Insurrection is not a game!

in crimethinc •  6 years ago 

In this post, dear reader, i want to expose you to the ex-worker's collective known as crimethinc.

They have been around for many years.
If you are not familiar with them, i hope you take the time to explore what they are about.

I was checking them today to see what they had gotten up to lately, and i found this:
From the story:

  • What is an anarchist game? Is it a game that promotes anarchist values? A game that depicts anarchist activities? A game that subverts and destabilizes power structures? What can gaming theory teach anarchists—and what can anarchists teach through games? To explore these and other questions, we conducted the following interview with TL, game designer and artist of Bloc by Bloc: The Insurrection Game.

  • Bloc by Bloc is available on Kickstarter until June 14.

The story goes on for quite some length and includes a video review of how the game plays.

The rule book can be had in pdf form here.
And, as with all things crimethinc, it will be made available for printing for free at some point in the future.

I have a couple more crimethinc posts that i want to bring to you, so be looking forward to that!
I know many of you like the idea of anarchism, but mostly haven't explored the idea in depth.
Certainly many of you want to cling to crapitalism like it was a piece of flotsam keeping you afloat in a chaotic, storm tossed world, but i hope to show you why, and how, to let go and grasp the new ways of doing things that dont include 40+ years of wage slavery making somebody else richer.

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Certainly many of you want to cling to crapitalism

oh I don't think so - we want capitalism in its truest sense! lol

Politics aside and back to the game, and being a game enthusiast , it looks interesting ( I had a v. quick read of the rules).

I have been toying with an idea along similar lines for a while now (but on a larger 'national borders scale', not a 'city scale'.)

I'll put you down as guinea pig if need feedback! lol

Thanks for the post!!, I would never have heard about this might be interested in my recent series of posts..
I threw that link in, as it has links to some of the other posts in this series (I'm up to part 8 now)

we want capitalism in its truest sense! lol

So, you are ok with the havenots being enslaved by the haves, and for the community to continue having a privileged class and a class that cleans their toilets?

Let me know when you get your game going and i will give it some thought.


can become haves

privileged class

it's a cycle in free markets.
Crony capitalism makes them become establishments.
Meritocracy gets rid of them, and the cycle repeats..

class that cleans their toilets

you see that as bad thing?
I'm not 'classist'.

I've cleaned toilets , its not a class thing , its a job.
I cleaned puke up in nightclubs for a living, it's not a class thing it's a job.
I've employed over 100 people, it's not a class thing its a job.

the old Marxist class division - or any division- is dinosaur thinking, IMO.


So, how many toilets did you clean when you were employing people?
How many times did the bar owner clean the toilets when you had that job?

Before you continue to tar me with marx's brush, perhaps you should discover why marx was used as the bankster's tool to tarnish anarcho-communism in the minds of those that wont read if their life depended on it.

In order for us to discuss this intelligently i need you to read the first link, and at least read through the more interesting, to you, chapters listed in the toc of the second.

Ive never read marx, so i cant really comment on what he says beyond if what happened in russia is marxist, it wasnt communist.
I can link you to the history books where the anarchists and marx split.
Marx got press because his words served the interests of the banksters.
You know his name, and not alex berkman's, because it serves the purposes of the banksters.


look within

That is where all the answers are,...

Have you seen 'Circle of Iron'?
It was Bruce Lee's next film, but David Caridine got the role after Bruce's death.

And then, he died too...

In a very undignified manner,...