A eight-year-old child named as 'Aaraji' died during the gunfight of police and terrorists in Uttar Pradesh, India.
On Wednesday (January 17th) in the evening in the village of Mathura in Uttar Pradesh, the child's head was shot in the gunfight.
Local media reported that police fired at the miscreants involved in robbery and robbery in Mathura village, 450 kilometers away from the state capital of Lakhnau. At this time, the head of the genius was shot. But it is not clear whether the police or the death of the terrorists in the gunfire.
Police said that a group of police forces were there to catch the robbers hiding in the village. When the robbers were asked to surrender, they fired.
Villagers say that police started firing to gather terrorists together. But police officials denied it.
The family of the child said that the grandfather was playing with friends. The villagers took him to the hospital when the bullet hit him. He died shortly after
A senior police official said a case was filed on the basis of family complaint. Police announced compensation of five lakh rupees for the parents of the child.
Police officer Swapnil Mamgai told reporters, "It is very unfortunate incident. I am fully supported with the help of that family. The Deputy Superintendent of Police will see the matter. The case will be examined from all sides whether the police had any unnecessary or not.