"The County Executives of America have accepted the gold from the Global Debt Facility on behalf of the United States of America"
"there’s a group called the County Executives of America. The president of that County Executives of America is Ike Leggett. He was the president. He’s the county executive of the county that I lived in, Montgomery County."
"Posse Comitatus is a Latin term that is sometimes taken to mean that the county is the highest legitimate government body. Embracing this view, Beach declared that a county’s citizens, as defined by its laws, could deny state and federal authority to tax, regulate, and govern. Voters elected the sheriff as the principal enforcement official, with the authority to deputize male citizens. But the county citizenry reserved the right to establish a grand jury outside the prevailing court system to indict, judge, and punish public officials and private citizens"
"Former sheriff Richard Mack is on a mission to resurrect the Posse Comitatus and recruit local law enforcement to his cause"
"Richard "Posse Comitatus" Mack and his wife recently suffered serious health setbacks, and their irrational opposition to the ACA has left them in deep debt."
"Hudes goes on to talk about something called a “Power Transition Model” which Hudes says it predicts, “The United States was going to lose its leadership role if we didn’t separate ourselves from this corruption. And, it turns out the United States isn’t the only one who has been captured in this system. The Bank for International Settlements, it’s got central banks in all these different countries. It’s a Ponzi scheme. . . . I have been working with people inside the Department of Defense who know about this “Power Transition Model” which says the United States is at a fork in the road; and, actually, it’s not just the United States, it’s all of humanity."