Some strange "essential businesses" as dictated by the government

in covid •  5 years ago 

First off, I believe all businesses are essential and it should not be the government determining what can and can not stay open. I'm Libertarian for the most part and disagree with government dictating almost anything.

That being said, there are some businesses that are deemed "essential" by the government of various countries that don't really make sense to me. Add to the list if you have some other examples.

Bubble (boba) tea


"Regular" tea shops have been shut down to prevent the spread of the virus but bubble tea shops, which is basically regular tea with a F**Kton of sugar in it, is definitely needed in order for society to continue without riots I guess. This is taking place in Singapore right now.

Ice cream shops

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I have no idea if this is genuine or not but whether it is or not doesn't matter to me because the pic is hilarious. I have always felt bad for the promo people who have to dress up in these silly costumes and if I ever was asked to do so I would find a new job immediately.



Is there any business more shady than a pawnshop? These dens of iniquity are almost entirely stocked with stolen gear that the proprietors are not allowed to divulge who sold the stuff to them unless there is a court order. I once found something that was stolen from me in a pawnshop and it was kind of heartbreaking to see how little the staff in the store gave a crap that what they had was stolen merch. I went to the police and they wouldn't do anything about it. The pawnshop guys apparently knew the cops wouldn't do anything because I had expected that they might move the guitar amp or hide it. When I returned it was still sitting in the same place surrounded by dust.

Anyway, Illinois and Ohio consider pawnshops a "financial or banking industry" and therefore are essential and remain open.



I love a nice yard / garden as much as the next guy. I worked in that industry and it is some of my best employment memories of my life: You get to work outdoors at a pace that is largely determined by the crew, get long lunch breaks, you stay in shape, you take pride in your work and you make pretty decent money - a lot of which can be "under the table" wages aka "tax free." Seriously, I highly recommend this job for any young person.

However, I do not understand how this could be considered "essential." Don't get me wrong, I'm glad it is. The governor of Connecticut said landscaping is "necessary to maintain the safety, sanitation and essential operations of residences or other essential businesses." I think maybe the governor and his rich friends likely don't know how to maintain their own properties.

Most construction projects


I'm all for this, don't get me wrong. As I mentioned in the first paragraph, I don't think the government should be in the business of deciding what is essential and what isn't. However, when I look around the city that I live in right now, almost the entire coastline has some sort of construction that is going on and a lot of these projects are absolutely massive.

While the population is being subjected to all restaurants and bars being closed, including for take-out and delivery under the auspices of not spreading the virus - we are also cramming dozens or even hundreds of people into work-spaces and having them work in close proximity to one another.

In the west they would likely be forced to adhere to some sort of safety standards but that doesn't happen here in Vietnam and certainly not in Thailand. There are about 20 construction projects near my condo (where they are building more hotels and condos for guests that are no longer going to be coming here) and almost no one is wearing masks or gloves. Yet I am not allowed to take my dog for a walk on the beach because: Covid reasons.

That's all I can think of off the top of my head. You got any more? The sillier the better!

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I completely agree with you.

construction carries on as usual where I am as well. Most of the shops selling mobile phones are also still open but I'm on your side as far as allowing these places to remain open is concerned. That's crap that you can't get food delivered :(

well i think i mentioned it in the blog post but they are meant to be re-evaluating the country on the 15th and perhaps making some adjustments. I really hope that food take out and delivery is one of the top items... not just for me, but for the thousands of businesses that are making zero money right now even though we are dying to spend money there

Kind of opposite of what you're asking, but something I noticed here is pretty much all the Chinese restaurants in my area closed down 2-3 weeks ago and haven't opened back up. My favorite of which pretty much lived off their takeout customer base. Meanwhile literally every other place in the area allows takeout and delivery still. I saw some utter fucking stupidity of people saying to avoid Chinese food so they don't get sick on local social media, which sadly makes me question if people started just not going to them so they had to shut down due to no customers.

If people are being that dumb, I fully expect to see Karen screaming to meet Coronavirus's manager at the supermarket if this lockdown continues.

Also, that fucking sucks they aren't allowing you guys takeout or delivery. They'll probably chance their tune in a few weeks hopefully, as if they didn't allow that here it would really hasten businesses to be crippled and shut down forever.

Yeah there has been some seriously dumb reactions to this globally but the Chinese restaurant one... well, I guess I could see that coming from a mile away. There is a lot of anti-Chinese sentiment over here, which is pretty lame when you consider that the gen-pop of China isn't responsible for the stupid shit their government does any more than you or I are responsible for USA foreign policy.

Haha, the weed shops are all open for business around here. I've seen loads of people congregated around them. Also I keep seeing this poor kid in a cell phone outfit waving a sign standing in front of a phone store. I feel so bad for him!

Ah yes, I had heard the weed shops were essential... but to be fair if liquor stores are dictated as such you gotta let the green shops open as well!

That is so non essential. Even my neighbors are still asking their car cleaners to come daily which is so silly, we have asked our's to stay home but still people calling them to work is so unnecessary, like why can't you clean your own car for a while.

When i had a car i found cleaning it to be fantastic therapy of sorts. I think we are going to see an increasing amount of "essential" services that are the kind of services that rich people would use... such as the one you describe.

Hi @gooddream...just stopping by to say hello.
Some of the old pawn shops used to have 'Loans' printed on storefront signage because they offered collateral loans on assets, making them akin to some banks I guess...

'Pizza' shops are allowed to be open where I'm at presently :>) You must order by phone and pick up at the door though... I guess the Governor allowed these joints to remain open because he has friends and family in the pizza or pizza 'supply' business.

It's kind of funny to me watching this all play out.

let's just hope the pizza places stay open.... how we need them now.... :)

Yum…!!! Viva la Pizza...!!! :>)