What is the percent chance Donald Trump gets brought up on impeachment charges in this term?

in crowdini •  7 years ago 

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What is the percent chance Donald Trump gets brought up on impeachment charges in this term?

0% (16%)

25% (26%)

50% (44%)

100% (13%)

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I answered

It depends on if the midterm elections go blue or not. A republican house/senate wouldn't move to impeach even if it was found that Trump was actually Putin dressed up as Trump.

I answered

I don't think he can control what he says and one day he will say something that no one will be able to stand behind. He has come very close already.

Looks like I missed this poll. I just wonder if he will do or say something that just goes too far, but he gets away with a lot. I think he is doing harm to the image of America.

I answered

Clinton was impeached... everybody loves him.

I answered

I wish I could say 100% but there is a horrifying amount of people who will believe him no matter what and will never believe anything bad about him.

I answered

The odds are in his favor. Lots of talk but nothing yet.

I answered

I think the chances are pretty low. He'll probably resign long before he gets impeached.

I answered

Won't happen with the current Congress at least.

I answered

I don’t even want that happen. Pence is scarier.

I answered

Can't be certain of anything with him, but I hope it's 100%

I answered

Just a wild guess since I am not a citizen of the United States.

I answered

Not saying that it should or should not happen, just that it won't.

I answered

It's annoying how much bad press Trump gets while the media leaves other politicians and past presidents untouched for worse offenses.

I answered

who really knows?

I answered

About the level of certainty I have that enough decent and/or caring people still exist in the government. (Yes, I know 50% is optimistic, hahaha)

I answered

Chose the coin flip since something will happen but the 50% part is if it's serious enough to warrant proceedings

I answered

I just dont see them being able to get the votes for it no matter how much I want it to happen

I answered

I have to remain optimistic.

I answered

Nothing's a guarantee but I sure can hope.

I answered

I will lose all hope in humanity if he isn't impeached.

I answered


Due to the polices of Donald Trump

This post has received a 0.35 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @banjo.

I answered

to much partisan bull shit nothing will end up happening

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Love, Lila Wish Genie

answer 0
I like trump