Geneva - WHO invitation letter for Health Minister Terawan Agus Putranto circulated on social media. WHO invited Terawan to share his experiences with the Intra-Action Review (IAR) program.
In the letter, WHO invited the Minister of Health Terawan because: "successfully implemented the national COVID-19 IAR and applied the critical lessons identified during the IAR to improve the response to the spread of COVID-19."
Suddenly a narrative spread on social media that WHO invited Terawan because of his success in handling COVID-19 in Indonesia.
When confirmed to WHO, they clarified that the "success" statement specifically referred to the IAR program. The IAR program can even be implemented online.
"That means they have completed the IAR and can apply the lessons learned, not only to respond to the latest pandemic, but to strengthen their systems to better prepare for future health emergencies," said a spokesman for WHO headquarters in Geneva.
Initially, WHO did not want to answer whether it was true if the invitation letter was interpreted as a compliment that Minister Terawan had successfully overcome the pandemic in Indonesia.
WHO finally replied that the ministers were only invited because of the IAR program.
"We invite ministers from countries that have completed the IAR to share experiences in carrying out their reviews," said a WHO spokesman.
WHO explains that IAR is a review process involving experts in the field of public health.
WHO says this program can be implemented online or face-to-face, but WHO encourages using only the online format if transmission in a country is still high.
"IAR will identify practical areas for immediate remediation and continuous improvement in the current response," the WHO explained.
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