Do you excuse police violence, too?

in crimethinc •  5 years ago 

Right now, somewhere in the united snakes, a cop is abusing is authoritye.

You know that it is more than just one.
You know that giving a person a license to kill is the best way to get some killing done.

How many dead innocents does it take to make up for the one guilty guy that got shot?

You know they are gonna investigate themselves and find no wrongdoing.

Lick boots, slaves.


“Solidarity with the Police”

Debunking Excuses for State Violence in Hamburg

When the government concentrates 20,000 police in a city to violently suppress protest and people respond by defending themselves, it takes a real fascist to argue that the problem is “left extremism.”
Yet this is precisely the kind of opportunism we are seeing from politicians and pundits in response to the G20 protests in Hamburg.
The strategy here is simple: spread fear, terrorize the general population, and if anyone dares to resist, use that as a pretext to demand even more violent repression.
Everyone who was in Hamburg knows the police struck first, carrying out unprovoked attacks nearly a week before the summit began.
(Deutsche Version unten.)

Sure, some anarchists and other opponents of totalitarianism traveled from outside Hamburg to support local organizing against the G20 summit.
Many people considered it unjust that the summit was being forced on a city that didn’t want it—a typical example of how the policies of the G20 are forced on unwilling populations.
And after seeing the kind of policing that took place during the G20, who could fault anyone for wanting to show solidarity to the residents of Hamburg?

But—could a thousand “left extremists” armed only with the paving stones beneath their feet have defeated 20,000 police dressed head to toe in body armor and equipped with water cannons?
Of course not.
It took tens of thousands of people to beat back the police—and a large number of them were Hamburg locals, not “left extremists” at all.
Even if some people did come to the protests with the intention of breaking things and acting unruly, the situation only went so far because so many “ordinary people” got involved.

Get the full story.


Freedom is in the air for the taking.
If you wait for your savior to free you from the grasp of your oppressors you will never be free.

Nobody is coming to save you.

You have to save yourself.

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Acab, erry single one.

Posted using Partiko Android

Every single one.

Cops are satan.

Good Article @freebornangel, the use of internal Terror is what the Oligarchy use to control the masses and the media.
I went to a Court Trial in Mobile, Al concerning a single mother with her child in bed when the Police brike into her house, no announcement "Police", nothing. She, on the other hand when confronted with people breaking into her home, shouted "I have a gun, go away" and she fired a round into the ceiling. At trial she was indeed found guilty of discharging a weapon within city limits, but due to ALL of the local cops showing up in their "battle gear" they got the maximum sentence for the woman after the DA requested probation. She ended up with 10 years in jail. Police use more than just physical terror on people, they use "Right out in the open" intimidation, even against Judges in court.
Keep up the good work, Mitch, out

Sounds like you need @marcstevens.
She can raise the issue of jurisdiction even on appeal.

Was just talking about this the other day with a friend on Facebook and I used to think there were a few good police, and I sort of still do... Good intentioned maybe, but it's hard to say they are "good" when they are propping up a corrupt system and never really seriously go after the corruption within their own ranks or that of the government in any kind of meaningful manner.

So many people still defend the police and the government as if they are necessary for society to work, when it reality it seems like they are the parasites and viruses on society that keep us down and limit so much of our potential. I hope some day we can collectively rise up and push back against the idea that we need these things and abolish them, however I certainly have my doubts we'll ever get there.. So many people seem so content to remain "plugged in" so to speak, unfortunately.

Rule by force is the disease, who and how are symptoms.

We simply must build the new making the old obsolete.
The more we cooperate, the more freedom we can enjoy.
The closer we get to the point of no return, the more likely it can be reached.

Cops rely on taking money by force, they cannot overcome that handicap without being funded voluntarily.

Until we can imagine a world that doesn't rely on the status quo to frame what is possible, we are trapped in the crapitalust's paradigm.

You make some good points and I've been thinking about similar a lot lately and I feel like I want to try to help share that kind of knowledge and promote it in the world, though I have a tiny following and can't really do much and it seems like most people are so adverse to the idea of personal liberty and responsibility that it's crazy to think of a world without government or state-sanctioned police and military. I have a feeling someday we should hopefully evolve to something better, but sometimes I'm not so optimistic and think maybe it'll be like this for a long time or just get worse and worse in terms of government and rule by force and such... It sure is a disturbing and difficult sort of conundrum. Especially when so few seem open to even talking about it without getting defensive and shutting down, but as you said in a previous conversation, it does seem like anarchism is growing and hopefully the future is a better place!

This struggle to be free of rule by force began when the first two guys picked up sticks and started farming their neighbors rather than the land.
It has traveled through thousands of generations.
Dec. 21st, 2012 was the end of the world as we knew it.
We began a new 25k year cycle.
The old world was ruled by force, the new will be more cooperative.
It is taking the pendulum a few years to get going after reversing directions, but freedom is coming.

I've been spreading much the same message for 20 years, nobody cares.
If you want to pick up the ball and run with it, I link most of the books that led me to this path fairly often.
I can help you to save some time getting up to speed, if you like, but there really is no shortcut to reading and groking the material.

We can learn from Hong Kong.