Crypterra, an honest review. Is it really possible to generate a good passive income through cloud mining?

in crypterra •  7 years ago  (edited)

I recently discovered Crypterra and despite the fact that many users have had issues paying for it as they have attempted to use BTC ( which is taking a very long time on the blockchain ) the first time I purchased hashpower on crypterra I used LTC and was able to attain my hashpower straight away ( I recommend anyone considering purchasing crypterra hashpower does so with LTC ).

So far I have had the service for a few weeks and although on occasions their payouts have taken some time I have actually received payments for the hash power I purchased. There were a couple of occasions when their website was unexpectedly down and I did think to myself.. is this a SCAM? however so far each time they have eventually updated their twitter to calm down their customers and the website his come back each time.

One issue I do currently have with crypterra is that their http certificate has been revoked as some users were claiming that they hadn't received any payouts however I believe that the company is genuine and are trying to get their certificate updated again.

The XMAS sale they currently have on makes the cost of their hashpower around 4x cheaper than the competition (Hashflare, Genesis mining, etc. ) and I guess the question to ask is... is this to good to be true? Well it might be. But then again it is also entirely possible that they are genuinely trying to make a name for themselves and have found that by having data centres all over the world but the majority being in places like china where they can have access to very cheap electricity they are able to undercut the competition. They also claim that by using the latest cooling technology they are able to mine very efficiently.

Hopefully what they say is true and they are legitimate but if your thinking of investing then the the thing to do is to manage your risk, the possible scenarios then are that a) they are a pyramid scam and you will lose your money within a day or two. b) they are a pyramid scam and you will make some return on your money c) they are a pyramid scam and you will actually earn some money before they stop payouts d) they are legitimate and the contract lasts around 3-6 months e) they are legitimate and the contract lasts the full 2 years.

In the case of a,b, and c the risk is fairly high however with the amount of publicity and contracts that they have recently got I would of thought that they would have enough money to keep the scheme going for another month or two ( which would be more than enough time to make your money back ). If d is the case then it could be caused by something like china banning cryptocurrency mining or the price of electricity going up so high that mining is no longer profitable, this is entirely possible and as per the crypterra terms if the mining is not profitable for 14 consecutive days then they will terminate all contracts. In case e this is an amazing investment opportunity and by the end of one of the XMAS contracts you could in 2 years time have earned around 40k USD.

One issue with picking Ethereum as the currency to mine is that they will be switching to their Proof of stake algorithm ( instead of the current proof of work algorithm ) and this will cause what people are calling the Ethereum ice age as the blocks become impossible to mine. However they don't intend to start switching the algorithm for around another year and a half. Also when they implement the switch it will start off as only effecting 1 out of every 100 blocks so shouldn't have to big an impact on the mining profits.

In summary I would say that out of all the deals I have found Ethereum mining to be the most profitable with the shortest ROI ( return on investment ) period. And I can say that currently each day that deal alone earns me around 80USD. So if you invested in ETH Xmas deal you could make your money back within 1 month. If you have an interest in taking the risk and generating your own passive income through Crypterra as I did then please visit this link to do so:

Alternatively if cloud mining takes your interest but your not willing to risk it all with a fairly new company then I would suggest hashflare mining as they have been around for several years and are very reputable which means far less risk when making an investment. In a 1 Year contract you could triple your initial purchase, the way to find this sight would be to visit with this link:

Finally one possible way to hedge your bets would be to invest into both services that way if crypterra did shut down then the hashflare mining would make your money back.

Legal Disclaimer: This is only my opinion, how you interpret it is completely up to you. What I mean by this is that I am not giving you advice or recommendation to buy or sell anything! This information has been made for informative and entertainment purposes only.

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