Imagine if you will a society with 40 million black people living primarily in large democratically controlled cities whose crime rate exceeds their percentage of the population by 300%.
Now imagine 1 million law enforcement officers nationwide whose job is to arrest suspected criminals and bring them before the court. Their other major priority is to go home alive at the end of shift.
Now imagine how many events in which a black person is killed will take place just through sheer statistical probability.
One a year? Sure.
So now imagine that every time a fatal encounter occurs, the Democratic Party running the cities where these event occur, condone, enable and support the literal trashing and looting of these cities under the guise of legal peaceful demonstrations. Year in year out. Since 1965. Expecting different results from identical reactions. INSANITY!!!
This is just one tumor on the body of a deeply infected culture.
I don’t know the answer but I certainly know the right question.
What is the root cause of such extreme crime in inner cities?
The two biggest celebrities in my memory who regularly voiced their opinions of the root cause as single motherhood and lack of discipline in the family and local culture, Bill Cosby and Bill O Reilly, have both been silenced by charges of sexual misconduct.