There are so many people who have failed in using and managing credit cards since they first had them. This is of course because the original purpose of the credit card is not taken into consideration from the beginning, where and how the credit card will be used. So we can be sure, people like this will experience difficulties in managing credit cards, including taking care of a number of bills that arise thereafter.
When someone fails to manage his first credit card, then the most likely thing is that he will re-apply for the next credit card and repeat the failure he has experienced. Things like this might sound silly, but this is what a lot of people experience who are finally wrapped up in credit card debt. Not just one card or two credit cards, but several credit cards at once. In the end they are actually difficult and can not get out of the problems they face.
From the beginning we must realize well, that all transactions that we do using credit cards are debt. That is, we must use it for a variety of very important purposes, or only if we believe we have some funds to pay when the bills come. If we have this kind of thinking from the beginning, then the risk of being charged credit card debt will be smaller, because we will be very careful in using the credit cards that we have.