Out of Body Experience #flushyourmeds

in craptivism •  3 years ago 

OOBE - Out of Body Experience ;

by Scott A. Barry / Scott A Barry / Scott Barry ;

What Kyle Odom says in his manifesto about Telepathic Martians is

a lot of them are Zionist Jews and Psychopaths as well as Sexual Deviants,

Perverts, Pedophiles and the like who Invented God and Organized Relgion.

These Telepathic Beings AKA Martian Jews have a Different Shaped

Amygdala and started Religion to Control and Divide Mankind …

Every World Conflict was started by B’nai B’rith , Zionist Jews ,

and Those Highly Telepathic Martians who Control Politics …

During Out of Body Experiences they did not have OS/BIOS Computers,

There was no plastic, There was no Vinyl or Teflon or Neoprene or

Styrofoam or Aluminum or UR3 or any Eugenics Materials it just

did not exist and the places did not have a BIOSPHERE like Earth …

I was told when we die You Become a Highly Telapathic Ghost that

Sees every segment of time , Moving on with Holocaust Denial and

My new views on history and the world these people started showing up

in dreams and OOBE, Telephathy is Not Special, All it is is Autonomic

Nervous System and your brainwaves, Beta, Alpha, Theta, Delta, Gamma ;

From this I first found a group in OOBE, it started off with being threatened

by other Telepathic Beings in OOBE, Moving to another group, I had

other experiences, Each Amygdala Person had a Diffent Perspective … ;

All Pedophiles we know just have a different Amygdala is all … ;

So my new Book “The Worthless Book” is full of perspectives and ideas

that are linking you to rarefied Company who sees reality for what it

really actually is, I later moved to a OOBE where I saw a Lady sort of

like a Social Worker asking questions and one of those questions was

“What do you know about these people?” I answered that all of them were

telepathic, there was this re-iteration of the questions and that it was to

“find myself” I later moved into a room with a whiteboard, lights, dry erase

markers, and in that room was the same lady, I got used to the whole thing and

I know that these OOBE’s only happen to Complete loners, sleeping in haunted

locations I can tell you that they move your body parts to random parts of the

room and tickle/shock/freeze torture you body parts like in the Lake of Fire …

I know Martians are the ones who started the God Myth and there is no Wartime

Evidence for the Holocuast and that Karl Marx was a Jew and Communism and

Marxism and Bolshevism are All Jewish, These highly telepathic people run

the world, and from what I can tell I visualize a line and rotate the line clockwise

and counter then add a dot or imagine climbing a ladder or rope and then the

BWR sets in with Autonomic Random Noise Nervous System , Just scribble

on a piece of paper with a Ballpoint pen and see, 963 w WNM w 7.831 SQ and

make that track in Audacity and you will tune in other Brainwave States not

given to you when you are plugged in to a Television Matrix started by Zionist

Jewish Martains who Use Telepathy to Keep The Masses Under Them in-line.

So we move on with seeing a lady say questions in a White Board Room that has

Dry Erase Markers and the last answer was “More Like Drugs” so you see the

Perspective of “Drugs” as not those Jewish Pharma Drugs that are Highly

Addictive or anything of Jewish Shit , but certian substances that activate

Another Perspective such as Magic Mushrooms, Cannabis, LSD, and we

make the Mistake of Putting all drugs with Meth and Heroin when those

“other” drugs are soft drugs, there are ways to question the status quo

as Terence Mckenna has once said it is another doorway of perception

and so Aldous Huxley they guy who predicted Zionist Jew Sports on TV

and the Mass Mind Control Matrix, so really all I can say is We are all

Brainwashed and it is Still Illegal to Deny the Holocaust in 16 C … ;

The Globalist Jews of GE, VIACOM, Time Warner, Newscorp, CBS,

and Walt Disney all have Duel Citizenship with Israel and six or

more Travel Passports, and you can only utilize telepathy to see other

parts of the world and the wild life in say South America where the sheep

have never seen actual fucking Zebras or whatever , because the Jews only

let you have one or zero Passports Thanks to COVID-19 and Vaccines … ;

The have all the information controlled on the Internet , The Zionist Cohen J

of the ADL B’nai B’rith which is a Jew-only Secret Society of Globalism … ;

You can’t talk about scientology , just like you can’t mention Zionist J … ;

So really who controls the Internet and scrubbs off anything about telepathy,

remote viewing, ESP, The Autonomic Nervous System, Solfeggio Frequencies,

43.5 as a Sawtooth Reversing Dementia, PSI and 7.831 the Schumann Resonance,

The Meg Patterson Frequency of 30, The Lilly Wave, SCALAR Waves, Psycho

tronic Mind Control, Zionism, AIPAC, The Jewish Influence Q who is so

desperate to shut down the Domain Judicial-inc*biz we know now that if

you deny the Holocaust you could loose your Paypal and Bank Account …

For OOBE you get a response on where you are at, you are in a suggestible dream

state so you say something obnoxious and you get an answer “More Like Drugs” ;

So really when you think drugs, it could also be the Fake Psychiatric Drugs that

turn you into a Zombie or Harmless Cannabis the answer is Vague, it’s like the other

guy in the LSD Dream telling you that Lawyers are Dirt Cheap, then all I can think

of is to not talk at all for five days and plead the Fifth Amendment, America really

just is a British Crown Colony Corporation and Rights are Imaginary Period …

We go further in this, I know I am a terrible person, I know people want me

dead and stuff like that , yet they torture me with Directed Energy Weapons …

So I move on, and move on, screw these people, they get more and more passive

aggressive and annoying when I fucking plead the fifth amendment … ;

We get to a point, your brainwaves can be adjusted to do advanced math and

even Remote Viewing or Telepathy, A Schumann PEMF 7.831 can amplify

Remote Viewing , Lifestyle changes, Never use a Microwave to cook,

Drink mostly Distilled Water Fluoride Free or Primary Well Water …

Fast Regularly , Never eat gluten , Eating Meat is Okay , Only eat

Probiotic Living Food and not Processed Oils or Sugars … ;

Yogurt is not much of a probiotic unless you add Colostrum to it …

Surthrival Colostrum , Citricare Citrus Seed Extract , 1 TSP Baking Soda …

Add to Water and Distill Your water with The Sodium BICARB + Seed EX …

Get Tom’s or Xyli White Flouride Free Toothpaste and Fasting Cures

Everything , also take Fibre with a Magnesium CA Supplement Multi

Electrolyte Supplement, Liposomal Vitamin C, 1 Prune, Apple Pectin,

Anything even Oregano or Urine Therapy is Better than a Doctor …

Never Get Vaccinated , Fuck the Mask unless ZIO Cops Demand …

Get Yelow Edison Light Bulbs LWire or Candles , EMF Blanket for

your Computer , get out in Nature Instead of Social Media …

To do remote viewing you got a black or blue Ballpoint Pen and

a White Sheet of Printer Paper, Psychiatry and SSI fucked me up …

Never be in the system in Psychiatry it will never help you …

My brain damage and fuck up has gotten so bad I can’t drive

and I really see the need to “suicide” any moment now in Future …

It’s getting to a point, I pay my parents 550 at 29 just to be their

slave and they disowned me over my Holocaust Denial and Views …

I have the weirdest view that we become Telepathic Ghosts

when we die and that Ghosts See Every Segment of Time Period …

I will never go to a Church or Get Vaccinated or Follow Zionism or

Support Israel, NEVER, I am done I found Know More News of

Adam Green on Bitchute and Odysee and That is Real News …

You see, it’s been so long and I can’t sort my shit out well enough …

I will always undergo Organized Stalking by Confidential Informants

in the Freemasonic Sheriff’s Department so Move on and it’s paid

for by Tax $$$ for Infraguard and Neighborhood W Citizens OP …

You see I figured it all out Security IND SPEC and RISS*net … ;

This is the New Movement and it will always be so … ;

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