I often get familiar writing or music stuck in my head.
Obviously many people do, mine might be a little different.
I’ve been finding lately, that my subconscious is speaking to my conscience mind though these sort of repeating messages.
Or I’m just completely insane. I’ll choose to go with the former.
I used to have to read Edgar Allen Poe’s “The Raven” daily for a time, so the words to that poem are etched upon my mind.
I realized the words to the poem that kept repeating were relevant to my current situation.
“ “Prophet!” said I, “thing of evil!—prophet still, if bird or devil!—
Whether Tempter sent, or whether tempest tossed thee here ashore,”
It’s hard to tell, when someone enters our lives, whether they’ll be a good friend/spouse/coworker etc. There’s is uncertainty. Generally i assume it will end up unpleasant in some way. Especially when we see them openly making terrible decisions and taking inappropriate actions we do not condone. Logic would dictate that those issues will bite your own ass at some point or another.
We have to ask ourselves, what was this person sent to us to accomplish? What can we learn from the crossing of paths? Was our help needed? Is it worth our time to engage with this person? Were they sent for us to lean on or to help us? What role should we allow them to have in our lives? How much attention, control and pull should they be given?
For the past few days, the repeating message has skipped back a bit in the poem to the part where he says “caught from some unhappy master, whom unmerciful disaster, followed fast and followed faster...”
Over and over and over.. just that part. I will heed the words, though it’s probably not my warning, but someone else’s.
I’ve been making friends with the local crow family on the property. They love their peanuts! ❤️
I love to paint corvids, here’s a video from the photo above!
The Painting Nook
Ravens ❤️
It’s been a little while since my last corvid painting, so I’m due for another really soon!!
Hope you’re having a wonderful Saturday!
Thanks for reading and watching the vid! 🙂
Take care!!
The shop is officially open!
If you’re interested in helping a tiny business grow, pick out an item! ❤️
For more of my stuff click my linktree!
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