How To Catch The World's Most Infamous Whale - Jho Low!

in corruption •  6 years ago  (edited)

This is just classic and shows us how things really work and money makes the world go around. [Jho Low[( is infamous fraudster who stole multi billions if not billions from the Malaysian poor.

Partyin with Paris Hilton, buying property around the world, purchasing one of the world's most expensive super yacht and spending money as if it were his own. He even went onto finance the move Wolf Of Wall St -* the irony of which escapes none of us!*

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Tracking Down The Infamous Jho Low

The Malaysian police have canceled his Malaysian passport, issued arrest warrants for Jho Low but no arrests have been made. Allegations have been made that corruption in Malaysia have hampered the investigation. Malaysian police even went to Hong Kong where Low and his family were allegedly staying and well known in luxury accommodation but Low and Co gave them the slip.

Jho's luxury yacht was seized i Bali and is now back in Malaysia. Rumors are that he flits about between Maccau, Shanghai, Peeking and Hong Kong. He is apparently well known at the finest hotel in Shanghai. These may just be rumors but there is enough about them to warrant further investigation

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The Needs Of The Whale

It is reasonable to assume that Jho Low has millions left at his disposal and this can purchase all kinds of things. Secrecy, private concierge services, black networks and intelligence. All of this has to involve dealing with people. Who might these people be:

  • lawyers
  • bankers
  • fixers
  • parties, girls, drugs
  • private transport
  • premium hotels
  • restaurants

Everybody know who this guys is. He spends big. Why can nobody find him?

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The Pillows Of Corruption

This guy has been on the run for ages. Like the Scarlet Pimpernel - they seek him here, they seek him there! Yet he's nowhere to be found.

The black network functions well when there is lots of money to play with . Diplomacy, the Police, private investigators all have been foiled by Jho Low who's plastic surgery may make him look quite different although rumors are that everybody knows who he is.

I suggest the following:

  • I suggest that a proper reward warrant be issued. USD $1 million might get things moving for information leading to his arrest.
  • I suggest deeper investigation into the money trail as he has to have access somehow.
  • I suggest more Interpol warrants sought and gained. Not just the piddly blue ones in a few countries, rather the red notice in every country on earth. The Interpol process is most interesting.

Just my input into how to catch an infamous whale!

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Image sources: 1, 2, 3, 4

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