Traveling to Central America from USA is easy, going back is the hard part

in covid •  4 years ago 

For a lot of Central America.... most of it in fact, getting from USA to that country is cheap and easy. More and more countries are dropping PCR test requirements and almost none of them have any sort of quarantine requirements. Depending on how you feel about Covid, this could be a good or a bad thing, and I am not trying to initiate a discussion about that side of things because it has become far too political for my liking. All I am doing is stating the facts about travel as I know them.


Getting away to "south of the border" was always popular for Americans and Canadians to the point where the term "snow birds" has been established for Canadians and people who live in northern parts of America where the winters can be a bit brutal. I know this sensation because of a time I spent in Minnesota where it was actually snowing by the end of October. My December, spending a bit of time outdoors without being zipped up in an arctic type sense meant risking your life in the process.

Going to parts of the world that are never cold is popular, and it seems to be growing in popularity for Mexico and Central American countries at the moment. I don't know if they are taking advantage of this situation to improve their overall tourism but it does appear to be working. People I know that would normally head to warmer climates in the USA during winter are putting their sights a bit further south and this is due largely to the fact that there is a LOT less Covid stuff going on down there.

Getting into almost all Central American countries from the USA is an extremely easy process and often, your vaccination status doesn't even play a part. In fact, I am yet to find a country outside of Belize that even mentions this and most of the countries who previously had some involvement in vaccination / PCR tests / quarantine have completely dropped them.

Basically, if you want to go to any of these places you simply book a ticket (if you are from USA or Canada) and the only restrictions as far as any of that is concerned seems to be based on your own country's restrictions or the airlines.


When you do decide to return to USA / Canada though, the regulations are going to set back in. I'm going to go ahead and give the governments the benefit of the doubt and suggest that this is the protection of their own countries but at the minimum, you are going to need to get a test before you are allowed to return to your own country.

This is something important to keep in mind. Also, depending on what US State you happen to be returning to, there could be some sort of quarantine (normally just your own home, thankfully) that you might be subjected to.


While this is not specific to any particular part of the world, it is definitely true if you are returning from Mexico and Colombia (and yes, i know that Colombia is not in Central America) the PCR test is required before you can even board your flight back to the USA. These are easily available in or near the airports that my friends have recently traveled from on their trips back to USA from these countries.

My advice, if you are financially capable of doing so, would be to simply stay south of the border for as long as you can, maybe even pursue residency. Many countries "down there" are actively recruiting, so to speak, Americans and Canadians as residents so if you have the ability to work remotely, this could be a wonderful time for you to make that move.

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