Lords, ladies, non binary folks and gentlemen... place your bets.
If I was a gambling man - which I am not - I would suggest a strong possibility of a new lockdown spring on the entire UK at no notice at the worst possible time.
It seems to me that - if I was a government keen on blaming others for my failings - that I would consider a press conference on Wednesday evening - sudden, unexpected, who COULD have forseen it. At which the entire country would be placed in immediate and total lockdown.
For six weeks.
This would have the coincidental effect of covering up any problems that Brexit is likely to cause on - tic toc tic toc - Friday.
And THEN, you get to point to all the folks out drinking on New Years Eve as the reason for any Christmas bubble deaths.
If I was a weasel, this would be my play. Now lets see what happens.