"THE LAST RAY OF LIGHT" A Crypto Logo Art Challenge, Ripple Edition.

in creativecrypto •  7 years ago 

No one is actually dead until the ripples they cause in the world die away.
Terry Pratchett


Greetings, Interweb Spirits! — In this part I wave my mouse as if saying "hello" to all the ones reading — gonna try to be quick this time, don't wanna divagate that much now, probably because I haven't slept much lately, my mind is quite dead at this moment. Anyway, that's not your business.

On Saturday night I was reading some old books of mine, to be more precise, Jack and the Beanstalk, later that night I found out that @sndbox called out the Art Community again with another awesome Art Challenge and OF COURSE I had to participate.

Had to go with a bit of Surrealism again, sorry but I like my art to be literal sometimes and maybe a bit dark, don't get me wrong, I do like other Artistic Movements such as Minimalism and Abstract art but at the very moment I saw Ripple's Logo, almost immediately my mind had a picture of what I wanted, so here we go.



As mentioned previously with a clear picture inside my mind of what I wanted, I started creating some kind of loose lines all around and some others not that "loose" for instance, where the Ripple's Logo is.


With that pretty awful sketch, I began to play with a bit of "color" to actually determine all the areas I really needed and wanted to design.


Like so :D


This is where the reference from "Jack and the Beanstalk" took place.


Here I introduce you the real colors participation. Just to let you know, I'm pretty a "basic colors" or "black and white designs" guy, it's not that I hate colors, just that I find quite hard work with them. — However it's not that I have a rainbow here — that was what I thought before concibing this part. In any case was just a bit of color. Phew!


This is me trying to draw a crystal also adding some shading, bit more of details, expecting it can look a bit decent.


Like this? My best version so far of a crystal though D:


And this is the final result!




I would not like to actually describe everything. Like I mentioned in a different entry, Art is about your own interpretation, you give it the meaning you want, your perception is different and so the meaning. For instances, existentially speaking it might has different meanings and so on.

If you made it this far, I want to thank you, thanks for reading and viewing this, really.


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Great job!

Thank you 😊