Falling in love with Felt from a Fairy!

in creative •  7 years ago  (edited)

Creatives Coffee Hour with @fiberartists

I have a few favorite shows that I try to attend each week. They all speak to different sides of my personality - but the first one of the week is Monday morning with @artemisnorth (AKA @fiberartists)

I am pretty sure that it is a pre-requisite that if you present on this show, your voice must be soothing and lovely and hypnotic! I don't even need to present anything. I just fall into the most delicious trance listening to voices like @artemisnorth, @yidneth, @ivan-g, @zen-art, @shadowspub, @sgt-dan (yep - when he talks about crocheting... his voice is so soothing!), @snook and others I'm probably forgetting. I'm so serious. It's called Coffee Hour but it's more like Cozy Hour! love love love this time!!!! I've been missing it lately - but hoping to get there tomorrow!

A few weeks ago, Petra (@zen-art) showed off the cutest felt creations! Each one was cuter than the next! She is such a talent, and you can tell that she absolutely loves what she does. Every single item showed her creativity, passion, and whimsy (of course - she's a fairy - she's the master of whimsy!)

@bengy commissioned her to create some felt creations for him,
I fell in love with them! I knew I needed to have some of her creations too!

First, she made this unique FIREFLY for me...
She even gave it a special little glow!

Then, she designed these for @welcomewagon!
A special magnet for my SteemPeers!

Then she designed a sweet penguin for my daughter! but....
I can't show you because she keeps it with her!
(she loves it Petra!)

I'm honored to be your first American to purchase your work! Thank you for making such special things with love and fairy dust! I'll be ordering another round of wagon wheels soon, my felt fairy friend!

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Hey! Glad you enjoy coming to Coffee Hour! THanks for the shout out.

You do a beautiful job, my friend!!!!

Looks like I'll miss it today too! I need to get training for a new job im starting. Thought it was later, but they asked me to come at 10 instead of 10:30.

Work your magic trance on everyone else please!!!!! Hehhehee they need to be hypnotized too ♥️

Oh wow- what a talent! I love your firefly so much - that's really special.
Now... when you say 'show' where can I find / see / hear it? Is it on here, or Discord, or YouTube? Some soothing creative geniuses is exactly what the doctor ordered!
E x

hehehehe - yes it's in less than 12 hours! :)
hmmm... it begins at 10 am PST ... so that is... 6 pm your time?

Here is the post from last week... but same info! :)
Creatives Coffee Hour

I'd love to see you there!!!! Also - i sent you a friend request - check it out on Discord so we can get you into your Group DM :)

Ohhhhhh you picked @eveningart? yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :D

hehehehehe yes we did!!! :)

@dreemsteem Where do we get them

Petra is the creative artist who makes them! :) You can go to her blog @zen-art <3


She has so many designs! if you can't find them... tell me - i'll help you locate them! :)

I am so happy it FINALLY arrived! It really took some time, 2 and then some weeks. But hey, I know, different continents and all. I am happy my products are in such happy and lovely hands and taken care of. Thank you again my darling, for ordering them

hehehehe yeah!!!! they arrived in wonderful condition! and it was so nice to your handwriting :)
so personal!!! hehehe

Cute felties! But I like mine better!

hehehehe yours were pretty cute!

but come on!!! my firefly's butt glows!!!!!

Glowing butt is pretty cool, but a robot would completely stomp him to dust! (whilst looking cute!)

if the robot could catch him!!!! (which he couldn't!)

Does the butt turn off? If not, he will tire out before the robot and the robot will always see him!

nope - infinite glow!!!! the robot can see him - but not catch him.

sorry! :)

@zen-art shipped you a radioactive butt?


Thanks for the mention, there's some crazy awesome stuff being shared during coffee hour :D

yes!!! like your lovely origami! :)

What amazing talent!!!

These are adorable!

Tell your daughter I said I love penguins too!!