COVID-19, AstraZeneca & Their Vaccine

in covid19 •  4 years ago  (edited)


AstraZenenca paused their recent COVID vaccine trial and the reason is interesting and frankly, it’s also frightening but expected both by me and the medical research community [1]. Your family physician won’t know a lot about this.
I want you to know that you will likely read about this pause in the AstraZenecs COVID-19 vaccine trial in the mainstream media so it’s important that you also know that a pause in a trial for a vaccine or any drug is quite normal. Completely normal.

What’s not going to be normal here is the information you get in the mainstream media so we’re going to rectify that right here and provide the truth so I also want to say here that this essay is fully referenced so you don’t need to believe me. The references are here.

First I’ll need to explain transverse myelitis such that you’ll understand the disease but rather than get into a complex neurological disorder requiring medical language many might not understand and a couple of pages of dialogue, I’m just going to identify and help you understand one of the primary and very well known causes of transverse myelitis.
I published a book titled ASIA, which stands for Autoimmune/Infllammatory Syndrome Induced by Adjuvants with about 100 peer reviewed reports on ASIA, also called Shoenfelds Syndrome, named for the man that discovered this vaccine-caused autoimmune disorder (actually 50-100 disorders), Dr. Yehuda Shoenfeld working in an Israeli lab [2]. There is now an international ASIA syndrome registry [3] and I’ll explain why.

However, first understand that transverse myelitis is an autoimmune disorder affecting nerves in the brain and it’s a serious disease caused often times by vaccination and even breast implants and other body implants of similar make-up and design. Pectoral implants would be an example. The disease can also be caused by illegal silicone injections often seen in immigrant communities [4].

We are now experiencing, planet-wide, what could be and should be considered an autoimmune and inflammatory disease pandemic. An ASIA pandemic. A vaccine caused pandemic with disorder, disease and death in every country on earth. Many of those of you reading here will know someone with an autoimmune disease. Lupus would be an example.
ASIA (and transverse myelitis) is the result of an adjuvant, like mercury or now in this 21st century, aluminum (which is now in most vaccines since mercury was removed from most, not all) or even squalene which is often used in vaccines, remaining at the injection site, and just a single molecule is enough. This can cause, immediately or in the majority of cases weeks, months and even years later, extreme fatigue, cognitive impairment, arthralgias, myalgias, pyrexia, immune deficiency, and/or autoimmune diseases.

From 2011 to 2016, there were 4,479 cases of ASIA identified by the medical community. 305 fulfilled arbitrary criteria of severe ASIA with 11 deaths. The majority of severe ASIA cases were related to HPV vaccine, silicone, influenza vaccine and mineral oil injections. The interval from onset of the disorder to severe manifestation was from 2 days to 23 years! [5].

It’s thought that there are as many as 100 autoimmune and inflammatory disorders that are caused by vaccination (breast implants as well)—over 50 disorders are recognized by the US government medical system and almost 100 are named and recognized by one of the largest US national autoimmune organizations, The American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association (AARDA). Some of the more well-known autoimmune diseases are lupus, type 1 diabetes, scleroderma, celiac, multiple sclerosis, Crohn’s disease, autoimmune hepatitis, rheumatoid arthritis, Graves’ disease, myasthenia gravis, myositis, antiphospholipid syndrome (APS), Sjogren’s syndrome, uveitis, vasculitis, relapsing polychondritis, and demyelinating neuropathies. They estimate that 20% of the US population suffer from 1 or more of these autoimmune disorders and that upwards of 75% of the victims are women [6].

AstraZeneca paused their trial to investigate a case of transverse myelitis but as the peer review reports, these disorders have been seen as long as 23 YEARS AFTER vaccination!
And the number of known cases is under-reported by the millions, literally.
According to the National Institutes of Health, up to 23.5 million Americans (more than seven percent of the population) suffer from an autoimmune disease—and the prevalence is rising [7].

Here’s where reality will depart from the truth.
First, the mainstream media is never, ever going to mention ASIA even though it’s a well-known disorder and readily admitted to be caused by vaccination in the peer review (breast implants, other implants and silicone injections as well). Next, the single case of transverse myelitis in the AstraZeneca trial will be attributed to another cause, but not the vaccine. For two reasons. If the vaccine caused transverse myelitis, with COVID vaccines representing an 8 trillion dollar market, no one is going to admit their vaccine caused transverse myelitis or anything else, ever. There’s a large chunk of 8 trillion dollars just waiting to be had here. The second reason is obvious. We don’t yet have the technology to confirm with certainty that this case of transverse myelitis was caused by the vaccine with an exception—if we see adjuvant molecules remaining at the injection site. But like the Kennedy autopsy photos those will disappear, be photoshopped and cleaned up and reappear.

The fact is, the increase, no, the absolutely exponential and as yet unexplained increase, a pandemic of autoimmune disorders world-wide, mirrors the global vaccination program now that we have the years of data to research and inspect. If we consider that ASIA, one of over 100 disorders, can occur 23 years after vaccination, we can see that the current pandemic of autoimmune disorders could only be caused by vaccination. It’s the only common denominator.
So when they tell you that the one case of transverse myelitis in the AstraZenenca trial was genetic, or cause by a bacterial or viral infection or something else, it’s up to you to decide for yourself whether you’re being told the truth and what the consequences will be if you’re being lied to.

For the complete peer reviewed reports linked above, locate the DOI number (usually under the title of the peer reviewed report) on the Abstract linked here, copy it, go to and paste the DOI number and click “Open”. You can retrieve any full peer reviewed report with the DOI number at this web site. I’ve used it for several years.

You’ve just read a referenced essay that will provide you with a tremendous amount of information, known and accepted information discussed frequently within the medical research community, that is never, ever discussed in the mainstream media and you have the links below to confirm every word I’ve typed. While my book contains about 100 of the most important ASIA peer reviewed reports there are hundreds of peer reviewed reports on ASIA and vaccine damage. We are experiencing a silent, global autoimmune pandemic that is harming considerably more people than COVID-19 with not a word spoken [8].



Author: Jeff Prager

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