We want to use to shake up corporate social responsibility (CSR) and here is how we want to do this.
For years corporations have been allocating budgets for CSR. In some countries it became mandatory to give back in others it was merely a way to deduct a limited sum from the tax bill. For outsiders the CSR programs often look rather shady they miss transparency, you can't really tell if it's doing something good or if it's a cheeky way to increase the marketing budget. Nobody ever really measured how effective CSR is in terms of both helping and taking credit for it.
In digital advertising we could compare it to pay per impression (PPI ) model. But to be fair the fact that some ads displays on my screen doesn't really mean it "impressed" me that much, yet companies pay for it.
We've come up with an idea that feels more transparent and efficient. The Give Bytes project will not only disrupt crowdfunding and encourage compassion in a gamified way but also it will provide the most transparent and appreciated tool for CSR invented thus far. Thanks to blockchain technology and CryptoNight algorithm we are able to harness the computing power of a regular computer to mine marginal amounts of cryptocurrency simply by visiting a website. The user interface is very intuitive and resembles music player with START/STOP buttons. There will also be a throttle mechanism where users will set the maximum quota of the CPU power. I.e. if you set your throttle to max. 60% of CPU capacity it means that every time you do something resource-intensive and your processor utilization goes beyond 60%, the mining process will automatically pause until your CPU utilization falls below 60% again. This way Give Bytes will never slow down whatever you are doing.
The simplicity and intuitiveness behind the Give Bytes interface make it really easy to understand. We’ve put a lot of emphasis on security of our platform and we will never ask you to download or install any programs, plugins or browser extensions. It is also important to understand that by sharing your computing power Give Bytes has no access to your hard drive data. The mining process is very visually appealing as the users can see how much hash power they are contributing. Because we are able to count it there is a huge potential to gamify the donation experience and convert the figures into tokens which our users would then be able to trade.
You might be thinking - but what does that have to do with CSR? Here's the answer:
The donations to fundraisers would be additionally increased by corporate social responsibility (CSR) partners (a.k.a. sponsors) who would would appear on each campaign page and match the computing power donated by each user via cloud-mining. At Give Bytes we are developing an intuitive interface where our corporate partners will be able to control how their funds are being distributed. Our sponsors will be able to choose each campaign they want to support or for example decide to focus on certain regions and support initiatives in certain local communities. They will be able to set the max quota of total budget they want to allocate per campaign or per month.
It's the early days and our platform is still in development but we are already talking to CSR partners who see the potential of this solution. If you'd like to know more contact us as at [email protected].