Level 48.
I wake up
I do not understand
my homologated title
is my goal.
Do not understand
not understand
there is only one way
I wake up
they give me a name
I see in front of me
An old man.
I look up
all the same
I introduce myself.
I stay on my side
I start a conversation
only in my mind resonates
the obvious word.
Eat that
so gross
ninety two people
have eaten there.
It is an intermediate floor
a month at this level
my book
the don quixote.
I find out everything
I establish friendship
I become friend
I am his friend.
As the month goes by
I smell gas my friend
asks me
Believe in God?
The end.
Because it is a film not to go unnoticed, I have left in this wonderful poem an essential part of the film level 48 ...