How To Finally Start To Make Money Online

in creative •  6 years ago  (edited)

- Making money online is actually way simpler than you think. There are many people telling you here's something you can do, you should start this kind of business, or ecommerce, or drop shipping, or Shopify, or selling digital product, or membership, or whatever it is that you sell online. I have been doing business and marketing online now for almost 13 years.

I got started when Yahoo was popular. Before even Google was popular, I was running ads on bulletin boards, okay? I was running ads on Overture. For most of you guys don't even know what Overture is. This is like the first pay per click search engine on the internet like now I feel like a dinosaur. I feel really old talking about this. But I've been doing it, I've been marketing it online for many many years and more than that I have... You see people come and go. They market a lot and then they kinda leave the online world they try to do something else, right? But I'm one of the very few people that have stayed all these years marketing online then also now utilizing social media. So, whatever I'm sharing with you, I'm speaking from experience. I have made a lot of money online and I continue to make a lot of money online.

This is my area of expertise. So, whatever I'm sharing with you, this is speaking from experience. I wanna help you to be able to understand how the online model works. It doesn't matter what you sell, when it comes to you making money on the internet, when it comes to making money online, there are three elements and three things that you must master in order to make money online. Number one is your offer. What is it that you're selling? Are you selling a physical product? Are you selling something, a low ticket item, a high ticket item? Or do you have one particular offer or you have multiple offers like a line of products but you need some kind of offer. You're selling supplements, you're selling E-book, you're selling membership, doesn't matter. How can you make an irresistible and compelling offer. Something that people want to buy, they are wiling to buy, and there's big enough volume out there, people searching and do a keyword research even through google.

People actively searching for this particular item or this particular problem, they want a solution that they are willing to spend money on. So, that's offer. Number two, what you need is traffic. Traffic. So, how you gonna get traffic? Maybe you will launch the affiliate program then other people promote your product. Maybe you will run ads. Facebook, Instagrams, social media, right? YouTube. Maybe use content marketing to get people or maybe used LinkedIn.

Maybe you could use something like banner ads. Maybe you would use articles. You could either go on and on and on. There's so many ways you can drive traffic to your particular offer. Traffic. And the third element is the most important element, which is conversion. What is your conversion mechanism? For some people, it could be a sales page. For some people, it could be VSL, what I call a video sales letter. You've seen this before. The video sales letter with the video, talking about the product, explaining the product with a could add to cart bottom bellow so they can click and buy.

Maybe you're conversion mechanism is a funnel. Maybe it is a webinar, maybe it is booking a time with one of your closers and the closers will close them on telephone. Maybe the conversion mechanism is to come visit you at the office. Maybe your conversion mechanism is to go to your event. Whatever it is... Or maybe it is to schedule a demonstration and walkthrough, a virtual conference, to walk through your product with you. Whatever it is, that's your conversion mechanism. So, you have to offer, which hopefully is irresistible, that people want to buy. If you don't have that, you're not gonna make money. Doesn't matter how much you like the product, how much passion you have about the product. Do people actually want and are willing, able to buy your product. You have the offer and then you have traffic and then you have conversion. That is it. Those are the only three things that you need. It doesn't matter how you see it, it doesn't matter how you slice and dice it, I don't care if it's ecommerce, I don't care if it's Shopify, I don't care if it's membership, I don't care if it's low ticket, I don't care if it's high ticket, I don't care if it's webinar, it doesn't matter.

It boils down to one of these three things. So, what happens is, assuming you have those three things, you get it going... If you're not making money online, I could quickly tell, okay, you're not making money online. Well, are you getting traffic? No. How many people are visiting your website? Five people including my mom. We got a fucking problem. Not enough people are seeing your offer. You're not getting enough exposure. So, let's find out what you need to do. Or I will look at your offer and you say, well, Dan, I've got only one offer and it's a product and it's a hundred dollar product, I said, that's cool, nothing wrong with that. Problem is, for the hundred dollar product, you can only afford to spend so much to drive traffic. Let's say it costs you, let's say pay per click, X amount of dollars for every single sale that you make, it costs you 95 dollars, right? And your costs of the good is 20 bucks.

Well, then every sale that you make you're losing money. So, you can't have many ways, you can't test many ways to drive traffic to your offer. That's why you lose money or that's why you don't make enough money. Versus if you have something that you sell for maybe a higher dollar value, higher ticket. Now, let's say something for 1,000 dollars, you can afford to run more traffic to pay for traffic to drive those eyeballs. The right type of eyeballs to you offer. Does that make sense? Comment below. And then, once all that's working, then you look at your conversion. Let's do your conversion right now on your page, on your checkout cart on your sales page. Let's say sales page is converting at 2%. So, out of one hundred people, every one hundred people, the right people, who see your offer, two would buy, 98 would say no, two would buy, okay? That's your conversion. So, how can you tweak that? How can you improve your conversion rate? Maybe you add more testimonials, maybe you ad more social proof, maybe you add a stronger guarantee, maybe you change your headline, maybe you have a name capture where people go to your website, they don't buy.

That's okay, you capture their email address, you give them something for free, something worth of value. A lead magnet in the internet marketing world term. A lead magnet. You capture the lead, now they're in your email list, and then you can followup with email. So, for every one hundred people, two will buy immediately, but with followup, with everything else, maybe three more people would buy. So, instead of a two percent conversion, you now have a five percent conversion rate. That's how you make more money because now, you just doubled, tripled your earnings with the same amount of traffic.

So, you look at what you do in terms of making money online. Doesn't matter. Over the years, I could tell you now, marketing online for so many years, the platform might change, the ways to drive traffic might change, the way you convert traffic might change, back then, we don't have webinar technology. We don't have a lot of these technology that you have available right now at your fingertips but I can tell you the principles are the same. How can I make my offer more compelling? How can I make it more irrisistable, how can I use different ways to drive traffic? Before we don't have Instagram, we use different things. Now you have Instagram, you have different things. Yes, use those to drive traffic. Get those eyeballs on your offer and then constantly working on the conversion part. How could I sell more effectively? How can I articulate my value more effectively? How can I communicate our vision or the value of our product or program more effectively? That's it.

Those three things. You're not making money? One of those three things you gotta work on. If you're making money, one of those three things you wanna improve so you can make more money. So, those are the three, the only three legit ways to make more money online. .

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