Every person or group of people can find something and someone in their history who has wronged them-and the further back, the greater the opportunity to find a hate target. Racism requires power or influence, personal power or influence over someone else. If I hate, but if I never have or use my power / influence on another, I am never a racist; to defend yourself against another is not racism either. It is wrong and racist to use power / influence against others for their race out of fear, revenge or retaliation. Slave owners, bigots, fear mongers, politicians, all people can rationalize / justify their behavior. What you have done to my brother, any other relative, person or group of persons does not give me a free pass to "hate "and hurt you or any other person because of the color of their skin, gender, sexual preference, religion, nation of origin, age or socioeconomic status. It's wrong to hurt someone to make you feel better.
World is One
6 years ago by suryaa (25)