(CRIS + Cestui Que Vie Accounts) × (1040 + 1020 + W-9) = "Lawful Money" + %15 - 30 per case nationwide?

in court •  4 years ago  (edited)

"It is the funds contained in this CESTUI QUE TRUST that the Judge, Clerk and County Prosecutor are really after or interested in!"

"Cestui Que Vie Trusts are the means by which we "finance the Sovereignty of Nations". They are trusts held by a third party and without notification to the entity of the trusts name. They invest, make profits and retain all returns."

"bond be immediately brought forward"

"has been a maxim of law for hundreds of years that one cannot settle a matter as an impartial 3rd party when one has any special financial interest in the outcome (other than for due wage compensation)."

"The acronym CRIS (Court Registry Investment System) account is what connects a false judicial system to the bank; it is the mechanism through which they access funds that were created in your name without your knowledge."

"Securitization of a legal case, happens when Judges attach a monetary judgement, or a penalty to a case, and then hold the defendant as the collateral, until the promised amount shows up in the account of the Judicial Branch."

"Usually, this is done by attachment of a bond, to a prisoner or a judgement.
The county, municipality or agency then profers that bond into the bond market, garanteed by
the taxpayers, but promising a nice rate of return. The prisonner is held as the surety,
until the bond reaches maturity."

"Many Judges are former prosecutors, so the message is clear: if you keep quiet about what the current judges do, then maybe you too can have some extra funding later, in addition to the standard $ 3000,000 that many Judges get extra year...

This example may be through the Federal Reserve bank in Dallas (Texas), but all states (or their image corporation) are tied into Chris. Do your own research. You will be amazed at what you find out.

Most attorneys claim to not know this, but they will not seek it either. And if they bring these things up in open court, they can expect to be disbarred."

"If the County Attorney begins to act too cocky with you, you can take the wind out of his sails by asking him to produce the 1020 for this case? If he denies the need to do such a thing, inform him that you will be taking care of that for him ASAP [as soon as possible]! He may move for a discharge at that point because you are a little too dangerous or smart! The last thing that Prosecutor wants is the IRS examining his files for the last seven years because he makes money on every conviction but he doesn’t pay TAXES on them as a Rule! He usually only declares the salary he receives."

"If the County Attorney begins to act too cocky with you, you can take the wind out of his sails by asking him to produce the 1040 for this case? If he denies the need to do such a thing, inform him that you will be taking care of that for him ASAP [as soon as possible]!"

"If the disbursement includes interest earned while on deposit, IRS Form W-9 is required for each payee."

"Understand that the County Attorney will be forced to pay the Cost of Court out of his own pocket, if the case is discharged, so he isn’t going to give up that easily and the Judge, Clerk and County Attorney, stand to make a pretty penny off your conviction and incarceration!"

"The IRS form 1040 changed. On line 6, on the second page, you enter your income as a negative number by putting the income amount to redeem in parentheses ($). You can redeem funds for the entire year and get lawful money. So if you’re claiming lawful money for this year, 2019, you’ll enter the entire 2019 gross income on line 6.

On the new 1040 form: To redeem lawful money is on Schedule 1: Additional Income, on line 21, enter the entire income for 2019 and write it as a negative number. The demand for lawful money, is written on line 21 as well. And duplicate it on line 22.

State returns are on the last pages of form 1040."

"In general, the IRS will pay an award of at least 15 percent, but not more than 30 percent of the proceeds collected attributable to the information submitted by the whistleblower. The award percentage decreases for claims based on information from public sources"

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