Steemit Country Representatives - Applications Invited

in country •  3 years ago  (edited)

The last few months has seen tremendous growth in the number of Steemians in many countries around the world.

This growth has been a mix of former Steemians becoming active again, and total newcomers to the platform.

The Country Representatives have been doing a great job guiding and supporting people in their respective countries.

We are now looking to expand the network of Country Representatives.

What do Country Representatives do ?

The main role of a Country Representative is to support and guide Steemians in their country.

They should particularly seek out and greet new Steemians, and guide them to the Newcomers Community and their Country Community if they have one.

If the Country Reps are in a country with a Country Community they will likely be involved in the running of that community moderating and possibly organizing contests for example.

They should also give guidance to Steemians in their country on technical issues and Steem etiquette. Keeping an eye out for any occurrences of plagiarism or other abuse is also a key part of their role.

The Country Reps may also be involved in curating Steemians in their country through the regional @steemcurator account.

How to apply to become a Country Representative

We are inviting expressions of interest from anyone who thinks they may be suitable to become Country Representatives.

People in countries where there are already Country Reps, and those in countries without any current representatives, are equally invited to apply.

We are looking to both expand existing teams and establish new country teams.

To be considered as a Country Representative you should have been active on Steem for at least 3 months.

You should be a regular poster and contributor on Steem, and Steem should be the main crypto social network you are involved in.

If you are powering down, or hold less than 500 SP, you are unlikely to be considered.

To apply please make a post entitled ‘Why I would make a good Steem Country Representative for XYZ Country’ and leave the link in a comment below.

In the post you should include…

  • a brief summary of your history on Steem
  • details of any communities you are involved in, and any contests or other activities you organize
  • why you think you would make a good Country Representative.

And if you are in a country with no existing Country Representatives, a brief summary of how you would go about encouraging more people to join Steem in your country.

Please submit your post by April 30th, 2021.

It will be helpful if you get people who may support your application to add their comments on your link comment below or on your application post to demonstrate support among the community.

Support for your application from any existing Country Reps (or other Community Leaders) will be particularly helpful.

We will review all applications during the first week of May, and will announce the new Country Representatives by May 10th.

Successful Country Representatives will be given a delegation of 5000 SP to help them fulfil their support duties.

The Country Reps have played an important role in the growth of the Steem Community over the past year.

We are looking forward to seeing who comes forward to join the team.

Thank you

The Steemit Team

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I hope that my application is not too late. Unfortunately, I have just seen the post. I am quite active on Steem and have been running the German curator account @steem-bootcamp (now renamed @steem-germany) for a few years. We have a Discord server where we meet and welcome new members and help them get started. I plan to start a major promotion for Steem in my Facebook groups which has over 200,000 members. For this purpose I have prepared a few things.

So that new members can then automatically create a new account, I have brought the dApp Steem Invite back online. So interested can automatically create a new account that also immediately includes a small delegation of with.

Furthermore I am currently writing some FAQ, that new members know how to get along with Steem. The first post is about how to create a new account.

The second post is about how to personalize the new account

I think I would be a good contact person for our small German speaking community. Such a task I would not only take on alone but, coordinate with other German-speaking members.

I describe myself as a very socially minded person who works a lot in the charity sector. Among other things, I am also in charge of a German-speaking association that will enable socially weaker people to have a free vacation. All income from the account @nesomi will therefore go directly into the project.

I would be happy if I would get a positive answer from Steemit inc. and its representative @steemcurator01


@meins0815 denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@meins0815 thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

@greece-lover for president

of the german community!!!!

We will hope that we get the support from

LG Michael

Steemit Country Representatives - Applications Invited

My Application to the next representative of Indonesian



Hello @steemitblog, below I am attaching my application post to be one of the next representatives of Venezuela in Steemit. I hope you can take me into consideration, due to the rapidly growing community in Venezuela. There are currently no young representatives, and I would like to have the opportunity to be one of the first youngest representatives of Venezuela on Steemit.

#onepercent #venezuela #affable

Repito: A pesar de ser tan joven, eres grande.. Con metas grandes y valiosas!

No dudo que en que eres la mejor opción. Tienes liderazgo, actitud, conocimiento, iniciativa propia y un corazón inmenso. Mi apoyo es para @cachetes-27. Éxitos!

Tienes todo el potencial y los requisitos para ser una representante de nuestro país. Lo lograras 🙌🏼 Todo mi apoyo.

Mucha suerte chula😉❤️ tienes todos los requisitos para llegar a serlo ✨ Éxitos✨

Todo mi apoyo para @cachetes-27 💪

Desde sus inicios en esta plataforma, he sido testigo del esfuerzo, esmero y compromiso, para crecer en esta comunidad, como también el apoyo incondicional que ha brindado a sus familiares, amigos y a diferentes labores sociales, a los cuales a hecho su aporte y contribución. Es por esto que @cachetes-27 es merecedora de ser representante de Venezuela.

Mi querida @cachetes-27, orgullo bolivarense, joven con espíritu motivador y noble, siempre con la intención de ayudar y colaborar a quien lo necesite. Tu determinación es ejemplo para todos los jóvenes, es por esto que mi apoyo es para ti, por esto mereces ser representante de nuestro país. 🇻🇪🤗

Hola @cachetes 27, mi apoyo para ti. Emprendedora, entusiasta y una líder nata. Éxitos

Muy buena participación , muchisima suerte , tienes demasiado potencial para ser una buena representante , exitos <3

Todo mi apoyo para @cachete25 tienes
todos los requisitos para representarnos porque eres una jovencita con mucha motivación y entusiasmo, dedicación y una paciencia de verdad que todo el apoyo para ti muchos éxitos

Espectacular full suerteeeee y exitos

El mayor de los éxitos para nuestra querida @cachetes-27, que ha sido ejemplo de constancia y dedicación para con todo su grupo de Hablemos de Steemit, en recomendaciones, tips y demás consejos...

Aviso Importante

Piensa en grande y serás grande.

Cuenta con mi apoyo ✨ Excelente trabajo @cachetes-27

Tienes el conocimiento y la dedicación para orgullosamente representarnos! Cuentas con mi apoyo!

Hola mi bella @cachetes-27 mi apoyo y voto para ti.. eres una dura❤️

Hola! Cuenta con mi apoyo, cuentas con todo lo necesario para ser una gran representante

Mi apoyo 100% es para ti @cachetes-27 tienes todo lo necesario para ser representante de nuestro país. Mucho Exito.

  ·  3 years ago (edited)

Porque te lo mereces y nos has apoyado sin importar qué, cuentas con mi voto♥️ @cachetes-27

Cuenta con mi apoyo @cachetes-27 tienes todo lo que se necesita para ser Representante de nuestro país. Exitos

Estamos contigo @cachetes-27 Todo es posible con solo creer.

Mi voto y mi apoyo es para ti @cachetes-27

Mi amiga @cachetes-27 es una niña muy joven, pero eso no le impide ser la motivadora #1 en el tema de Steemit, es excelente persona súper responsable, llevando a su cargo varias personas que inician en esta plataforma, ella con amor y dedicación hace ese gran trabajo....
Apoyo total para ella... para ser Representante de Venezuela.

Mi perrito Zeus también quiere dar su opinión.

555 99.jpg

Excelente lider!!! El mejor de los éxitos y Bendiciones @cachetes-27

Una joven super emprendedora, con gran capacidad de liderazgo quien ha asumido por vocación una responsabilidad de dirigir, guiar y orientar a un gran grupo de nuevos y no tan nuevos Steemians en estaenorme plataforma. Un luz en el camino de tantas personas. Sería genial tenerte como representante de país. Sabemos que lo podrás hacer muy bien.

Excelente postulación! Tienes mi apoyo y aportas innovación, nuevas ideas y emprendimiento para todos, en especial a los más nuevos. Bendiciones @cachetes-27

Te apoyamos, estoy contigo!!

mucha suerte nita, tienes todo lo necesario para ser representante del pais, tu puedes !!!

👏muy buena postulación 🐽

Lo mejor está por venir! Te a🐔amos!

Tienes el potencial y la empatía para orientarnos, así que por eso mereces ser representante de país.

Te apoyo @cachetes-27 tienes todo lo necesario para representar a nuestro pais!!

Todo mi apoyo a @cachetes- 27 a su corta edad tiene potencial de líder ..y tiene algo muy importante en su personalidad y es que tiene empatía con los que le rodean!..éxito!



Hi @steemitblog
Here is my my application post to be one of the next representatives of RU community on Steemit

Dear Steemit Team,

recently I created the community Deutsch Unplugged, it should be a community for German written "quality content" mainly for users from the countries Austria, Germany, Switzerland in the long run. The community is well accepted, of course we don't have that many active users after just nearly three weeks. But we are growing!

I know that you have already noticed the new community since your steemcurator01 has already subscribed. At this point I would like to thank you very much for your support. It is great and motivates the users a lot to get involved. Thank you!

For the above reasons, I would NOT like to propose the community as a country-representing community yet. Maybe later - let's create something great first.

I just want to draw your attention here to our new community account, called


This account exclusively supports the announced community, all rewards will flow back to the community members via upvotes or contests. If you are interested, you can read the intention here.

I would like to ask you to follow @deutschunplugged to better observe the organization and structuring of our new community. All community matters will only be handled via this account because I, @chriddi, want to continue using my private account mainly for private blogging.

Best regards from Northern Germany,


Crecer es la meta. Así que gracias @steemitblog por proponernos ser partícipes del crecimiento de la plataforma. Juntos lograremos grandes proyectos. Con mucho gusto dejo acá mi postulación.

Por tus cualidades de lectora, redactora y principalmente de emprendedora, sería un honor tenerte como representante de mi país. Éxitos.

cuanta 100% con mi apoyo , ya que desde que inicie siempre has estado atenta a mi desempeño dentro de la plataforma y tus asesorías han sido de mucha ayuda.

Me encantó tu post porque hace un recorrido a tu labor es Steemit como creadora de contenido. Tu aporte sería muy valioso.

considero que te experiencia en la plataforma y tus disposición a siempre ayudar y asesorar son fundamentales para que seas una mas de nuestras representantes.

Me encantaría verte como representante porque eres una excelente escritora y con buen criterio. Sabes proponer buenas dinámicas para la integración de las comunidades y de seguro sabrás darle guía a los nuevos usuarios.

Tienes buenas ideas que ayudan al crecimiento de los usuarios y por ende a la plataforma. Considero que serías una dedicada representante de país.

Te doy todo mi apoyo, tu has aportado bastante crecimiento a varias comunidades con tus dinámicas y retos, y estoy seguro de que si te eligen, seguirás aportando para hacer de steemit, la mejor de las mejores plataformas de blockchain. Saludos.

Experiencia y eficiencia!! Con capacidades y habilidades para generar dinamismo. Y, además, con la magnífica disposición que tienes para asumir la representación de Venezuela, te apoyo 100%. Tu nombramiento sería muy valioso no solo para Venezuela sino para todas las comunidades.

Saludos amigo aqui dejo mi entrada para postularme como representante de mi pais #venezuela 🇻🇪🇻🇪

Greetings friend @steemitblog.

I'm glad to see that you are providing the opportunity for more people to engage with the platform and Steemit, no doubt we will see good candidates applying to be part of these excellent teams already formed.

Good luck to those who apply.

Good luck to those who apply.

Thank you so much for the nice comments for the applicants.

Thank you by

Mujer luchadora y emprendedora, con un trabajo impecable.
Recomendada al 100%

Mucha Suerte amiga @saracampero te mereces ser la representante.. yo te apoyo


Excelente....cuenta con mi apoyo. Bendiciones

Te apoyo cariño eres una mujer ejemplar aunque te conozco poco,pero en tus post te destacas muchisimo cuenta con todo mi apoyo exitos.💛

Porque has demostrado tener ,todo lo que necesitamos para tenerte como representante.suerte

Exitos @saracampero te lo mereces, excelente tu gestión. Éxitos

Excelente postulación @saracampero, gracias por tu apoyo y buenos consejos.

Merecedora de grandes cosas, mujer honorable y de vocación con un gran corazón. Millones de éxitos desde mi corazón. 🤍 Dios te bendiga.

Felicitaciones por tú postulación @saracampero, siempre dispuesta a apoyarnos y a darnos consejos.

Te mereces Éxitos y Bendiciones. Siempre apoyándonos. Explicándonos detalladamente para que podamos crecer en la plataforma. Gracias por tus excelentes recomendaciones. Serías una excelente representante de nuestro país Venezuela.

@saracampero eres una mujer llena de Bendiciones. Serás una excelente representante de nuestro País Venezuela. Éxitos. Dios te Bendiga

Excelente postulación @saracampero! Con tu vocación de apoyar a los demás, de incentivar siempre la creación de buen contenido, de ayudarnos a potenciar nuestras cuentas y de buscar el bien colectivo estoy segura de que serás la mejor representante para nuestro país! Mucho éxito y que Dios te bendiga siempre!🙂❤️

Es un honor contar con una representante como tu que nos has brindado tanta asesoría y apoyo, seras de las mejores. Saludos.

Te deseo el mayor de los éxitos, tienes todo para quedar seleccionada, suerte y bendiciones de lo alto para ti.

Digna de representarnos @saracampero espero estés entre los nuevos representantes de nuestros país.
Muchos éxitos.💪✨ Voy a ti.🇻🇪 Saludos.🌺❤️

Espero con muchas ansias el resultado de estas votaciones porque tengo mucha fé de que serás la nueva representante, tu gran trabajo y apoyo continuo tendrá su recompensa. Éxitos y bendiciones Sara bella, no dudo que tu trabajo seguirá siendo fenomenal💕

Espero que seas una de las nuevas representantes, mucha suerte @saracampero

Definitivamente ella es una persona justa, muy responsable y conversadora. No he conocido una persona más coordinada que ella, realmente pido que ella tenga el puesto porque se lo merece. Sabe trabajar, sabe premiar y dar consejos, no te dejan a un lado y siempre te motivan a mejorar, necesitamos gente como ella en la comunidad!

Mujer de vocación, siempre atenta a quien requiere tu apoyo, infinitas bendiciones siempre, éxitos te mereces lo mejor. Dios te bendiga

Apoyada 100% amiga @saracampero. Exitos para ti.

Que tenga mucho éxito amiga @saracampero. Super que nos representes. Hay muchas cosas que nos han enseñado. Mucho éxito.💞🇻🇪💞

Te apoyo.

Excelentes trabajo que haz hecho dentro de la comunidad y fuera de gustaría que fueras seleccionada....sigue adelante

Saludos equipo de @steemitblog, me alegra esta oportunidad que nos brindan como postulantes para Representantes de pais, ya que cada día steemit esta creciendo y por lo tanto el trabajo es mayor. Acá les comparto mis motivos para ser elegida, gracias...



Venezuela crece rápidamente en la plataforma y confía que tú serás una excelente guía para los nuevos usuarios, tu trabajo en Steemit lo certifica.

Tu rendimiento en poco tiempo y entrega con steemit te hace calificar muy bien para ser representante del país, eres perseverante y dedicada. Tu paseo por esta plataforma lo dice todo.

uyyyy, qué linda!. Excelente tu postulación para representante de Argentina. 100% mi apoyo

muchísimas gracias por tu apoyo querida amiga, el impulso que me has dado a mi y a muchos steemians ha sido clave para nuestro crecimiento. Gracias por tu cariño. bendiciones para ti

Hello Steemit team,

This is my application post for the Country representative of Sri Lanka

Best Regards!

Excellent @damithudaya. You are a great user. I support you 100%

This will be a great opportunity for me to represent Bangladesh

My Application Link-

Greetings to the steemit team. Trust we all are doing well. I am @rapharchick writing to be a country representative of my country Cameroon🇨🇲🇨🇲🇨🇲. I am spending my second month on the steemit platform in other words I joined in the early days of march and though a short while I have a degree of expertise and experience. My first account(@raphar) the account I was introduced into steemit with was hacked and damaged about a month ago. Few week later after a number of attempts to recover the account failed I had to sign up and restart all over with this new account @rapharchick. Currently the country has a number of well to do and committed representatives who have created a community platform for the country where we too have a number of interesting contests going on for example the best day contest, diary game contest, musical contest and lots more. It has pushed many steemians into producing original and interesting contents.
I write to you the steemit team to apply for me to be part of the country representatives promising to collaborate with the already existing reps. I commit myself to doing nothing but the best in making the steemit global community and that of my country grow. waiting to hear from you the steemit team🙏🇨🇲

Dear @steemitblog,

Today I am writing to you in order to give us to known and try to get some kind of support for our project. A week has passed since we announced Steem Seven, a family curation project that aims to support as many users as possible who write #steemexclusive content and especially new users, giving direct and personalized support to each one in order to to train quality content creators.

Our delegates are committed to #powerup with each payment they receive and to support this account, in recent weeks most of them have increased their SP by almost 70%. However, this is not enough, because in order to reach many more users we need potential help. We have daily curation reports as proof of work, including all post cured on the last day.

We would like to formally request a delegation from your team, and if this is not possible, support our delegators to increase our SP to the maximum. Of course, if necessary we can talk, put conditions and reach an agreement.

Best Regards The Seven Team,

Adelante @steem-seven con este proyecto se que van a seguir ayudando mas usuarios, y tendrán mucho apoyo.

Here is my entry

Hope you will give me a chance to prove myself.

Love from Bangladesh ❤️

It's amazing, in the country where I live so many people support Steemit. I myself was just a few days ago at Steemit. I hope that all of Steemit's friends can help and guide me so that I can be successful in working at Steemit. I hope that Steemit will grow even more and be successful in the future. Regards

Hello @steemitblog,

As an experienced steemit user, the posting for the country representative of Bangladesh caught my interest. When reviewing the requirements, I found that my qualifications and personal characteristic align with the needs and mission. I am attaching my application post to be one of the next country representatives of Bangladesh below:

"My Application For Country Representative of Bangladesh"

Best Regards!!!


  ·  3 years ago 


[WhereIn Android] (

this is very interesting, i've been in steemit from 2017 and have a lot of experience in steemit third party platform organization before. like, steempress. adsactly.

however I cannot enter this election. because currently I'm building a team for the world in PromoSteem Community affairs

This promosteem project may be similar to steemitcryptoacademy, by recruiting promoters from all over the world and working together on steem promo matters.

You can see how our community is doing well at the moment.

some of the good activities we have made

and there are many more good promo content that our team has done for now

I hope @steemitblog can see us to communicate further. so that the goal of promosteem can run and get help with direct guidance from the Steemit team.

cc: @steemcurator01

regards: arie
Contact Discord : arie.steem#4626

Is there a list of country reps somewhere?

We are looking to both expand existing teams and establish new country teams.

Bigger countries tend to be more diverse, and they will definitely need more teams.

This, I think, is a great initiative.

Thank you @steemitblog for this wonderful opportunity. Here is my application post link

I am active since four months. I have more than 1200 sp. Currently, I am moderator of steemit-pak. I would like to apply for CRship.
Here's my application .

That is highly appreciated.

Genial. Es excelente saber que nuestra comunidad crece y se organiza . Felicitaciones.

Thankyou so much @steemitblog for the invitation .. I would love to be a Country Representative from India and will play my role will all my efforts and 100%honesty ..
Here is my application :

hola @steemitblog

here's my application post
Thanks again for this wonderful opportunity

There are so many Indonesians who are more victorious here, I think that representation has been fulfilled

please upvote my posting

[WhereIn Android] (

Hello dear friends @steemitblog good day
I'm almost from the beginning in the company (Steemit), I have seen many things since then and to be honest it is the first time that I see so much enthusiasm in the community, as you well say, it is extraordinary to see the great growth that there is. Congratulations to everyone for the great job you are doing.

We are ready to welcome new CR to our team.

Great! Being a representative is something I've always looked forward to. I want to expand the network hence I'd be making a submission. May the best participants get chosen

Hello steemit team. I am @sabbirrr from Bangladesh.I am encouraged by your proposal.I would like to appeal to you as a country representative. My main steem power is 2150+.I want to work as a country representative.I hope I get a valuable reply from you.

Thank you

Here is my Application . I did my best 😌.
All the points which I mentioned above are real and you may can cross check everything which I mentioned in this post 🧐.

Thank you

I'm glad to know that the Steemians numbers are growing. I want to remember the importance of @girolamomarotta, the Italian representative who rebuilt the entire Italian community. He was very good.

Greetings to the steemit team,

Please find my application for country representative for Ghana,

Thank you so much @steemitblog for the information and opportunities. I am interested in becoming a Country Representatives in Indonesia. This is My Applications.


I would love to become a Country Representative of Pakistan.
Here is my application.
My Application for becoming country representative of Pakistan

Estoy enviando mi postulación para ser representante preferiblemente de Venezuela en cualquier comunidad:

  ·  3 years ago (edited)

Am i qualified for the reprentatives sir @steemitblog?

this is my postulation, Greetings all.

Hello my humble application as representative of Venezuela and of our Union Venezuela community

Community that in one week had 200 subscribers
we are making progress

Unfortunately, my steem power was not as determined, so I could not fulfill the invitation to represent my country

Hello !
It would be an honor for me to represent my country (Pakistan) to the world through steemit..
Here is my application.

This is a very great initiative and I believe this will bring more greatness to the steemworld. Thank you for the opportunity given us all

Congratulations to everyone for the great job you are doing.
Regards @steemitblog since December 2017 in these spaces telling stories and meeting other participants.
I love to comment to the participants, to encourage them a lot, so that they grow and stay.

Hola @steemiblog, esta es mi aplicación para representante de Venezuela
pulse aquí

Thank you very much @steemitblog, for providing information to us, and I see that Steemian is now active again even though only a few countries, and I hope this Steemit continues to progress as before, where every country is filled with web network steemit. Best regard @masril

If I want to invite a community with at least 20 members to use steemit, can I submit a proposal?
If so, how do I do it and what rewards can I get?
Thank you

The STU (SteemTokenUnit) ist the best Token of all. There is my Blog regarding the "intrinsic value" of steem.

Estoy muy contenta de haber leído ésta noticia y deseo formar parte del equipo country representatives... Muchas gracias por ensanchar la visión y crecimiento de la comunidad

Mi solicitud para ser representante de mi país Venezuela 🇻🇪 gracias por la oportunidad!

How do i know that am i eligible or not? Right now i don’t have 500sp. But i have got 950 steem. I can power up within a moment. Please @steemitblog check my eligibility.

It is always better to power up your STEEM and then you can earn more curation rewards from voting.

It is very proud if someone becomes a representative of their country and has sufficient SP to serve as curation. I also hope that one day I can collect a lot of SP so that I can share the curation with other steemians. regards

Hmm good advice....@steemcurator01

Thanks @steemcurator01 i already powered up.Now my sp is 500+. Thanks for your advice.

Saludos amigos del equipo de steemit,
Exelente trabajo el que se está ejecutando y el crecimiento es una señal de eso gracias a Dios, esperemos ver nuevos representantes y que sigan los éxitos!!

Saludos y bendiciones ❤️

What a great opportunity for those of us who have grown a lot on the platform in recent months.

Greetings Steemitblog.
I'll love to be part to this program but i just came back and currently in
Achiement Post 1 Re-introctory post
I hope there willl still opoptunity in the nearest future #Nigeria #steemnaira

me encantaria

Gracias por la extensión! Saludos cordiales para ustedes.

Me encantaría representar a mi país junto a todos los demás. Venezuela

Feliz dia, y buena decisión en representarnos, Esperamos que envies todo lo necesario para esa postulación.

  ·  3 years ago (edited)

I'm submitting my application-

I'm active on Steemit for almost five months and I have more than 3500 SP now.

I will be really happy to contribute to my community as a CR.

Continúan los buenos proyectos!

Thank You steemit team for this great initiative in this way we can easily and rapidly promote steemit worldwide.

Here is my Application:-

Why I would make a good Steem Country Representative for PAKISTAN

Hola que buena oportunidad para los usuarios poder participar , es muy importante que hayan más representante de país que ayuden al crecimiento de la plataforma, que apoyen y estén al pendiente de todo lo que acontecede en las comunidades. Los representantes de mi pais @Venezuela han sido muy receptivos, organizados y dedicados los felicitos y los que se unan a ellos ofrezcan interes y dedicación. Suerte a todos

#onepercent #venezuela #affable


Here is my Application

Steemit Country Representatives - Applications Invited:

Why I would make a good Steem Country Representative for Venezuela


Hello @steemitblog, please we can't prepare a post at the steem editor. Please can you do something about it, it very difficult to use it.

Estoy de acuerdo contigo amigo @sarkodieeric1, se nos está haciendo muy complicado al momento de escribir se duplica la escritura y para borrar solo baja o separa no borra nada, alguien podría ayudarnos @steemitblog

I thank you very much for your support.

Country Representative Application from Cameroon:
Good luck to all the applicants!

Saludos @steemitblog, por acá mi presentación para ser considerada en la selección de Representante de Steem para Venezuela.

I created my account 1 month ago & I also complete achievement5 task.

I understand steemit all of rules & I have a community of @open-theworld I will try to guided my all friends in steemit.

I am also created a YouTube chann & also make a Facebook messenger group for helping newcomers.

So if I get (CR) I will help all of my community members everytime.

I didn't apply now because my account creation date is not meet your rules.

I hope you give a chance in next time.

Thank you @steemitblog

  ·  3 years ago (edited)

Thank you for your support. I will love to be a representative for my country. here is the entry submission for the candidate;

Application entry - Why I would make a good Steem Country Representative for TURKEY

  ·  3 years ago (edited)

Great initiative, highly appreciated 💕💖❤️

Hello steemitblog,

Here is my steemit country representatives applications post link

Best Regards

Saludos! para mí sería un honor ser representante de país, avanzando y aprendiendo porque sé que vamos por más:

¡Muchas Gracias!👍

Greetings @steemitblog grateful for the opportunity here I leave my participation:

My participation