How to Buy Crypto in 20 seconds with your Bitcoin/Litecoin/etc

in crypto-news •  8 years ago  (edited)

BlockTrades has now enabled “fast-confirmations” for all cryptocurrencies, so you can send in bitcoin and get your Steem or other cryptocurrency purchase in about 20 seconds on average. This feature was primarily added to allow merchants to provide their customers with a way to rapidly pay for items in shops and restaurants using point-of-sales systems like BlockPay, but it can also be useful for regular BlockTrades customers who wish to make rapid purchases with Bitcoin, Litecoin, and other cryptocurrencies that don't normally confirm quickly. Many users probably won't take advantage of this capability, since it does require some initial setup and a surety deposit, but it may be of interest for active traders who want to capitalize on rapid price changes.

This purchase method is only available to users who have signed into, so if you want to purchase STEEM using this method, you must go to . Currently it will not work if you're purchasing Steem via the Steemit purchase dialog. Note that Steem and Steem Power prices are the same for either purchase method, it's just a difference in the user interface.

For anyone who wants to take advantage of the fast confirmation capability, follow the steps below:

Configure your BlockTrades account to enable fast confirmations

  1. Create a user account on if you don't already have one. BlockTrades requires that you use a valid email address as your user account name. The email must be validated by replying to an automated email from BlockTrades. Only registered BlockTrades accounts can use the fast confirmation feature, because we need to be able to connect your input addresses to your BitShares account where your “surety amount” is stored.
  2. If you don't have a BitShares account yet, you will need to create one here:
  3. Buy enough TRADE.USDLABOR from to cover the largest amount of bitcoin you want to be “fast confirmed” and have it sent to your BitShares account. For example, if you want to be able to fast confirm a 1 BTC purchase of Steem, purchase around 600 TRADE.USDLABOR (~1 BTC at current prices).
  4. Link your BitShares account to your account by sending a payment of 1 TRADE.USDLABOR from your BitShares account to the “blocktrades” BitShares account with your BlockTrades account name (email address) as the memo. Note: it is very important to put your BlockTrades account name in the memo field, otherwise the system will not know how to link your BitShares and BlockTrades accounts to allow fast confirmations.

Login to BlockTrades to get fast-confirmable payment addresses

After you've configured your account using the above steps, you can login to BlockTrades and request deposit payment addresses that are eligible for fast confirmations. Any payment address you obtain while logged into your BlockTrades account will fast confirm as long as you have a sufficient amount of TRADE.USDLABOR in your BitShares account to act as a surety for your unconfirmed payment. When you send to the payment address, BlockTrades will temporarily remove an equivalent amount of TRADE.USDLABOR and immediately send you the cryptocurrency you've purchased. Once your payment confirms normally on its blockchain, BlockTrades will return the TRADE.USDLABOR it temporarily removed.

Example of fast confirmation limits imposed by surety amount

User John purchases 600 TRADE.USDLABOR and links his BitShares account to his BlockTrades account by paying 1 TRADE.USDLABOR, leaving 599 TRADE.USDLABOR in his account that acts as a surety amount. John can now fast confirm multiple transactions up to a total equivalent value of 599 TRADE.USDLABOR at any given time.

For example, he can send in two 0.5 BTC payments for Steem and immediately receive the Steem for both transactions. If he sends in a third payment of 1 BTC before his first two payments have confirmed, he will have to wait till either the first two payments have confirmed and his surety has been returned (after which his 3rd payment will fast confirm) or until his third payment confirms normally. When he decides he no longer needs fast confirmations, he can use his TRADE.USDLABOR to purchase one or more of his favorite cryptocurrencies from BlockTrades (or trade it for something else on the BitShares decentralized exchange).

OK, that's all it takes to get fast confirms of Bitcoin, etc, on the BlockTrades website, but if you're a web coder that wants to integrate fast confirmations of crypto conversions into your web site, we've got an extra credit section just for you...

Extra Credit for Web Coders Only: Fast-confirmations via the BlockTrades API

As mentioned earlier, currently users have to get their payment addresses from the BlockTrades web site in order for them to be fast-confirmable, but the BlockTrades API (application programming interface) allows for other web-based services to get fast confirmable payment addresses as well. The key is that the request for a payment address must be linked to a logged-in user's account. Here's how to do that via our API:

First, make a POST request to with your BlockTrades username (email address) and password. This will return a session token that is valid until the given "expirationTime" (currently a session token is good for 4 hours). You can cache the session token and reuse it until it expires, or just create a new session for every request if that is easier for your web application.

$ curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST --data '{"email": "[email protected]", "password": "thisisnotmyrealpassword"}'
"token": "4310c7e7-dc44-498c-abc6-0d233d8eb55d",
"user": {
"email": "[email protected]",
"userId": "bdbef475-0019-439a-95e6-d075d6621078",
"timeZone": "UTC",
"activated": true,
"creationTime": "2016-05-06T11:25:56.939913-04:00",
"lastModifiedTime": "2016-05-06T11:25:56.939913-04:00",
"lastLoginTime": "2016-07-29T17:48:26.473245-04:00"
"expirationTime": "2016-07-29T21:48:26.522779-04:00"

Then, just include the token you received in the "token" field above as the "sessionToken" in your initiate-trade request:

$ curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST --data '{"inputCoinType": "btc", "outputCoinType": "steem", "outputAddress": "my_steem_account", "sessionToken": "4310c7e7-dc44-498c-abc6-0d233d8eb55d"}'
"inputAddress": "18cER8mUensvWcDF29ZbNHMYEYo8XRTPGc",
"inputMemo": null,
"inputCoinType": "btc",
"outputAddress": "my_steem_account",
"outputCoinType": "steem",
"refundAddress": null

Right now the result of the initiate-trade request is the same as when you don't specify a sessionToken, but if you give an invalid token you'll get a 400 error "Bad Request: Invalid or expired session token xxxxxx".

Full documentation on the BlockTrades API is available here:

The two calls required to get fast-confirmable addresses are documented here:!/sessions/createNewSession!/initiate-trade/create

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This is simply amazing work. I tested the feature before and I got my Bitcoin in less than 20 Seconds !! From my Poloniex wallet to my Smartcoins Wallet in a few seconds. Not even Shapeshift is that fast!​

thaTS GOOD!!

20 seconds? Sweet!

Way to go @blocktrades

wow @blocktrades i need to test this method, thanks 8]

Amazing to see this feature. This will come in handy for me.
Thank you!

fast confirmations less than 20 seconds is awesome

could you explain more detail? @blocktrades

Here's an earlier article I wrote that explains the "business logic" behind how we do this: This article was intended be a tutorial on how to actually use the feature. But I haven't had the time to write a visual walthrough or video tutoral, which may be what you're asking for. From past experience, I'm hoping some enterprising Steemian will write such a post.

very good information you

I get 404 error not found?

NM take out the . at the end of the link and it works.

Block Trades is a Crypto buy most quickly and reliably. I've never bought BTC in Blocktrades entered BTC only 1 minute, wow amazing

If this works, then this is fantastic! Can't wait to try this out for myself :)

Edit: Seriously impressive! Congratulations @blocktrades, and well done.

NICE!!! Great work, am looking it over now and will get the devs rolling again in the morning, thank youuuuu!!!!!! :)

Awesome work. Thank you for the information.
Much appreciated

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

greetings friend @ blocktrades! I am from Venezuela! you donate me a little of your SBD? please!

Thanks, looks very good.


Thanks @blocktrades!

20 sec is not bad )) It took for me more than 1 hour when I used BlockTrades without registration directly from steemit wallet.

Normally, it takes 5-30 minutes via the normal confirmation process. I'm guessing there was some additional problem with your transfer (for example, earlier we were experiencing occasional failures sending Steem with our Steem wallet before we moved it to a system with lots of memory).

Thank you @blocktrades . Very useful for everybody.

Wow this is the fastest transaction time I have seen from many different exchanges.

Very interesting! Thank you for sharing! :)

Nice post @blocktrades!

@blocktrades, I've actually used this when I Power UP using ETH. It is really fast!

Thanks for sharing this!

It is great to see API samples and easy to implement. Is there any services who is using APIs? Any mobile apps...?

Currently I know of at least three active users of our API beyond our own web site: BlockPay, Steemit, and the BitShares wallet GUI. BlockPay has a mobile app. The BitShares wallet GUI is hosted by various companies such as OpenLedger and FreedomLedger and is also available as a standalone Lite wallet. We've also seen several bots use it in the past.

Thanks, good to know. Perhaps, I will be incorporating this in Steem Mobile-eSteem, thinking it would be great to give user option to move their funds around.

Amazing work!!! to think you spent all that time and energy just for us <3 <3 <3 <3 :D haha :P

That's genius!

amazing article, thank you so much for explaining everything :)) really helps for us newbies!!! :)) Alla x

I really want to learn about cryptocurrency but where to start? Anybody having a good idea what is the best? Thank you in advance :)

Cool! And thanks to you guys for providing a way to exchange cryptos...Awesome:)

hey blocktrades, I just wanted to say thank you for liking my art, I really appreciate it. I know this isn't the spot to do so but I'm not sure how to send a DM.

A lot of the knowledge here is a little bit above my paygrade too but people seem to really enjoy it so I'm following you to gain a better understanding :)

Its really fast way to receive cryptocurrency in exchange. nice informative post.

thanks so much for the advice and pro tips! its greatly appreciated :)

Interesting post. Nice to see I'm not the only one who thinks like this. There's a lot of exchanges out there. I found that gives quite a decent overview. I was wondering if anyone of you uses: This site is really helpful in my coin research. I don't know any other sites with so much indepth analysis.

Keep up the great work @blocktrades