What to do if you or someone you know even Thinks they have the Coronavirus. Safe, simple effective at home remedy proven by the World Health Org the virus cannot survive under this temp.

in coronavirusremedy •  5 years ago  (edited)

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If you would prefer listening to this info in a report while working or doing chores, there is a video link found at the bottom.

This is from a Facebook Post for archiving as posts have gone missing there at times. Will be putting all info from comments containing sources at bottom of this article. I have placed the bio info of Dr. Demki above sources and source link in sources.

Here is the post link

As seen on post shares by [email protected]
[email protected]
on Natural News,

*f you, or anyone you know, are diagnosed with CV19 and the doctor won’t prescribe any treatment such as the HCQ protocol, get ahold of this group of doctors who can write prescriptions in every state…

Bookmark site… Sign up for their news letter… And donate if you can.*


FB censored it when trying to share out to like minded groups and groups I have been invited too. Post is still there, they sent me this because I guess helping people goes Against Facebook's Community Standards.

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Thank you Brian McNamara for showing a link to me on the WHO lab information along with a book written on how to kill the Coronavirus back in 1984 written by a doctor.

This video can be shared out to those who request in private message. When I tracked it down on YouTube it says video is unavailable and private. I think I found a way after all and will put in comment section of Original post. (at bottom for steemit readers).

Update: Thank you Kenneth Collinsworth for sharing out this link from the channel Fabian Lawless
Corona Virus (Covid 19) Fact or Fiction (Dr Dan Lee Dimke)

I have done a summary and will include a link to my steemit article giving more biography of the Dan Lee Demki in comments of Original Post.
Please share this post with all of those who may want the reassurance and help.

The coronavirus thrives in the coolest part of the body.

Read more to find out a Cold-Arrest procedure if you or a loved one portrays symptoms. Will put a link where you can see exact symptoms even if you Think you may have it this procedure is very safe.

Their aversion to heat, causes the coronavirus to live within the coolest area of the body which is the sinuses. Usually inside the epithelial cells that line your nose and cavities

They are nearly as cool as the outside air we breath, so during the colder months they are cold. When outside temperatures rise, so does the temperature of our sinuses.

Rising temperatures create a hostile environment for most respiratory viruses and they quickly disappear.

Once it gets to warm for these viruses to reproduce they die.

Studies from leading virologists show that coronavirus can be killed within 15 min. at just 56 degrees Celsius or 133 degrees Fahrenheit.

The outer viral membrane began to rupture as it was heated in a lab and collapsed becoming unrecognizable and incapable of any further infections.

They are using mild heat application to prepare vaccines and medicines.

Now people are asking why not use the same heat technique with patients?

So that the virus dies, symptoms and infectivity stop. . .the outbreak is over!

Easy to do without harm or risk by simply breathing in hot air.
Now I could make a meme here of where you could Readily get Massive Amounts of Hot Air, but will refrain. (I mean WHO knows how clean it would be, right?)

So then the coolest part of the body, becomes the warmest part of the body and any invading viruses just melt.

Can the patient survive these temperatures?

Day time temperatures rise to this level frequently in dessert areas and people use saunas every day in other parts. Typical sauna temperatures are 140 to 195 degrees F.

Breathing deeply for just a few min. in any of these hot locations will kill 90 % of these coronaviruses which happen to be affecting the upper respiratory system.

A second or third exposure about an hour apart, will kill any remaining coronavirus.

No desert or sauna available? No problem! The common hand held blow dryer. It delivers forced air temperatures well above the level needed to kill the coronavirus in less time.

Since you can concentrate hate to just the infected area and sinuses and nose. ..you can safely use this approach even if you have a fever!

This cold arrest procedure was first proposed in the book titled, Conquer the Common Cold and Flu by Dan Lee Dimke PhD. Published by Future World Press in 1984! Successfully tested and used in 55 countries with an extremely high success rate.

In 1999, he stood vertually alone in publicly predicting that the then looming "Y2K Crisis would go down in history as perhaps the greatest non-problem of the 20th century."

Precise plan of treatment if you suspect you or loved one has this (also helps other strains of flu and cold/allergies)
Check info meme below to compare symptoms.

Step 1 set blow dryer to low.
and cup fingers over air intake to slow air flow and increase output temperature.

Step 2 use a spray bottle filled with water to spray upward onto face and nose from about 4" away which will frequently moisten the nose and surface around the nose and mouth.

Hot air flow causes the water to evaporate keeping the face and nose cool while allowing heat and steam to penetrate deeply into the nose and sinuses.

Take slow deep breaths through the nose with mouth closed for 5 minutes.

To minimize any discomfort, turn the blow dryer aside between breaths so that warm air is directed towards the face and nose only while inhaling.

Goal is to raise the inside of the nose and sinuses to 133 degrees F. to kill the coronavirus, so use the highest temperature setting you can safely tolerate.

Step 3 after pausing for 1 hour, begin another 5 min. hot air treatment.

If no symptoms appear after this, 2 heating cycles per day should be sufficient for prevention. (2 five minute sessions 1 hour apart.)

If there Are still symptoms, the 5 sessions every hour of 5 min.

If widely used for those who have symptoms that match, it can prevent any further spread of Covid-19.

It also kills most other common cold viruses so you can start using it as soon as even common cold symptoms appear.

Thank you to Great Guardian/Anon Robin Peterson Clark for the following meme!
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This from CDC

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From Daily Mail,

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It can take between two and 14 days for a person to display symptoms when exposed

According to the Dailymail,

About 14 per cent of people who contract the Covid-19 coronavirus are taken to hospital – with severe symptoms including breathing problems and pneumonia. About 5 per cent need intensive care.

But the majority who get the virus suffer nothing more than a cough and may never know they are infected. So far, some 51,000 people around the world have already recovered from coronavirus – and that just includes the numbers who received a diagnosis.


Officially, the death rate so far has been just over 3 per cent. But experts believe the true mortality rate is probably between 1 and 2 per cent. This is because most mild cases have not been picked up by doctors or reflected in the official numbers – so the death rate is inflated.

Seasonal flu kills roughly 0.1 per cent of people. So Covid-19 is between 10 and 20 times more fatal. But it is far less dangerous than SARS – the virus that ripped across China in 2003 – which killed 10 per cent of patients.


Virus is stable in feces and urine at room temperature for at least 1-2 days. More stable up to 4 days in stool from diarrhea patients which has a higher PH than normal stools.

#NoNeedToWorry, #FearNoMore, #CoronavirusInfo, #CoronavirusHelp,#Coronavirus

From WHO with source link found below to read it yourself.

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Bio of Dr. Dimke

Dän Lee Dimke became a published author at the age of 14 and has since written or narrated more than 100 books and audio presentations in a wide range of subject areas, including business, education, marketing, science and self-mastery.

Since beginning his college teaching career at the age of 17, Dr. Dimke has traveled and lectured at educational institutions throughout the world. At 20, he developed one of the first rapid reading systems for use with Mandarin Chinese and other non-alphabetic languages during a sabbatical in the Far East. Dr. Dimke speaks six European and Asian languages and reads nearly a dozen other human languages as well as five computer languages. Using accelerated learning techniques, he was able to learn to speak the Mandarin dialect of Chinese in just 18 days. His personal reading speed tops 25,000 words per minute.

Currently, Dr. Dimke serves as the CEO of the Internet information-marketing firm, future-world.com, with representatives and customers in more than 122 countries. He is also a popular speaker and guest lecturer for a variety of private and corporate clients, on subjects including Asian Cross-Cultural Communication, Accelerated Learning, Innovative Marketing Methods, and Disease-Reversing Diet Secrets.

In 1999, he stood virtually alone in publicly predicting that the then looming "Y2K Crisis would go down in history as perhaps the greatest non-problem of the 20th century." He is a vocal proponent of global negative population growth, gender equality, energy conservation, and the aggressive development of alternative energy resources to limit global dependency on, and conflict surrounding, diminishing supplies of fossil fuels. He is especially interested in advancing the concept of a whole-food plant-based diet for promoting health, longevity, humane animal treatment, elimination of global hunger and planetary resource sustainability.

Dr. Dimke holds a Bachelor of Science Degree from the University of the State of New York as well as a Master's Degree in Business Administration with a specialization in Information Technology and a Doctoral Degree in Education with a specialization in Psycholinguistics from Southwest University. He is also a SCUBA diver, jet helicopter pilot, hypnotist, astronomer, futurologist, and celebrity impressionist. Dän plays more than 20 different musical instruments and has lectured and performed for audiences on four continents.



Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, an MIT scientist and researcher on the human immune system, is one the most respected experts who think the media and the “Deep State” are doing the world a disservice by exaggerating the impact of the virus. He said it’s time to stop scaring people and start talking about immune health.

Sources and connecting information/video reports,

First data on stability and resistance of SARS coronavirus compiled by members of WHO laboratory network
The below table provides the first compilation of data on resistance of the SARS Coronavirus against environmental factors and disinfectants. This information has been provided by Members of the WHO multi-center collaborative network on SARS diagnosis. More detailed information on methods utilized and material used is being compiled and will be available shortly. The major conclusions from these studies are:


Here is the video report covering the info from natural cures titled,
Coronavirus path what they knew/know about the coronavirus at World Health Organization labs.

Pandemic? Labeled by World Health Org. Justified? The truth about what happened in Wuhan

Coronavirus prt 2 What is/was happening behind the scenes. Events in Wuhan since 2004 to Jan. 2020

Stores and Supplies, what the atmosphere is like out there. No need to panic, stay safe and calm.

Quarantine Maritime Meaning, What does it mean and encompass Now? Hanks Covid19? Big deal?

Thank you John Sulak for sharing this for us on MeWe. . .Excellent read!


See in Tech Startups,

MIT biologist says fear mongering on coronavirus will go down as biggest fraud to manipulate economies


The WHO link on the SARS Coronavirus

Important Update on truth from a well respected Dr.

Thank you Great #GaurdianOfChildren Trish Anderson for this video link. Excellent breakdown of all Dr. Rashid Buttar has studied and shared.

A leading doctor in his field who advocates for People above entities and agendas.

I thank God for him daily and am praying for his safety!

Very grateful as it was Kimberly Mara Zuller who showed me Dr. Rashid Buttar a few weeks ago and was Blown Away! His credentials are Outstanding and his wealth of knowledge and break downs are verified and Top notch! Thank you again Kimberly!

He has several parts to his video series that breaks down the Truth on the numbers they throw around. . .he puts them up against the worldometer with Real Time numbers. As you know, numbers are meaningless Without a comparison.

People should not choose emotion and drama over facts and Real Numbers! Hear what he says about what has been happening since 1984 and vaccines. Whoa!

Hear of the chimeric research which was illegal, but allowed under prior administrations. Are they purposely weaponizing their illegal research against you. . .the population? Connect the dots with Plato and Bill Gates family history connected with the American Eugenics Society and what has been put in both the Tetanus shot of women in Kenya and in the smallpox vaccine where they were purposely infected with HIV. Why is this okay with followers of Bill Gates and Dr. Fauci? Why do Elites side with them?

Why do they fight against a natural drug that has been on the market for decades, yet they try to convince people to take the Unnatural cure?

He tells What is Really happening in the hospitals which msm is not truthfully reporting! He points out the Conflicts of Interest!

He also mentions a woman who worked with Dr. Fauci and was jailed for trying to report what he was really up to. This was shared in a video link from Connie Grabowski in a facebook frames where I went over the deep dive on Fort Detrick, where Dr. Fauci's lab is located in Maryland. Thank you again Connie for your heads up and this vital info!

Will put some of his video series from his yt channel in comments of original post. A MUST SEE and Share!

Stay Safe and Vigilant on This Patriot's Day 2020!

#DrRashidButtar, #Coronavirus, #Covid19, #VaccineForCovid19, #VaccineForCoronavirus, #WhatYouCanDoToReallyHelpWithTheCoronavirus, #DrFauci

Go to this post link because there are more of Dr. Rashid Buttar's videos and info in the comments here along with a link I will drop directly.


This one covers a summary of all Dr. Rashid has studied and tried to put out there,

Here is the Worldometer with real time numbers so you can compare instead of just hearing random numbers. Early on Dr. Buttar stated the coronavirus is only .001% of deaths. When you see cancer deaths, auto accidents, smoking and especially abortions they Far outweigh coronavirus deaths. Many in the medical field have stated that the mainstream media has been negligent in telling people the truth as far more have died from flu than the coronavirus.

Stack it up against the world population which you can see in here with your own eyes.

WHOA! The truth about what was known to cause Cancer, Autism, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's and a host of other diseases, but was purposely covered up!

Facebook Frames on the Truth about the National Cancer Institute and the deep history of it's location at Fort Detrick (bioweapons Deep Dive) close to D.C. Hear this Med Researcher with a PhD tell the truth about Dr. Fauci, whom she has known and had worked with since the 1980's.


As seen on a non censoring platform and a protocol proven to help.

Posted by a concerned citizen.
Friends are pushing me to get this shot because I’m “medically frail” and need the extra protection. No freakin’ way should anyone my age, “frail” or not, get their DNA re-written to make us more governable and compliant. The mere fact that they insist we go on wearing masks even after being vaccinated is a clue to me as well.

My response,
You Tell 'em @{robbie_@dias*^%
Bunch of Crap!
Just build up your immune system.

Put probiotics into it, doesn't even have to be expensive.
Eat sauerkraut with or even before each meal or at least start with one or two meals.

Drink Kefir or Kombucha you can get them Aldi's fairly inexpensive.

Eat plenty of veggies and fruits especially oranges and peppers. Get organic when possible.

Drink green tea throughout the day and Boom.

Also as you likely already know steer clear of sugar as much as possible.

Treated someone who got the virus which I fully believe is another mutation of the flue with 4 doses a day of this.

Employed what I told you earlier, but also with a round of Echinacea 3-4 tablets daily. A cup or two of a ginger, garlic, turmeric and honey put into hot water (I just use the powdered spices or even the minced garlic from Aldi's with a teaspoon of honey). Tastes a lot like chinese food or even the broth of ramen. Anyhow knocks crap out of you and I just put a couple pinches of the spice in or pour a little in. . .can't go wrong.

This is the other thing I gave him 4 times a day especially upon waking and bed time so the body had it to aid in repair while sleeping. Oscillococcinum.

You get anything at all. ..you get it and use it I know for a FACT it works. I have used it mainly for my family and at times for me if we get sick because many in my fam have asthma and Nothing the doctors prescribed worked long term and they used to get a host of sinus infections. Likely from them spraying our skies. So the only alternative was to rebuild their immune systems. They get better over a period of days every time on the above do's.

Good luck to you. Not easy when you have low white blood cell count and low immune system but God Did create it so it can be repaired and built up. Most doctors don't believe or won't tell you it can be done Without their prescription meds or predatory vaccines because God's creation can't be patented!

The interesting thing is. . .they have talked about the rona for Years and years. There was a book put out way back in the 80's on how to cure it. Funny thing is, the corporate owned media and powers that be NEVER talk about it. I wonder why?

Now the progs and programmed people Laugh and mock these natural protocols, but these are the same people just a few years ago who were using rags and sharing them for colds to "help the environment," yet now are desperately masked up Except when they need to eat or drink in public. . .then "magic bubble," I guess appears in their brain to protect them. Yet they Mock us! Go figure!

It's in here with sources,

Put in as a Facebook post. Let's see if the Tech Giant Overlords Allow it to stay or how much they Hate natural cures!

First data complied on SARS by WHO


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Also, silver can kill viruses as well.

Thank you @joeyarnoldvn
I have heard that. We used to get our colloidal silver from Earth Fare, but unfortunately Bezos put them out of business. I believe Amazon owns Whole Foods. I'm sure there must be other stores that carry it though.

Thank You!