So @berniesanders decided to publicly threaten me. Am I to do his bidding? What do you guys think?

in crime •  7 years ago  (edited)

Screen capture:


Does @berniesanders really think this is the ethical and reasonable way to go about things? Apparently.

Why the extortion, Bernie? Can't think of a civil way to solve your personal problems with other people?

Anyway, I'm going to bed. Good night guys!

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This isn't right!

It just creates a climate of paranoia for new users, how is that good for Steemit?

or better question, what's the better alternative? Why shall we be invested in a software constructed around the premise that whale can demonetize anyone they want?

On a whim.

;) and pump bimbos post to heaven's high... again thank you @gamer00 for this great post ! And to all for the great debate and arguments.

Why is downvoting a spam enabler not right? Could you explain?

spam enabler
LOL that is a creative way to demonize curators.

Do you really want new people flagged off of steemit over a vendetta that they are not even aware of?

He isn't aware of what? Ah, he is well aware of how things work here. He has shown no intention to reform himself.

"Proof That @steemcleaners Is Corrupt"

Do you also believe steemcleaners is corrupt? Could you show evidence for it?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

When I wrote "new people" I obviously wasn't referring to @skeptic, since he is not new. I was actually referring to people who are new to steemit.

Do you really want new people (people who are new to Steemit) flagged off of Steemit over a vendetta that they are not even aware of?

LOL that is a creative way to demonize curators.

I am just describing what he exactly is.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I am not sure if you are you referring to @gamer00, that would be the only logical choice since he is the only curator previously mentioned and you are singling one out, but I understand that you are having trouble with English so I want to be sure, before I respond.

Also what is your first language?

I just read that comment and already commented what's my stand in this case! I am not a big guy here, but know few big whales and can ask their help if you need it! This guy looks like a bad a$$ :D but he has a team so if you need my assistant I will always give you my 100% and my team either!
I am not following all steemians, I am following only 100 and if someone in from that list in trouble means I will do my best to help him to come out of it!


You sure you want to go against bernie, a whale whose SP is 1000 times your own? He can kill your account with 0.1% of his SP.

Yeah, we should all sucle up to him like the little sheep we are. Not.

No, we shouldn't nor should we sucle upto dan or ned.

You have written a post under the tag #eos, I'm just mentioning this because Bernie has a habit of flagging those too. Just because.

That would be more beneficial for me.

How, exactly would it be beneficial to you?

Was I implying we should?

You on the other hand were stating that just because Bernie has lot of oompah, we should fear him and not oppose his arbitrary use of power.

Nope, Burnie could kill his (guru) account citing his misbehavior. Burnie needs to have justification to kill someone's account. Skeptic is known for repeated trolling and insulting steemcleaners acccouts without showing any sign of reform.

Guru once mass downvoted on my post. I discussed about that with multiple admins of steemcleaners about solutions to that problem. (He was lucky that he withdraw his downvotes quickly)

Burnie uses strong language but he largely doesn't attack people who aren't abusing the system. He may attack those who are abuse enablers (meaning you).

You on the other hand were stating that just because Bernie has lot of oompah, we should fear him and not oppose his arbitrary use of power.

You shouldn't fear him if you haven't done anything wrong.

I saw your post on discord of bernie treathning you. It is so sad, we should be able to protect eachother gaginst these kind of things

Yes I agree. Sadly he already started doing what he threatened me with. He went for this post, but considering his resolve he will probably not listen to any sense and might start flagging my other posts soon.

Meaby there is no need to panic. Your other posts seem fine and he might be just targetting this one because it was about him. Make sure you are chosing carefully your next steps and in Belgium we say: An avoided fight is winning that fight. I would really find it to bad for you that your reputationscore would be to 0 and that you would need to start over with another account while you are sooo doing your best on steemit and tons of people like you and are following you for the content you bring. Stay positive. Dont provoce. This might blew over. Just do what you do best and you'll be fine!

Thanks for the encouraging words. :) I'll try to keep my cool.

  1. You are encouraging tag spam.

  2. You are defaming him.

I see nothing wrong with flagging your posts.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Say what?

You are encouraging tag spam.

How, exactly?

Oh... I get it, you mean @these don't you? As far as I can see they are not the same as #tags. And yes, I think @skeptic could use less name repetition in his short stories. Checking out his latest posts, he hasn't been "tag spamming" at all.

You are defaming him.

You mean Bernie am I right? I think he's done that quite well himself.

Defaming is saying something about him that isn't correct and makes him look bad.

"(Under common law, to constitute defamation, a claim must generally be false and must have been made to someone other than the person defamed."

I've done none of that. What I did was take a screenshot of what he said, verbatim, not something I pulled out of my own ass.

Why are you bothering to reply to this guy? His English and comprehension skills are clearly poor. He should stick to ordering food and talking about the weather, until he improves.

mm tough one. I would not like to be downvoted over something so trivial. But i do believe there are other ways of solving this. For one talking to people and explaining why you should not vote on xx person. But threatening is never ok.

If @skeptic was a spammer, or someone pushing potentially deadly advice I would not hesitate flagging him, but AFAICS he's just been very opinionated. He's even made some amends to his sometimes foulmouthed style he used to have. Yes he is a shitposter and he likes to make fun of the religious hipsters amongst us, but that isn't a basis to forcibly silence him.

I'm already thinking about the possibility @berniesanders is actually afraid of @skeptic, since he's so vehemently wanting to keep him invisible to others. It's as if @skeptic's said something that has hit too close to home on @berniesanders. His war on @skeptic just seems awfully too personal.

It's repeated nature makes it an actual crime, the crime of harassment, and possibly stalking.

and your name is lifeworship... should have chosen crimeworship. Where is the fun? Don't you think there is something great in exploiting a flaw of steem? one it reveals it early and two it's possible to not take this personally and see it more through the light of a game. the flag wars rages on :).

I can't exactly take you seriously.

I think you misunderstood @lifeworships's comment: I'm pretty sure that he/she was calling BS the harasser/stalker, not Skeptic!

You're half retarded, aren't you? You clearly don't get it. It's all fun and games.

It's all fun and games.

So you admit to being a troll. That was easy.

This is one of the main issues i have with flagging options because it is grossly abused.

I hope you can fix this problem with ethical and peaceful way

Me too.

this doesn't seem the right way as far as i know

Sir I'm new in Steemit And This I my 1st comment of my life.
No sir this is not ethical and reasonable way. because your blog your wish..... Just I think....
Thanks for sharing.

That was the sweetest comment of all time.

You nailed it.

I think its a serious issue @gamer00 solve it friendly but i think #steemit developer need to remove the flag option for those who are below 30 reputation because these guys are not serious and always finding short ways.

That's actually a good idea. :) Very good.

Wow that's messed up.

This is illegal use of flag

Up voting own posts is illegal xD

Threats and coercion are illegal.

It's not force. He can use his stake any way he wants.

"It'd be shame if your rewards were to disappear."

I'm not saying you are wrong, I'm just calling the hypocrisy. This system will not work for long if it allows for arbitrary flagging by those with power. Where's the checks and balances for bad behaviour, or are only the wealthy and powerful allowed to have unrestricted bad behaviour?

Fact is, flags are money. Right now, people feel like throwing them around and wasting their stake on petty things. I don't think this will continue forever.

Would you say that even if someone posted child porn here? Steemit will be shut down by the government if flagging was banned.

Yeah......I do think so...sir

I will hope you can solve this problem very peaceful and kindly way. Is it very serious one?
Good night.....

I wouldn't know, but seeing how @berniesanders is behaving towards @skeptic it seems very personal.

If we use flagging options right this way then all steemit user feel danger, so it's wrong. please solve this problem with peaceful way.

@gamer00 - Ops how could he forced you to stop upvoting someone else Sir? It's your choice & this is a free platform for everyone. Sir, you have my full support to come out of this problem Sir.

+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]

by using pressure and threatening the flag all posts from gamer00, demonetizing him. No it's not a free platform dream nirvana what ever utopia... it's a beta software actually controlled by whales.

Steem is not free of censorship despite being decentralized. The flagging system puts a lot of power into the hands of whales. Yet, Steem is freer of censorship than a centralized network. I have taken a quick look at the behavior of the warring parties and I have to say that the whole thing looks quite ugly. But I'm not the police here so I will not use my time to investigate and get to the bottom of who started it all or who is guilty of what. Steem is a tiny sliver of my life anyway. Time will tell whether decentralized curation of content on Steem or elsewhere will work better than a centralized system.

It would be good for everyone to keep in mind that everything posted on Steemit and committed to the Steem blockchain after the seven-day period will stay there forever. Nobody is advised to post anything they imagine their future self might seriously regret. I will keep following and upvoting @gamer00 because I like his posts and because he is a friend of mine. But I will not take part in any wars. If the large stakeholders of Steem are unable to maintain civility here, this project is doomed.

great post ! the problem is that there is no way to know what your future self will find acceptable to post and even less what a state might. that's why freedom of speech must be unlimited otherwise sooner or later, centralized or not it may back fire, for something that at the time of posting was nothing.

just a quick question, does it cost anything to flag?

It is true that it is impossible to know precisely what your future self might think about some of your posts. Unlimited freedom of speech does not mean freedom from responsibility for your words. I think flagging depletes voting power just like upvoting does.

By the way, it would be a mistake for anyone to assume Steem was completely out of all jurisdictions. I do not how the technicalities of a libel suit would play out but I think it would certainly be possible to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law for criminal or civil offences committed on Steem. It would be a good idea to treat all fellow Steemians with dignity and respect.

What responsibility for words? it's just word by definition, i.e. not acts. I don't know how flagging works and of course it should logically deplete voting power, but I am not sure... it would make sense too that it doesn't.

I quote from:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of reli-
gion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the
freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people
peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a
redress of grievances"

those who shall not agree will be used to improve drone strikes capabilities, sooner or later.

From Wikipedia:

All states except Arizona, Missouri, and Tennessee recognize that some categories of false statements are so innately harmful that they are considered to be defamatory per se. In the common law tradition, damages for such false statements are presumed and do not have to be proven.

Statements are defamatory per se where they falsely impute to the plaintiff one or more of the following things:[2]

  • Allegations or imputations "injurious to another in their trade, business, or profession"
  • Allegations or imputations "of loathsome disease" (historically leprosy and sexually transmitted disease, now also including mental illness)
  • Allegations or imputations of "unchastity" (usually only in unmarried people and sometimes only in women)
  • Allegations or imputations of criminal activity (sometimes only crimes of moral turpitude)[12][13]

Steemit isn't decentralized. Steem is votes. Money is about the most centralizable thing there is, and money directly controls not only peoples rewards, but the witnesses that control the code.

All that is necessary to completely take over Steemit is enough Steem to vote in the witnesses you want to run things.

Steem is the blockchain, right? And there are other UI's to it than Steemit? Have I understood correctly? And yes, I know that by owning enough steem (the currency) you can control the code through electing the witnesses (accounts) you want. Who exactly controls the code? Who controls the nodes that run the blockchain? A blockchain is a decentralized piece of software but that doesn't mean the same entity could not control the blockchain by controlling enough of the nodes? Is this the case when it comes to Steem (the blockchain)?

Steem is the currency that the Steem blockchain supports. They are not the same thing.

"I know that by owning enough steem (the currency) you can control the code through electing the witnesses (accounts) you want. Who exactly controls the code?"

As you point out, the witnesses control the code. Witnesses decide what code runs, by running it. Not all witnesses run identical code, BTW. It takes a majority of witnesses in the top twenty to control the code. Most witnesses are backups to the top twenty, prepared to step in and produce blocks should one of the top twenty suffer some failure.

There are witnesses (not in the top twenty) that aren't actually prepared to do so, as they aren't running the current version of code.

"Who controls the nodes that run the blockchain? A blockchain is a decentralized piece of software but that doesn't mean the same entity could not control the blockchain by controlling enough of the nodes?"

Exactly so. A Sybil attack is comprised of attackers that assume control of enough nodes to control the blockchain, and what code it is comprised of. On Steemit, that control requires only that you have enough money to be able to vote in witnesses.

Other blockchains nodes aren't controllable just by money, AFAIK. This makes Steemit the least decentralized and Sybil attack resistant blockchain of which I am aware, as money is the most centralizable thing in the world.

There are other UIs that access the Steem blockchain, but as far as I know, the Steemit witnesses are unimpeachable via Pocket tokens, or the new SMT, for example. Of course money is necessary to any Sybil attack, to support the costs of seizing, or creating, nodes. Steemit simply makes money more efficient in it's ability to seize control.

Of course, with enough money you can simply convince those running nodes to run them the way you want them to, on any blockchain, generally speaking. Not everyone is corruptible for money, however. Even if witnesses aren't corruptible, the votes being representations of money means that attackers will have to do no more than throw money at a Sybil attack on Steemit, because witnesses can simply be replaced if they personally refuse to take the money, by those that will, through voting.

Thanks for the detailed explanations.

Steem is the currency that the Steem blockchain supports. They are not the same thing.

Of course not. I think the name of the currency is actually written in capital letters (STEEM) as opposed to the blockchain (Steem).

I should probably set up a witness node... I wonder what kind of machine it should be.

It can happen to each of us, do not worry, we are on your side.
If I can help you, I'm always glad.

OMG....this is not good...
I'm little steemian in this platform....but...I think steemit is best platform create a relationships....
Hey @gamer00 dont worry my friend...I kone and I think you are one if better people in this platform...

Thank you, I will accept your friendship, and I thank you for your kind words.

This is really serious. I think there are ways to solve these issues.

You need to solve it this is very bad..... steemit must do something of this abuse of flagging option

its sad thing then bearniesanders personal problems with 1 person can expand to threaten other people, you didnt do anything wrong but are threaten for a "like" . After this im feeling that future is here.

it was good while it lasted.

amigo #resteemia at your service

just kick him off @gamer00

'UpVoted ReSteemed Commented'

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I wonder how. @berniesanders does have every right be on Steem and have and express his own opinions just like everyone else. I'm not going to deny that, I'm just hoping he'd lighten up and ease with the flag wars. Who knows he could be a decent guy in real life, here on the other hand he's behaving like a bad actor.

No, THANK YOU @berniesanders for making a FLAGWAR and as such illustrating the weakness of steem. Can it be solved or it's too late already?

If flagwars like this become commonplace on Steem, it is precisely the whales such as @berniesanders himself who stand to lose the greatest amount of money as the value of the entire platform plummets. He surely considers his own actions to be justified but one thing to take into account is how such actions are perceived by the majority of users. As the war drags on, the question who is right will gradually lose importance.

I understand your point. But, wouldn't it happen sooner or later? then it could be beneficial to some parties to see steem fail. And for some the lutz is more valuable. For all we know this guy could have another account and even be a witness (delegate) and have had his token for next to nothing...

Will the war drags on? Do you have other battlefield posts to share ? It would be nice :).

Unless the guy you are upvoting is really worth it I would back off, not worth the trouble in my opinion...

coward! it's the money that makes you bow? What is the price of your free speech? I will not even check your wallet...

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Lol, doesn't have anything to do with cowardness. I just rather avoid situaions like these as they are not worth the time or effort in my opinion...

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

yeah, sorry I was in overdrive ;). I understand your point however the fact that the situation could happen on steem isn't very promising for the future of it. I greatly respect your opinion and would mostly agree. I think I misunderstood you. It just that the enemies and opponents of freedom of speech are such low lives that I get easily overly aggressive in my freespeech on this issue. again I offer you my sincere apologizes @droucil for those stupid words. I misunderstood you.

Don't worry about it ^^

Thanks ! it's very kind of you. again sorry.

I wouldn't really care if "they are worth it".

What matters is it is not really @berniesanders' place to tell me who or how I should vote upon.

I know and I agree, but still the question remains the same; is it worth the trouble...

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Is freedom of speech worth the trouble?

Well there are many schools on that, but I think the most prevalent one is the liberal thought that everyone should have it, and no ones right to free speech should be impeached upon.

I for one think that if I do not stand up for the guy being constantly bombarded with continuing flags and abuse on Steem for offending opinions, no matter how harsh or crude, who will stand up for me if a whale starts abusing their power against my own opinions?

Only those ready to die for free speech are worth having it. the rest are useless intellectual midgets leeching on the sacrifices of people.

Why aren't we all flagging him in response? Fuck it, he will just continue to suck up as much rewards as he can by upvoting his own comments and then flag us. The longer we wait the more he grows.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

He's got a army of bots and he has loaded his SP onto them, so even if we were to flag him, it wouldn't make him any less capable of flagging anyone he wants, since the bots likely don't make posts or comments we could flag. He's quite clever. He probably unloads any profits he gets right on to the bots.

And because he has millions of dollars worth of SP he'll be somewhat invincible no matter how much we would flag him.

In a way he's wrecking the Steem system from inside, because he is untouchable, behind the bots and I think the only thing he really wants is for Steem to fail, and he will be the primus motor for that to happen.

Right but we can take away his ability to gain profits. I think we should at least try or you are right, he will destroy Steemit.

No @justinschwalm what you don't get it's that it's not about him @berniesanders (it could be an employee of one of the others major social network or simple fun guys exploiting a FLAW).

If steem can work, those DESIGN FLAWS must be exposed.

@gamer00 I really love how @berniesanders was able to set up his FLAG WAR ! it's incredibly cool ! I hope he wins ( and as such shows the weakness of steem, which is here rehashed like a mantra by brainless drones trying to leech a few sp that they will need so much time to extract that valuation may be gone before they succeed).

@justinschwalm I loved your plan, sadly my low experience with steem unable me to see its flaws but thanks for sharing it!

I am aware of the fact that this flaw needs to be out in the open but that doesn't mean we have to just sit here and let him do it. If he decides to flag people to hell then we can all solve the problem by flagging him. If you're sink was broken would you just let it spray water everywhere until the plumber showed up to fix it? No, you'd put some duct tape on that shit

Nice ! I love the spirit of your message ! for now I just plan to watch it unfold. I hope that there will new episodes about the "flag war" :D.

Right now,i'm getting bored with this flagging option, things shouldn't be handle like this.
We have got different opinion, flag shouldn't be use as threats. Please just solve this in a peaceful way that wont affect others.
I think its high time #steemit remove flag option its get bored when people see their rewards drown.

on the other hand @berniesanders by declaring the flag war open shows the weakness of the steem. thanks @berniesanders.

Definitely ,i just think @gamer00 should get this thing solve with him

If I suffer, it's a small sacrifice for making Steem better. I would just be collateral damage. Which is sad, but ok by me.

Anyway, it seems that a whale noticed what had happened and gave me a $20 upvote here, for which I am insanely grateful.

That is great ,you should understand what life really means by what the whale did to you .

Some will want to make attention which they wont really get as they expected .... Lets steem on ..... I will follow you now.

Thank you for following!

You are always welcome

I think we should have a way where Steemit should ask other users viewing the post can agree or disagree to flagging. I think only then it will be truly fair. @gamer00 I don't see his post here, so I guess he realized his mistake. That's little childish, but keep it cool !!

This one is also a very good idea. I hope the developers take notice.

no it will only decentralize flag wars. what can stop a group to take control of your decentralized flagging system? there is no limit to freedom of speech all the rest is garbage used by censors.

@gamer00 you have my support!

so the pros and cons of decentralised platform is surfacing out here...

I think we must have provision here to solve in a an ethical and co-ordinated way with less noise...


Thanks gamer to provide this example illustrating how demonetization can be implemented on steem.

Its fucked yo, im sorry he is now fucking with you too.

I don't understand how someone can be like that. It's like dealing with a teenager mafia offspring.

"It'd be a shame if something happened to your Steem rewards!"

I wonder if he's of Sicilian descent.

No, you just discover the real internet, not that fake attitude of everyone is nice, only upvoting bimbos stealing copyrighted materials that steem is so full on! at least @berniesanders is using the BETA software for something constructive ! and it's the FLAG WARS!

that's a lot nicer then how I would put it but yeah.
idk even what to say besides it sux and sorry you are having to deal with his shit now.


"Are you scared people might see and realize the truth on what you and your crew are up to, capo? The truth must have been too embarrassing for you."

Come to think of it, the only troll here is you @berniesanders, not @skeptic. You're trying to pull my leg but I'm not falling for it.

I don't really care about your grievances with other Steemers. Neither should you.

You had your fun, now step aside and let me live my life. I'm not your enemy. You don't have to do this.

How about it? You go your way, and I go mine and we are good?

Or are you going to behave like a spoiled little child and start bullying me for doing the outrageous and unthinkable equivalent of "voting Trump"? Get me "fired", "demonetized", the Steemit way? That's just sad.

you are dependent of steem. steem can be abused. you can be abused.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Time will tell whether you are childish or not? Well that's an answer too.

well, he uses the name of a politician - now he has just started to act like one

What exactly is the dispute between the two and why one is taking a second loop to extend the conflict further....

Can we talk to both the party over steemit chat independently and resolve this issue...

Yes I noticed that discussion, I'm sad about what has happened. No idea how he got that way, but you are right; that's no way to make any friends.

Maybe down votes should be equally weighted for everyone and up and down voting power be separated.
The way flagging currently works is utter nonsense: the rhetoric that small stakeholders can down vote larger ones, ridiculous! When large stakeholders abuse their power fear of victimisation means that most minnows stay quiet or develop brown tongues.

@gamer00 I am with you. Some people just think they own steem but they don't steem is steem just because of people using it... Good going keep it up!

god will punish those who are not patience.and I think you say what youd realy should say.we do not live life of others choice. peace.

@berniesanders did nothing wrong. You are the one who upvoted on tag spam posts and thereby encouraged more tag spam. You deserve every single downvote you got.

Your votes were encouraging spam.

Also, other readers, please make your judgement after looking at the other site of the story as well. He was upvoting on a user who was posting posts that sympathize with Neo Nazis and some of those posts were also tag spam. Example:

Votes on low quality posts and posts that violate community standard harm the steem blockchain negatively. You are the one at fault here.

Your post is nothing more than defamation of @berniesanders

@bullionstackers @tuvokhl @thecyclist @brothermic please reconsider your decision to upvote.

And @gamer00 do you admit that you were wrong to upvote on tag spam posts?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Bloody hell... How on earth do you conclude that post is "sympathising with neo-nazis"? Just asking, because I find it entirely opposite to sympathising with them. All identity politics are racist, and that post aims to expose that fact.

You must have a screw loose in your head if you don't understand that.

(And btw. self-upvoting ones own comments is generally frowned upon here, so use the option sparingly.)

The portrayal of Nazis weren't negative. It showed bunch of white guys laughing. And what about the post he called steemcleaners corrupt. You endorsed that post.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

That's some serious mental gymnastics right there. Just because one of these angry white guys is smiling doesn't mean a bunch of them are laughing, nor does it mean the photo is portraying them in a positive light.

Oh, and the steemcleaners post, what do I know, they might be corrupt. I'm not endorsing the claim itself, I'm concerned he might be right, and in my mind it we need to have that discussion. If not for any other reason than to scrutinize the claim and prove him wrong so that we can rest assured that they aren't corrupt.

Do you ever question anything? Because if you do and someone like Bernie wants to shut you up, I'm there to support you and help make sure your voice is heard.

i support u bernie once killed me too my bro 😭 i am with u

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This is really a serious problem peoples are making spam.

You feel right Do those same work Understand bidding thinking

Did you use machine translation to produce that comment or are you a bot?

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thanks for your information sir,
and wish you have a sound sleep....