RE: Media sensationalism is pushing me towards conspiracy theories

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Media sensationalism is pushing me towards conspiracy theories

in covid •  4 years ago 

I live in small country which was, so far, spared from the worst of COVID and the number of fatalities is very small. Few days ago the authorities reported about the youngest victim, a 46-year old man. Health official in charge said something about unfortunate man not having any comorbidity or having risk factors. That was enough for some of the media screaming "46-YEAR HEALTHY MAN DIES OF COVID-19!!!" followed by usual "stay home or die" and "anyone venturing outside is a monster that should be arrested or shot" messages by bien pensants on social media.

Then again, this is a small country and when something like that happens, everybody knows everybody and facts can be checked relatively quickly. It turned out that 46-year old man wasn't healthy at all. He was tethraplegic, practically disabled with all kinds of terrible chronic diseases that actually required 24/7 medical care. Yet, lot of media people thought that the proper clickbait headline was more worth than actual fact-checking.

I'm not saying that the disease isn't serious, but it is one of many examples media is "creatively interpreting" numbers and fact for the sake of ad income or some political/ideological agenda. I noticed some journalists even admitting that they are pushing apocalypse narrative in order to scare general population, because "otherwise idiots would continue spreading the disease instead of staying home".

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well i am sure there are a lot of various reasons for the media deciding to write what they do but yeah, i recall a "healthy soccer player" that died from Covid but also happened to be battling cancer for 7 years.

If there is some sort of agenda for making this out to be bigger than it is, I really have a difficult time imagining what it could be.