NEO Price Falls As China May Not Clear ICOs / OmiseGo On A Streak After Releasing Strategy!

in crypto-news •  8 years ago 

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Oh Omar Omar... Dear Omar, you did it again! When everybody is selling you come with your point of view and news and show why this is a great time to buy neo. I think is great they are taking ico's seriusly.. Just needs more time to moon... But Im positive they will go to mars! OMG Oh my God!!! Thank you thank you thank you. You are so great!!

So glad I got into OMG last week!! lol Was late to the party but still early enough.

Youre good i am holding long term

Truth revealed on old tv show, many people still ignorant...!/v/ragetester/6xicf9st
Feed the government!
Or was I looking for a different f word?

OMG is a very good long term coin


Damn I just bought NEO lol. The NEO gas concept makes so much sense. I still think its a long term hold.

definitely a great hold

i am keeping a check on neo prices its not looking good for long term

what makes you think it looks bad?

I think this announcement is like free marketing for Red Pulse, I am normally not interested in ICOs, now I have to go and check out who this Red Pulse company is and what exactly they do. Since they only accept NEO tokens for their ICO, people who want to get their tokens will have to buy NEO tokens. So I guess that the price of NEO will pick up soon. And Chinese nationals are not the only ones get excluded from this ICO, people in the US and Singapore are also excluded.

Great reporting as usual Crypt0! So that's why OMG is on a tear. I got in late (6.57) but was so happy with the short term results I bought more at 8.25. Your vids and FB group have been helpful in my learning experience, thanks!

Neo still has a future. The Chinese government will continue to impose regulatory measures on all the virtual currencies in order to control Yuan flowing into the crypto space.

Investor of neo will I think selling NEO to cover up expense.

Great post! What coins do you suggest investing in?

Omise to the moon!

I feel much better about my Neo now, thanks!

Does this mean we should buy or dump?

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chill and stop begging