Head Over Heels? More amigurumi experiments

in crochet •  2 months ago 


As I mentioned in my previous post I worked out a plan for a foot that spreads out to create a larger surface that I hoped would improve stability.


When incorporating that into a full-body test I also moved the arms further to the side, a big improvement from the previous iteration. While this figure was more stable than the previous two it's still not stable enough for my liking. I think the main issue is that since the head is still centered over the torso the entire figure's center of mass is only slightly in front of the back part of the feet so it's still easy to tip over.



I decided to try altering the head design to move it forward a bit relative to the torso. My initial hope was that I could get away without too big a change, but in order to get at least some curvature of the back of the head before connecting to the neck it's still pretty far back. Plus I didn't account for the way the stitches in the front are more angled than the somewhat straight-up-and-down back of the head, so that created some distortions. This gave me the best results yet, but it still needs work.



My next step is to try to get the head moved farther forward which will require figuring out a more complex shape for the neck/torso and how it connects to the head. Although at some point the changes I'm implementing her will be big enough that the experiment might be of questionable value from the perspective of adapting existing patterns. But even if that turns out to be a problem I'll still want a pattern I'm happy with that I'll be able to use as a starting point for my own character designs. I might also tweak the foot designs a bit to try to keep them flatter on the bottom, I think they're ending up with too much curvature on the bottom when I stuff the legs.

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Hello @danmaruschak

I was very interested in your post because you're sculpting the shape of the foot so the figure can stand.

When I've made crocheted (or knitted figures they never stand properly. My response has normally been to add wire to create a sort of skeleton inside the figure and to just hide it in the stuffing.

Here's the sort of process I mean :

I haven't used proper wire in the past just thin gardening wire. Those who know me are used to me always looking for the right type of wire 😄

I look forward to seeing the progress.