An Important Message To All Steemians!

in creativity •  7 years ago  (edited)

If you're reading this and you care about Steemit and the time you spend here then just skip the story I wrote and go directly to my edit at the end. It's important, whether you are new to Steemit or have been here from the beginning. Thank you.


My Husband the Cowboy Poet

"What do you want to do today dear?" She asked with no real thought to hope that this year would be any different from the last twelve or so. She'd lost count and stopped expecting anything on their anniversary, yet hope lingers still deep down in her heart "I'm just going to putter around in the garage today honey. Do you know where my thing-a-ma-gig is?" he said holding up one shaking half closed fist, making circular stabbing motions in the air.

An image clearly formed of a young man sitting tall in the saddle one hand tight on the reins and the other slapping his Stetson on his thigh and then to the sky in a jaggered leaping dance, pearly whites and spurs flashing in the sun. "You mean your screwdriver Jack?" Jack stood there thinking, chewing his bottom lip, head and shoulders bobbing to some freakish beat in his head that she had learned not to try to understand. She accepts.

image source Jonibean

"Your screwdriver. Is that what you mean Jack?" Smiling he looked into her eyes with that spark of the handsome young cowboy she fell in love with. "Sure Red, it's only 7:30 in the morning but what the hell, if you're up for it then saddle up girl 'n wet my whistle. What's the occassion?" He still called her Red often enough to tell that he still knows who she is to him. Even though she now buys her red hair off a shelf at the druggists. Their love for one another had settled into a comfort for one another. Words were no longer required.

Irene swallowered her heart and looked away the instant she saw the spark fade. Knowing that he would see the pain she still hadn't learned to keep from her eyes. Her face. Even though she'd learned that he's most like his old self when he gets his dander up in a heated debate. He get's so defensive when he see's her look at him with what he still believes to be pity. She thought how unfortunate that it's his argumantative mind that somehow surfaces when he has his good moments.

Irene had a thought to encourage at least that much but quickly stifled the thought. Remembering the past few times she played the devil's advocate to his impassioned orations on how "a jackass is riding this country into a box canyon". The last two times he got so overworked that he had stuck her. Just the once, both times. Not hard really, barely a bruise each time. But twice in a lifetime is enough and the doctors all strongly suggested they both stop watching, or listening, to the news. "Try to keep him from excitations" was the warning while scribbling down the next prescription. Nothing helped.

image source Dr. Plague @Bandcamp

He's right though. But then he'd always been right about those kinds of things since they'd met. She had always thought how marvelous it was that her man had thoughts about such goings on. He was educated, a man of words and letters. These all affected how they chose to raise and school their three girls. One now a low level bureaucrat, with the same view that she can make a difference she was voted in for thirty some odd years ago.

Her people love her but the not so hidden politics keep her in her place as the token nay vote. She says she's ready to retire every year she comes for Thanksgiving with the kids. But her voters remain loyal and she still believes she can be part of a change for good. She does what little she's able.

Their second oldest married her college boyfriend and moved to London. Both dentists, now with separate practices. A marriage of mutual financial convenience. Irene thought of the term DINK. Double income no kids. How cruel, some people live their entire lives finding no love at all. They're both happy and who am I to define another's way of loving. Still, continuing her thought, it's a clever acronym.

Thoughts of their youngest daughter, Jessie, his greatest joy in life. These thoughts came naturally to her whenever she thought of her children. Quickly, with practiced force of will she suppressed the cold darkness of those familiar and dreadful thoughts. The biggest failure in her own life and motherhood. She thought to herself with sad and bitter harshness toward herself. She's gone. Nothing I can do about it now. Won't speak of it so why think on it.

image source Engin_Akyurt

Irene lifted up her head and turned her eyes to her husband. Still bow-legged, lean and straight backed as he'd always been. His untamed hair long gone but his mustache was still dark and full. Now he was sporting a paunch that threatened to hide his most prized buckle that he's never seen without. Suspenders held his pants up now because he refuses to puncture holes in the finely carved leather of the belt. A scene of a chuck wagon race at the finish line.

He had pulled it out of a box full of memories from his competitive riding days. Closed the lid and carried the box out to the curb. She had tried to bring it back in but he was in no mood for trifling. His mind was made up and it was gone come morning. He asks about it now and again while buckling up but quickly forgets about it if she acts like she didn't hear him. She's content in his knowing it's somewhere in the house. Maybe in his dreams.

image source Falkenpost

Jack was putting the kettle back on the stove. Half as much coffee spilled on the counter as he was able to manage in the cup. He reached for the blister pack and struggled to pop the foil to get at the medication that Irene has also learned to accept. This year instead of three there were six pills in the morning. It saddened her heart to know she wouldn't catch another faint glimpse of the man she loved until tomorrow's breakfast. He shoveled the pills in his mouth and washed them down with lukewarm black coffee.

As he brought the cup down from his mouth she watched his glance stop at the calendar pinned beside the back door. He took a few hobbled steps toward it and leaned his bobbing head closer to it. Reaching out he traced the circled date while mumbling something about what year it was. He stood up just a little bit taller, hitched his shoulders back and turned to face her.

His eyes were clear, a smile growing on his face. The light of his love shone so bright her heart quickened, her breath caught in her throat as all the darkness and fears in her soul felt the warmth of her man's adoration for her. A complicatedly simple girl from the city. So easily smitten by a hard drinking, fun loving, never back down ass kicking son of a cattle baron.

He put the coffee cup on the counter. Then reached down to his buckle with one hand and the back of his belt with the other. Still smiling Jack sucked in his paunch, hitched up his pants, tilted his head and slapped imaginary clay dust off of his hands. He mosied on up to and around the kitchen table on suddenly steadied legs. Holding her quizzical gaze with his, now so rarely seen, mischievous smile.

Echoes of ghostly spurs jingled in her mind as he came slowly, gently, but surely up behind her like she was a skittish filly in stall. All sound stopped. Only the rush of the flush beating through her veins. She continued to hold her breath for what seemed like an eternity. Not wanting, not knowing, not even hoping. Just needing. He bent forward over her shoulder, his lips close to her good ear.

Irene wanted to cry, or laugh. She felt she should turn around and look him in the eyes and tell her husband how it's all the same as it ever was. Instead she exhaled, closed her eyes and leaned into him. Thoughts of yesteryear's passions. Content in the knowing that none of it was misspent. A sudden calm heat radiated within her. Irene was ready for anything now. In a low gravely voice, filling her like the sound of thundering hooves in the clouds. Breaking through.

Thundering Hooves.JPG

"I'm sorry. I don't write poetry for you love."


I'd like to thank @yusaymon for providing the inspiration for this piece through his original painting.

Also, a shout out to @gmuxx for creating The Art Prompt Writing Contest.

Thank you for taking the time to read this original piece. Any images are my own unless otherwise accredited. (last image taken with my HP photo smart 945)

Keep on Steem'n on!


EDIT: I know it may seem like a crazy thing to do with your first post to hit the trending page but this whole spam/scam thing has been a thorn in my eye since I joined Steemit two months ago. It seems that this fortunate upvote from @blocktrades has given me the opportunity to do my part. I may never get this chance again.

I decided to move the original title down and change it to one that might garner more attention from the position it's in. It would be awesome if some others would see the same logic in my thinking and do something similar if they should find themselves the unexpected beneficiary of a whale surfacing to blow off some steem. IMHO @blocktrades is doing it right and fair and still benefiting himself in the long run. There are many whales that feel the same.

Steemit is a huge place and growing faster day by day. Still there is a fair debate going on as to the direction it's heading in and what can be done about it, If anything. If a well respected person like @stellebelle is concerned and knowing others are too then it's probably a good idea each of us spent sometime doing our own research.

The purpose of hijacking my own post like this is to invite any who read this to check out the following links, study the comments and then follow your heart from there. Do your part in making this platform an inviting place. There's plenty of ways for you to get involved. These links are a good a place to start.

Here's and eye opener for you @sherlockholmes is worth keeping an eye on.

Here's another that show's how you can help when there's a call for it. @stellabelle does so much and is worth your follow.

I'll let @personz introduce you to SadKitten If you take the time to read the comments I think you'll get a better understanding of the situation.

Please resteem any or all of these links I've provided. You'll likely find other more fresh links to resteem in your research. As mentioned already...follow your heart. I'm not asking you to resteem this post. Nor am I asking for upvotes of follows. I will post a screen shot of any amount I send to @sadkitten after payout. At the very least I will send 50 percent. I feel very fortunate to be able to do something in helping make this platform better for everyone.

Keep on Steem'n on!

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

One word. Poignant.

This mental illustration left me filled with a mixture of hope, love, sadness, acceptance and so beautifully captures the grace, and pain of growing old with a loved one, that I could see the kitchen in my mind, and her face and her heart and his confusion.

It feels weird to celebrate the piece with "happy" words, but it also feels weird not to.

Nice choice of words there Cork. I tried to convey a life lived well and fully. The heartbreak of losing his daughter brought him to the state of his current physicality and mental state. The uncontrollable shaking and forgetfulness more a side effect of the years of medications.

Still I wanted to show that he was still a rascal and that they were both comfortable with their lot. He just, as much as she, letting go of some things while gaining new through the years.

If a couple can't grow together, through both the good times and bad, they inevitably grow apart. I hope that message came through as clearly as I had hoped.

Thank you for taking the time to read and comment @sircork.

Keep on Steem'n on!


Loved it, love you brother.

Same same brotherman.

Wow. Impressive. But I already knew you were an amazing writer! Glad to see you posting again!

I'd like to say I am posting again but I have other ideas for Steemit.

I'm going to do something radical and I've had butterflies in my stomach over this idea for a day now. I'm home now and I'm just going to follow my heart and go ahead 'n do it. Time is running out!

Keep on Steem'n on!

Well, I'm glad to see you posting again, too, and now I'm curious about what's to come!

I'm so sorry I missed this. I was just leaving a not about sending @sadkitten some SBDs and a companion when I noticed this.

Thank you @geke ~smiles~ Well you'd have to look at my buckyballs in my more recent blog post to see what may come onto a blockchain near you. };-)>

Here...I'll save your the trouble of finding it.

Keep on Steem'n on!


Very exciting and intriguing! I know it's going to be fantastic! 🤣

Well...I don't know about fantastic. Still having trouble getting down off the fence here but I am determined to do so.

If it blows up in my face I suppose I could just start a new account. {:-/)>

This is a great post my friend, spam and scam thing is getting worse with time, Im almost 50 days old here, or something like that, and I can see how this thing is growing, I have experienced some amazing things on steemit, and I've seen some bad things, or bad behaviors. @blocktrades and @stellabelle are some model users to follow, and this is not the first time I saw them doing nice things and trying to pump the community. I've never received a whale upvote, as I told you I'm not that well known here, but I try to post original content with my own pics and text, everyday, and in two languages. I dont like to beg for an upvote, I want to earn it, I want to my post get the attention and make that whale feel the same feeling I have while writing my stories. We have to cut this spam/scam follow 4 follow, and all this types of behavior that are not doing any good to steemit. Again, great post my friend, I'll totally resteem it.

Hi, it does sound like you're taking the same path as I am, except I'm hardly a daily poster. No begging, original content and I'm ok with using Pixabay for finding pics I don't have myself. I haven't taken advantage of the upvote trails and services as I've been wanting to see how I do organically.

I'm really not that well known here...this place is huge...and I did a bit of research into @blocktrades when I saw that upvote was the one that put me on the trending pages of the hashtags I chose...seems to be an important part of the equation.

I honestly don't think he read my piece but it was more of my timing of posting while he was surfacing to let off some of his daily Steem...seems to do so a couple times a day and anyone around at the time gets the benefits.

I'm good with the idea of maybe getting some decent average of somewhere around $10 a post in a couple years time. I have much to learn but yeah...the spam and abuse of the daily reward pool has pretty much stunted my growth body's fault but mine really. Original content doesn't come easy for me. So I've been spending most of my time reading up on the all the different perspectives regarding the scam/spams & flagging efforts.

Seems it's going to take changes in the algo of the platform to really put a dent on those abusing the system...and I don't necessarily mean gaming it...but imo greed can also hurt the impression people get when they come here. Just the negativity is so unpalatable. I know I'm not alone with this thinking and I also hear of people shying away...and there's so much more I don't see. :-/ I'm still hopeful things will shake out for the best in the long run.

I look forward to having a look at your blog...and thanks so much for the resteem and taking the time to share your thoughts here. ✌️

Keep on Steem'n on!

Sure man, I really enjoy reading a lot here, I always try to search for new articles and new users, you seem to be a real steemian, I already follow you, and you have great content, and you resteem really interesting posts, this is the way we have to keep steeming. Lets build an awesome community with real authors and real readers.

~smiles fer miles~ thanks for saying so man...been lost for hours and hours in MSP Waves radio chat...need to get me some catchup happening.

"Lets build an awesome community with real authors and real readers." This is the I understand. };-)>

I have been noticing this issue too. As a new user, and someone who really has been looking for a platform like this, the spam gets to me.

I will definitely do something along these lines if one of my posts takes a ride to the top.

You're doing a service here.

Try not to let it get you down...there's only so much a minnow can do know what you came here for in the first place. Focus on that and keep your ear to the ground.

As a friend reminded me just yesterday there's more good people here than bad so...that's something to keep the faith by...right? Follow your heart friend. :)

Keep on Steem'n on!

Such a beautiful tale of long enduring love and memories. The young of heart feeling a forever, glowing, love and deep devotion.
This was an engagingly open piece that I really enjoyed reading while celebrating the gift of union.

I seem to reach a prolonged state of catharsis when I write from a perspective I've never been in before. I'm uncertain as to why but I suspect such inspirations are something I won't ever experience on a personal level.

Yet I can't deny that a little of myself wends it's way through most stories I write. I wonder if that's a good trait, or something real writers try to avoid?

I do find it emotionally draining though. Sometimes I wish it were easier but it must be fun on some level...or I remember it being fun and just wish it were so again.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts Rose. I'm so glad you enjoyed it. <3

I think all writers seep into their prose. It's good and I enjoyed your piece. Keep it up. ❤💕

Well that is good to know Rose. Now all I need to do is stretch my vocabulary. The "use it or lose it " adage certainly applies with the English language.

Of course I suspect that's true with any language...but English is the only one I know without a translator. };-)>

I have complete confidence you will do quite well (and I need a translator to understand any other language beside English. 😊

You're a superstar!

This is impressive stuff.

Impressive work.

You've done your homework.

Thank you for the insights.

Thats a really great piece of writing right there buddy.
You may have found your niche.
Good luck with the contest.

High praise coming from the nichemaster himself. };-)>

Thanks so much for taking the time to have a look at this Percy.

Keep on Steem'n on!

Anytime 😉


If you didn't know, now you know your calling. To write stories like novels. Beautiful well done.

"To write stories like novels." I like that Kubby. I honestly don't know that I could pull of a full novel.

Novelette? maybe I could string 10K words together in some coherent fashion. It would certainly go beyond my known limits of concentration. I always had a hard time following a whole movie...then again I've read books by moonlight for days on end. };-)>

Thanks for the wonderful words of encouragement!

So proud of you my friend. Whatever you decided to do, do it well. You have a talent and we all would love to see it!

~smiles~ It's people like you here that chase my blues away and remind me how much I like not having to think to smile. <3

It's people like us that make the world a better place :-D

Nice piece, Crypto...I'm glad you got some recognition. Regarding your edit: I've followed stellabelle for a while, but I'm going to check out those other links now. I'm curious to hear about this idea of yours...

Hmmm and just which idea are we talk'n about here @uniwisp? The one about hijacking my own trending post here...and changing the title with edit? Or something I mentioned in an earlier post this week...about a 100 year plan to end poverty?

Thanks for coming by. ~smiles~

This is awesome!!! :-)

Thank you for your support and encouragement @robyneggs.

I'm glad you enjoyed it.


Hi @robyneggs, I was looking for an unobtrusive place to put this. I hope you don't mind. I can move it elsewhere on this page if you wish. Just felt this was a proper anchor for this post. As always, thank you for your support.

Hello @sadkitten I have brought you a companion and protector. Her name is StormRunner. She's the sweetest and most loving Rottie in the Steemitverse. She wants to be your friend. StormRunner loves hugs and cuddles...just as much as consuming the bones of spammers, scammers, plagiarizers and assorted trolls.
StormRunner 1.JPG

I've also sent you some SBDs...Stormy likes to get that nasty spam taste out of her mouth with orange slices. };-)>

for sadkitten.JPG

Right click script above to see record of transfer of 25 SBD...Thank you @sadkitten for all that you do. <3

Keep on Steem'n on!


Lukisan yang sangat hebat. saya yakin anda krang yang sangat super, ilmu anda patut saya contohkan dalam bermacam ilmu yang anda miliki ini, anda pertanda sebagai inpirasi bagi seluruh dunia. dari postingan yang ada muat, saya sangat mengagumi anda. bila anda ini mempertahan, saya yakin anda akan dikenal bagi seluruh internasional.

Terima kasih banyak atas kata-kata baik kamu

Ejoy minggumu @adoelesteem. };-)>

This is wonderfull writing. Wish I could write a comment to do the piece the justice it deserves. Many emotions triggered and captured me right thru.

~smiles~ You just did, Free, and I'm much appreciative of you having done so.

WOW I agree, what a vivid piece of writing! Are you from SA @freetissues?

Hi, yes I am ..... where u from ?

Pretoria and you? What do you do?

Look me up on Discord. I have the same username. There we can better connect. Cheers

OK do you have the URL?

You know how to catch attention. Will take a look at all the ppl you mentioned in the edit section!

Hey @surfdog, yeah I'm trying to work with what I got here. Views have doubled since the change of title. I hope you can find the time to read the comments at those links. That's where you find the general feel of what many Steemians think on these subjects.

Good of you to make a comment. Much appreciated. ✌️

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Have a great day!

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