This video was originally published 14/7/2019
Eyes are on storm Barry which was just a sliver below becoming a hurricane in strength and making a landfall in Louisiana.
Shown below is the cone of the storm track, and as you can see, this is going to hit the grow zone belts. That is exactly what we do not need, more flooding in areas where delayed planting or no planting was experienced. That storm cone looks ready to push over previously flooded and barely unworkable farm fields in the grow zones of the central United States.
Ryan Maue at shows the track of the moisture in this graph, and as shown, it is going to follow the Mississippi River. This forecast matches up with NOAA’s data.
The precipitation will start to decline slightly, but it will still reach Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio, as it approaches Missouri.
Three things are going to happen during this storm. First, inland waterway transportation will be affected and this has already been observed during the flooding of the Spring River. This resulted in a barge traffic decrease 19% due to high water and debris in the rivers, that resulted in hazardous navigation conditions.
If we follow this track, it is going to pass through Missouri, Tennessee, Louisiana, Arkansas and it is going to push further north. The good news is these 14–16 inch rainfalls have been reduced to a 10 inches.
During this time, the second problem to be encountered will be reduced pollination of flowering rice.
Because most of the rice crops are flowering in July, how much of the total will not be able to pollinate due to this storm? As shown on this table, a quarter of the entire US rice crop is going to diminish in output due to the lack of flowering and pollination. So, there is a downtrend forecasts for rice production in the US.
Indiana, on the first of July, is still wet, hence, the fields are unplanted yet.
And on July 10th, this is how some of the corn fields look like after a small flood.
This is how fragile those plants are, they just snapped from only a small flood, how about a 10-inch rain? What will happen to the newly emerged crops that the USDA called a ‘scrappy emergence’?
This is what is meant by ‘scrappy emergence’, the left image was last year (2018), and the right image is this year (2019). Crop maturation is so far behind.
Photos showing ‘scrappy emergence’ are all around the web already. This one here is from Ohio.
Another from Iowa.
Yet the USDA could not get their information together. They still cannot tell us that corn production will be decreased this year and are still insisting on increased production. Some magic has to be done, for this Barbie knee-high corn, on the 4th of July, to happen.
USDA needs to resurvey these 13 states, because the data they released on May 28th was done poorly. They said that even though the numbers were significantly lower, there will still be 3% increase in yield, which is questionable.
If you look around social media where firsthand experience regarding crop planting was shared, you can see the reality, the USDA has lost our trust on insider-trading during that time.
You should have seen who made billions, on the opposite trades, when USDA released their report. Hundreds of thousands of contracts were magically replaced in the opposite direction.
I believe that we are being lied to. I am confident that the governments of the world are trying to mitigate panic at the moment, because China is down by 30 to 35% on its corn production and America is also down significantly, by probably 40%.
I have been saying, this is all because of an intensifying Grand Solar Minimum and we need to get ready to move our agricultural zones and start indoor vertical agriculture, to replace what will be lost outdoors. Governments of our world, however, do not want to talk about this Grand Solar Minimum and the intensifying 400-year cycle in our Sun.
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*** Today’s Story Links ***
Corn farmers in Midwest lament flooding’s effect on their crops
Rainfall totals TS Barry
Storm Track TS Barry
Arkansas Rice: Still a Long Way to Go
Rice planting table
Already wet across US planting zones
Moving Grain: Inland Waterway Conditions Improve
Grain price news
Fragile corn in floods
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