then billions with not much more. This is showing signs of exponential growth. This is about using that grey matter in your skull that has the capacity to extrapolate from current data into the future.

And some are saying just the opposite.

Few doublings? 0.001% are infected.. Use that grey matter and do the math...

I've done the math, it's pretty simple. If it isn't stopped or adequately contained in the next few weeks to months then we could be looking at tens or hundreds of millions of people infected. The power of exponential growth is at play here.

It's been 6 weeks and there are already 200k cases. Here are some graphs:


100k cases march 1, 230k cases march 19. It's easy to see how it will keep growing for around 6 months until a proper vaccine is pushed out. If it followed the same rhythm, it'll be 500k cases by April 1, more than 1.1m by April 19, 2.5 May, 5.3 mid May, 12m June, etc.

Obviously with proper quarantines this won't happen but with people like you saying that it's a hoax, the response is likely to be insufficient and things will continue to spread.

Also, more than 9k people have died already and it's just beginning. Imagine if quarantines had not been put into place and there hadn't been emergency treatment. How many tens of thousands do you think would've died? Is that not the proper response you would expect to sudden emergencies? Think about the word emergency -> emergence, to emerge. A big thing that comes out of nowhere and starts infecting hundreds of thousands and causing ripples of panic is not an emergency? 20% of the population in Europe is 65 years old or over. That's the risk population with the highest death rates.

4 out of 100 people infected die from it (compare it with 0.1 for people with a flu). Some experts say that the worst case scenario is that around 73% of the population will be infected in a few years. Others say that the number is overblown and make a "moderate" estimate of around 25% of the world's population. That's 1.9 billion people infected. 77 million dead. That is literally the worst death toll any pandemic has had since the beginning of history.

The last 10 weeks I have gone from Norway to Denmarks Capital, then to SouthWest Germany, and then to Barcelona, and Ive only just now this evening seen the first television in around 11years.

You know where I saw the Virus? On the Television, when I just was in a house with every 10 minutes warnings about it.

Reminded me what those FEMA camps and fully staffed EMPTY prisons are for in th US..

Crazy that this is most likley the last false flag operation ever needed (after all those practice runs)

edit: And why are you into crypto if you believe your government huh?!

My girlfriend thinks we already got it some weeks ago. Lines up with the outbreak at Travis Airforce Base and we had the exact symptoms.

When I get sick I never get tired. This thing put me out of commission for a full day or two. I felt very weird and exhausted for short periods of time. The fever also felt strange.

It's been 3 weeks and I still have a lingering cough. It gets in your lungs. Don't smoke/vape if you get Corona virus. Not even weed.

Kids are weirdly unaffected by it which is very odd. Usually its the kids and the elderly that suffer the most. This one is just the elderly, immunodeficient, and ppl with lung problems.

All in all I would say it was a pretty mild illness and totally over-exaggerated. I believe once more people get it and recover all this fear and madness will dissipate.

Posted via Steemleo

I was sick for a month but im good now, and yes, a cough and yellow mucus that nothing natural could get rid of.. funny though how the sypmtoms are like a flu mixed with the report effects of 5G tech

If this was a chart for a stock you'd understand just fine what it meant.
