The 8th Dimension.

in creativecoin •  5 years ago 

Still don't know how
Shining bleak, steady mouth
Fear of unknown filled house
Practice is it, simulation
A turn her, a bend here
Before we could say Jack is near
Distortion everywhere
The instructor came in there
Asking questions from the rear
Only one answer came clear
The young quiet nerd.
Fifth dimensions we've seen
An array of augmented space
With nothing supporting it, free
Twisted and hurnet
Like a concert gone wrong
Like a bird that refuse to chirp
So did we wail all kight5
For nothing, nothing more than nothing
Sounds of time is lost.
Found life to be worthless
Like this 6th dimension picture
Nothing more vanity
Distorted reality
And all scout around for meaning
Perhaps, they can eke out a living
Depriving joy from the happy
Selling it as a tablet
Taking away good health
Made it for sale in a capsule
Distorted reality is this
Nothingness of nothingness.
An entry into @xpilar & @mariannewest

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Thanks for the great poetry / story @botefarm