Please note that the following content contains the
author's subjective thoughts, based solely on his own
experiences. Distorting the reality will be a natural
activity - so please, dear reader, do not interpret the
following literally.
Don't get me wrong - what I'm about to present here
has nothing to do with the advice posted on the web.
Probably it would sound wise if I mentioned that:
running improves our condition, reduces negative
stress and improves oxygen transport in the body,
reading improves memory, enriches vocabulary and
slows down the aging process of the brain, and these
two activities, introduced simultaneously into
everyday life increase creativity. Admittedly, the
previous sentence fully exhausts the topic of this
publication, and the words contained therein are like
taken out of the mouths of world-famous motivators,
so I might as well skip the rest. But, since I already
started... I'll try to finish. Although I must admit that I
often have problems with it. Nevertheless, this time I
will get to the last word.
What do I want to convey? Well, the story of
metamorphosis (mine, of course), which took place
after moving from a big city to a tiny, seaside resort.
What will I achieve with this? Nothing. You will
probably ask "Why? After all, what you write can be
interesting, valuable, ahead of the times we live in...",
and I'll agree with that, because I'm a chump with an
oversized ego, but that's not the point. We humans too
easily fall into a rut (mostly life-shortening) that is
very often impossible to get out of on cue. Here are
some examples. Think about how many times the idea
has crossed your mind that you're going to start going
to the gym, without inflating the bar, twice a week? Or
changing your eating habits because your current ones
make you highly likely to get chronic diseases? Last
(let's hope it doesn't hurt) - will you quit watching silly
TV shows for hours and replace them with reading
books? I won't answer for you, I won't make it easy for
you. Show me what you're capable of in the
I'm kidding, of course. I wouldn't be me if I didn't
answer the questions that may bother most people.
Spending money to buy a pass should motivate you,
but it's cold outside, and you have other plans,
artificially contrived responsibilities, just to stay out of
your comfort zone. You seem to buy those vegetables,
hide them in the depths of the fridge, but all in all you
throw them in the trash, because you have pizza and
other fast food under your nose. And they smell so
good and tempting.... until I got hungry (reaches for a
smoothie). And those miserable books. What are they
for anyway? After all, we have an age of sound,
images, and dialogue that brainwash viewers - what
are these poor trees wasted on? Thought only flies out
uphill, and yet the road is so straight.
I will now reveal the secret, or the factor that most
motivates me to act, to try new things, to be active.
You better sit down, because it knocks you off your
feet. I'm not kidding, sit down. By the way, it's funny
that dictionary definition of the word sitting as an
expression of performed activity is so shallow, one
could say it shows primitiveness of Polish language.
What am I... Oh, I know! Since you are already sitting,
I can finally write - the laziness of the people around
me. Whether it's co-workers, guests, or people I meet
somewhere, they show their laziness so much (I
definitely don't support it, but well, I take advantage of
it as much as I can) that they create an anti-pattern in
my mind. I call it Super(lazy)human - motivating, right? It
motivates me to read books on a variety of topics
(lately personal development support items have been
at the top), run, and exercise. Over time, I
said "Basta!" and gave up sweets, which I worship and
eat with my eyes (so, did I give them up or not?), and I
also gave up computer games. I found a substitute to
fill the gap of a previously thankless lifestyle that was
making me lose track of time and meaning in what I
was doing. It took me... one day. If you want to know
how I accomplished this, email me privately - I'd be
happy to help.
Considering the fact that my daily activities, despite
irregular working hours (day/night shift system) are
really structured, I dare say there is a lot to improve. I
will devote a separate post to that, which I hope will
easily enter your head and lift your spirits and make
you conclude "Phew, I have a better life than you".
What else will come up? Definitely creating a multispecies
budget (cryptocurrencies, stocks, NFTs),
Tibetan ritual, alternative healing and much, much
I encourage you to comment, share and critique. Any
and all words are welcome